Methyas L'eonheart

Equite 4, Rogues, Force Disciple, Consular
Displaying events 41 - 60 of 220 in total
Event ID
Aurora Collegium of Sciences
Old Rank
New Rank
III: Student
Requested by
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy data

dbb0t, 2013-11-28 00:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Master Malik Sadow
Primary reason

In the second phase of the Dark Crusade Methyas has participated in three events and earned a Bronze Nova in one of them while a member of the Special Forces team.
He has also continued to fulfill his duties as Rollmaster.

For that I would like to award him with this Dark Cross.

Master Malik Sadow, 2013-11-26 23:51:26 UTC
Event ID
Bronze Nova
XP Value
300.0 XP (Full Value)
Advertising Campaign (SF)
Requested by
Master Windos
Primary reason

For achieving 3rd place in the Advertising Campaign (SF) competition.

Master Windos, 2013-11-26 13:43:00 UTC
Event ID
Naga Sadow
Event ID
Shar Dakhan
Event ID
Marka Ragnos
Event ID
Old Name
Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart
New Name
Methyas L'eonheart
Primary reason

Simply dropping the "family" name; only two of us left, easier to identify the brothers by their own family name. ("Last name" in this case, not Brotherhood family)

Methyas L'eonheart, 2013-09-25 00:55:35 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
25 XP
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Official DJB Run-On Participation.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2013-09-08 23:59:27 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Master Malik Sadow
Primary reason

Leading by example Methyas participated in all six events in the final chapter of phase 1 of the Dark Crusade receiving a third place as part of the wiki team. For being a dedicated Rollmaster and a good role model for the Clan I would like to reward Methyas with this Anteian Cross.

Master Malik Sadow, 2013-07-23 21:39:04 UTC
Event ID
Bronze Nova
XP Value
300.0 XP (Full Value)
Dark Crusade P1C3: Wiki - Ch\\\'hodos
Requested by
Master Windos
Primary reason

For achieving third place in the Dark Crusade P1C3: Wiki - Ch\'hodos competition.

Master Windos, 2013-06-27 11:14:53 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For the 4v4 JA match played on 6/1/13. Well done!

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-06-23 06:31:55 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
1.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For a Jedi Academy 3v3 duel played 5/31/13. Well done!

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-05-31 22:37:11 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Reminiscence
XP Value
125.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ascendant James Lucius Entar
Primary reason

For your involvement in the 2013 Independence Games

-James, Muz, Solari

Ascendant James Lucius Entar, 2013-05-21 03:12:19 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

As Rollmaster, Methyas has been instrumental in reacquainting me with the workings of the DJB and the Clan. I haven't been around for a while and since a lot of things have changed, I needed to be updated. Since the first moment we started communicating via IRC and e-mail he has been open and forward with me. A quality I respect greatly.

Apart from his huge contribution to the Clan in the form of many projects (Black guard revamp and fiction revamp to name a few) he has kept his open attitude and mentor-like demeanour toward our greatest asset - our newest members. Encouraging new members to participate in the Crusade while leading as an example gives him a huge plus in my book, as it should in yours.

I can only say so much since I've been around a short time but what I can say is that he has worked tirelessly to keep the Clan going, and between himself, our CON and our PCON they have worked hard to keep the Clan on its feet and the membership sharp.

I humbly recommend this award for Methyas. He deserves it and he should get it. Congrats, mentor, and may the force be with you :)

  • Tyren Atema

So, I’m writing a recommendation for Methyas and immediately I go to look at his history in the DJB in order to get a good idea of what to say. What I saw was almost scary. Since 2010, this guy has been sitting on the summit of Naga Sadow with only a couple of months’ worth of breaks. It’s impressive really, that he’s been there for that long, guiding us and pretty much just being a useful, helpful dude. Also, in addition to summit, he’s been helping with the wiki for a while now too.

In addition to that, in the most recent Great Jedi War (a time when, of course, he was sitting on the summit) he put forth participation in 20 events. It’s an astounding number for a guy who was busy helping motivate people as well, and keeping his clan in order.

Speaking of clans, Methyas was one of the people instrumental in the efforts in piecing Naga Sadow back together into a clan, doing a tremendous amount of work in the re-clanning proposal, a task which shows just exactly how much he cares.

What might be the most impressive thing about Methyas is his ability to help people put together fictional things for their characters. The guy is creative, but he shares this font of creativity freely, helping anyone he sees that needs it. I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit I was one of those people, more than once in fact.

So, here I am, asking you to please award my brother a Sapphire Blade. As an award given to those who devote time, effort, and outright love to their clan and their club, I think it’s certainly warranted in Methyas’ instance. The guy is solid, and I’m honored to throw my name in the ring to see him awarded for the sheer awesome that he is.

Thank you for your consideration in awarding my older sister.

-OP Mirado Pepoi L’eonheart, Quaestor Emeritus of House Shar Dakhan.

Methyas has been invaluable performing as Clan Naga Sadow’s Rollmaster since the Aedile positions were removed. Almost every single time I’ve had a new member come to House Shar Dakhan, by the time I got the email alert, Methyas has already sent the welcome email as well. His welcome emails are packed with information for incoming Apprentices, truly an asset to our cause. He doesn’t just usher new folks in though, his steady performance and activity have been commendable lately. He went 10/11 in the Dark Crusade phases. Working with the new Battle Team Leader Mirus he has been trying to hammer out the new fictional direction of HSD. Other lore projects that he has helped the Summit with include the Fleet reset and the reintroduction of the Black Guard. Methyas has proven himself to be an active and dedicated member as he continues to decorate himself with various competition and merit awards. I believe and recommend at this time that Methyas be awarded a Sapphire Blade for his deeds thus far and his ongoing dedication to Naga Sadow.

