Tier-Avis Nami has completed the requirements for the rank of Dark Jedi Knight as deemed necessary by the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. This request has been approved by both the Cestus house summit and the Tarentum clan summit.
Nami has shocked me. Before any negative connotations are possibly taken, let me explain. First, he has shocked me in terms of his amazing amount of activity. In fact, his very first act of activity when he joined the Brotherhood was not merely signing onto IRC, not simply taking an SA course - but creating a wiki page. He received his first promotion in one day, beyond all expectations for him. Since then, he has been honored as a Fist of Cestus each month for his vast amounts of work; and his merit and competition medals stand as a tribute to his skills.
He has also shocked me in terms of his brilliant writing skills. Nami's fiction has been some of the most impressive I have seen in a long time. His house summit task was a run-on, and a darn good one in the end. He consistently contributes to Cestus history and fiction development. All the while, he is a qualified ACCer, has earned several SA degrees, has written over ten pages of fiction, and has written a stellar wiki article.
There are many more things I can mention that have impressed me as Nami has progressed, but it would make this recommendation far too long. But what I will mention is something I find to be incredibly important to one's progress in the DJB. The rank of DJK is an incredibly valued and honored rank, one yearned for by many thriving Journeymen. But in the grand scheme of things, it is still nothing compared to the positions and ranks one could achieve. Being a DJK, in a sense, is still being a beginner at the game - when one becomes a Knight, he has proven that he can follow the basics. Now he must go beyond the basics.
I hope that Nami will consider his promotion as not an end, but a beginning - a stepping stone into the larger part of the Brotherhood. And in many ways, he's already started thinking ahead - he has voiced interest in becoming the next BTL of the Nightwraiths, as well as future leadership positions that should open up. I know this remark is not really of my own creation, but the only thing that will obstruct Nami from his goals now is himself. He has cleared the obstacle course set out for him - now he must triumph the natural hindrances to his imminent glory.
It is the honor of the house summit to bestow upon Tier-Avis Nami the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, and the gratitude of the clan to welcome him fully into our "august fraternity." Congratulations, Nami.
-OT Ronovi Tavisaen, Quaestor of House Cestus
Since joining the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Tier Avis has been more active than any other member of Cestus, journeyman or otherwise. He's a stand-up guy and has grown a great deal as a member while here. His writing has improved dramatically and his participation in fiction has been outstanding from the get go. I can think of nobody in Tarentum who deserves a promotion to DJK as much as Nami does.
-DJK Ji K'awiil, Aedile of House Cestus
Tier-Avis Nami completely missed the Great Jedi War this winter/spring. He did not exist as a Dark Jedi. He had no opportunity to prove himself among his brethren, no chance to triumph over others, no chance to lead by example. During a time when even the most steadfast admit slow times (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=13057), Nami has shined.
One cannot sit idly by as Nami works. Those that do are quickly forgotten. He has inspired me, a veteran of many wars, climes, and professions, to travel to new heights. His amazing ascendancy into power is the stuff masters dream of - and fear. Nami's more than once bested me in battle, something I am proud and embarrassed to admit. When I see into his future with the Brotherhood, I cannot help but feel excited about the hurt he will bring to those under his heel.
Nami's Master's Trial has alarmed me. Cast out into the loneliness he will come to prefer, I challenged him to unravel a mystery in a hybrid detective story/fiction. Not only did Tier nail every single clue with zero complaint to his master or inaccuracy, but he went beyond the immediate plot and expanded the universe, character development, and challenged me to continue the story at the caliber he had continued it.
Tier-Avis Nami is more than ready to yield a lightsaber. Woe to those that will see him use it. Woe, I feel, like so many masters before, I will soon feel.
-SBM Tek Cicero Dantes, master of Tier-Avis Nami
General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2009-10-16 07:20:04 UTC