
Journeyman 2, Rogues, Sith
Myrkal has collected 72 Academic Credits, with an average score of 93.57%
Myrkal has completed 3 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Pundit - Essentials 5 Dec, 2019
Maven - Philosophy 7 Dec, 2019
Maven - Legends 29 Dec, 2019
Myrkal has completed 41 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Advancement Survey 17 Apr, 2010 17 Apr, 2010 Complete
Department of Lore Galactic History 101 - The Era of the Old Republic 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 92%
Department of Lore Galactic History 102 - Twilight of the Galactic Republic 9 Dec, 2019 9 Dec, 2019 86%
Department of Lore Alchemy Studies 6 Dec, 2019 6 Dec, 2019 98%
Department of Lore Dark Brotherhood History 101 6 Apr, 2010 6 Apr, 2010 90%
Department of Lore Philosophy II: Cults of the Force 6 Dec, 2019 10 Dec, 2019 100%
Department of Lore Philosophy I: Views of the Force 1 Apr, 2010 1 Apr, 2010 100%
Department of Writing Test of Wisdom 15 Dec, 2019 15 Dec, 2019 88%
Department of Combat & Warfare Lightsaber Studies 10 Dec, 2019 10 Dec, 2019 94%
Department of Combat & Warfare Freighters/Transports Studies 10 Dec, 2019 10 Dec, 2019 90%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 104: The Great Sith War 11 Dec, 2019 11 Dec, 2019 83%
Department of Legends Obelisk Legends 1 Apr, 2010 1 Apr, 2010 91%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 101: Formation of the Galaxy 6 Apr, 2010 6 Apr, 2010 85%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 102: Origins of the Jedi Order 17 Apr, 2010 17 Apr, 2010 92%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 103: The Ascension of the Sith Empire 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 95%
Department of Legends Sith Legends 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 95%
Department of Legends Consular Legends 8 Dec, 2019 8 Dec, 2019 85%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 105: Saga of Revan and Malak 12 Dec, 2019 12 Dec, 2019 80%
Department of Legends Guardian Legends 29 Dec, 2019 29 Dec, 2019 90%
Department of Legends Sentinel Legends 29 Dec, 2019 29 Dec, 2019 95%
Department of Legends Krath Legends 29 Dec, 2019 29 Dec, 2019 100%
The Archives Dark Brotherhood Basics 1 Apr, 2010 1 Apr, 2010 100%
The Archives Essentials 102: Societies 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 100%
The Archives Essentials 104: Ranks 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 100%
The Archives Essentials 105: Organization 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 100%
The Archives Grammar Studies 18 Dec, 2019 18 Dec, 2019 85%
The Archives Essentials 106: Medals 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 100%
The Archives Essentials 101: History 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 100%
The Archives Essentials 103: Orders & Disciplines 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 100%
The Archives Training Saber Basics 17 Apr, 2010 17 Apr, 2010 Complete
The Archives Vendetta 101: Foundation 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 100%
The Archives Poetry Studies 19 Dec, 2019 19 Dec, 2019 96%
Character Creation & Development Force Disciple Order Core 14 Dec, 2019 14 Dec, 2019 100%
Character Creation & Development Loyalist Order Core 7 Dec, 2019 7 Dec, 2019 91%
Character Creation & Development Mercenary Order Core 7 Dec, 2019 7 Dec, 2019 100%
Character Creation & Development Societies: Inquisitorius 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 100%
Character Creation & Development Character Sheets 101: Introduction 14 Dec, 2019 14 Dec, 2019 100%
Character Creation & Development Jedi Order Core 14 Dec, 2019 14 Dec, 2019 100%
Character Creation & Development Societies: GMRG 15 Dec, 2019 15 Dec, 2019 100%
Character Creation & Development Sith Order Core 5 Dec, 2019 5 Dec, 2019 100%
N/A Trial of Identity 1 Apr, 2010 1 Apr, 2010 Complete