OT Kairus Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan

There is a lot that can be said about Methyas' actions within CNS, and I hope I do him some small justice in this recommendation with but a taste of all that he has done. Since July of 2010 Methyas has never been far from the Summit, having a near constant input on choices of matter with a valued opinion, and since the days of being Consul he has taken a personal charge to assist all members of CNS' summit, and is almost single handedly responsible for training those currently in position. Methyas devotes even more of his time to furthering all of CNS fictionally, from maintaining the Naga Sadow categories for correct usage and current status to creating SHADOW and even updating/overhauling most Tarthosian cities and structures. In addition to all of the fictional work, Methyas actively takes part in all Vendetta and GJW events, spurring others to do the same. Since taking position as Rollmaster for both HMR and HSD he has reached out to help any and all members with whatever they need to see them successful in the DB.

One of the most genuine people CNS has, he gives and gives without asking anything in return. For all this, and the things unsaid here but in other recommendations, I do honestly believe that Methyas is more than deserving of a Sapphire Blade. Congrats my friend! - OP Araxis Farron, BTL of Sceptor of Ragnos

For more than three years now, Methyas has been a cornerstone of the community in Clan Naga Sadow. Already a former Aedile, Proconsul, and even once Consul, Methyas has never lost his drive and continues to serve in his role today as Rollmaster of the Clan, where he works closely with the other members of the Clan and House Summits, able to act as a mentor and help Locke and Atra through his past experience in their jobs first hand.

But providing support is only one of ongoing ways in which Methyas continues to contribute, and though much of his work today may now be behind the scenes, he serves as a close link with the developing generations, through his role as the figure who manages the Master-Student system and the apprenticeships of those still learning and needing the nurture and support to integrate fully into the Dark Brotherhood. In addition, Methyas remains a prominent public figure, and has most recently been assisting in redeveloping the Black Guard in order to better reflect the popular activities engaged in by today's generation of gamers and writers.

Beyond carrying out his assorted workload, Methyas himself leads by example, having been part of the winning team in the VOICE-led run-on competition back at the start of the year, as well as earning further accolades through his personal participation in the recent rounds of the ongoing Dark Crusade, proving that despite having been there and done it all in the past, Methyas has lost none of his enthusiasm and continues to serve as a role model.

For all this, Methyas deserves my and the whole Clan's thanks for continuing to be the kind of member that every unit wants and that the Dark Brotherhood would not exist without.

Darth Vexatus Son of Sadow

Hmm, how do I describe Methyas' service. Well, 'dedicated' is an overused word, but it certainly applies here. Methyas is a big part of our Summit projects. He is an authority on fiction, both of the Clan and otherwise. He's a close advisor to the current generation of Summit, having served as Consul before and continuing to help where needed. For example, Methyas has been our Clan Rollmaster for quite some time now.

Sometimes Rollmaster is written off as a menial position, but not in CNS. It's a valued and important job that Methyas takes seriously. He promptly greets newbies, and also keeps track of the Journeymen's progression through the early ranks. When they're ready to be promoted, Methyas makes sure they are in a timely fashion. Beyond that, he's always willing to offer advice to newer members and help them whenever they need it. And through all this, he's calm as a rock. Nothing seems to phaze this guy. When there's lots for us to do, he's always collected.

And then there's the projects. When we had the fleet reset at the end of last year, Methyas was my partner in deciding what to do with it. We had input from other people, but Methyas provided useful insight on basically everything, in addition to good ideas that we implemented. When it came time to make wiki pages for all the new stuff we got, Methyas made sure that they were made correctly and added what was missing.

That sort of brings me to my next point. Methyas always does stuff in the background and never expects recognition or award for it. He keeps up with and maintains CNS' wiki pages - when I'm not making massive changes that are impossible to track. Even then, he's pretty good at it. He's kind of like a historian, keeping a record of everything that happens in CNS over the years since he's been here. This is great for me because it means I have someone to ask if I'm wondering what a term means, or what an old wiki page is for, or if something is going to work or not with Star Wars lore and the Brotherhood's requirements.

Finally, Methyas sets the example for all those new people he helps out, and the old ones as well. He's 5 and 5 for Crusade events so far, and was also a part of the winning Prologue Runon team. Basically, Methyas is who I want to be when I grow up...err, step down from Consul, which will actually happen someday in the future! I want to be that guy who never goes away, who is always just as active or more so than the newer members of Summit, and who goes where I can help best. Methyas, and this is why I feel he deserves this Sapphire Blade. Congrats, Methyas!

  • KAP Locke Sonjie Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2013-04-12 08:29:46 UTC
Event ID
Bronze Nova
XP Value
300.0 XP (Full Value)
Dark Crusade Chapter 1 - Wikipedia: Reconnaissance (Nfolgai)
Requested by
Master Windos
Primary reason

For achieving third place in the Dark Crusade Chapter 1 - Wikipedia: Reconnaissance (Nfolgai) competition.

Master Windos, 2013-04-04 11:52:20 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For matches played in the Dark Crusade in March 2013

Fremoc Pepoi, 2013-03-31 02:45:23 UTC
Event ID
Gold Nova
XP Value
600.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

For placing 1st in the Avenger II run on. Congratulations. ~Darth Pravus

, 2013-02-06 17:39:29 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
20 XP
Dark Crusade: SSD Avenger II
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

For posting in the Avenger II Run on.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2013-02-05 19:24:00 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
5.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For doing some Halo 4 matchmaking!

Fremoc Pepoi, 2013-01-29 07:29:40 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Name the Sons!
Requested by
Master Malik Sadow
Primary reason

For achieving first place in the Name the Sons! competition.

Master Malik Sadow, 2013-01-02 07:59:30 UTC