Amethyst Kukri events for Adept Xantros

Amethyst Kukri events
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Xantros was a fantastic asset to the Shadow Academy during his service as Magistrate to the Headmaster for seven months – one month beyond his initial term commitment to help us transition between HMs. During that time, the professor of our Combat Department had to resign, so Xantros took on the role and volunteered to continue grading until we had a new professor hired, trained and comfortable in the job. Between his work as Magistrate and Professor, he graded 72 courses in a timely, thoughtful manner, providing good feedback and taking extra steps to bring errors or course improvements to my attention.

In all of my work with him during my time as Praetor, I found he was always quick to volunteer for projects and to assist his fellow Magistrate when necessary. He audited three courses to help us finish our audit, including suggesting and writing additional material for our Force Philosophy II course. He also took on the complete rewrite of our Grey Jedi Order Core to bring it in line with the club's shift to Force Disciples and authored the Shadow Academy Society course, which doubles as the society's wiki page! Beyond course work, Xantros was highly instrumental in the organization of the Shadow Academy's Shadow Feast competition – creating the fiction and rap battle competitions, as well as contributing to and co-grading all six competitions.

Finally, I'd simply like to recognize Xantros for his consistency and dedication. From course additions to catching errors, it was obvious he took time to look for ways he could contribute beyond what was asked of him. He was also a huge help to me as a sounding board in the ideas he would offer as well as his willingness to challenge mine!

In combination with his general activity and service to his House and Clan, which I will let them speak to, I believe he is deserving of this award and hope it will serve as a small token of my appreciation. :)

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-06 00:39:06 UTC
Additional reasons

For a long time, Xantros has dedicated himself to contributing to the DJB whether it be through participation and assistance with clan-related work or in the SA. Since his last recognition, he's participated in 65 competitions, passed 72 SA courses, received 154 clusters of fire, 15 clusters of ice, 9 clusters of graphite, and 8 scrolls of foundation. He also participated in a couple of GJW competitions.

Xantros has approached me a few times asking in what ways he can help the clan, and always tells me he is available to help in any way possible. He's still very active in the TG clan chat, always encouraging and supporting others. His drive to help others and the clan in general to excel is duly noted, and I cannot say enough how valued and appreciated he is to us. He is more than deserving of this award, and I continue to watch over his progress with admiration. Congratulations, Xantros! Keep shooting for the stars (if you haven't surpassed them already haha).

Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter, 2020-07-24 23:30:45 UTC

Xantros is a member constantly willing to give aid and advice to leaders. Just recently he sent Shadow and myself a report of his thoughts on why the Clan wasn’t doing so well. It came with analysis, problems, but most importantly it provided solutions. Any member who isn’t a leader and is willing to put time into their unit through concise analysis is deserving of reward. This is in addition to the activity that he has provided to our Clan and the example of what we hope all members could be in the Imperial Clan!

Congrats, Xantros!

Sage Enzo Dek, 2020-08-05 03:34:37 UTC
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

Since his last recognition (August, 2020), Xantros has participated in 131 total competitions. Of this amazing showing, 25 of these competitions were for the Plagueis Pro Bowl which is an impressive 100% participation rate. He earned a Top 10 overall placement in this event and earned 161 points for his team. For his efforts, Xantros has earned 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 3 Crescents with Ruby Star, 9 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 14 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 9 Crescents with Emerald Star and 2 Crescents with Topaz Star. These crescents are in recognition for a variety of activities! For gaming, Xantros has participated in 83 PvP matches, being a staple of the DJB Hearthstone community. For his gaming efforts he has earned 603 Clusters of Fire. On the fictional front, Xantros has participated in 27 fiction activities excluding the ACC, and has earned 55 Clusters of Ice for writing 23,424 words of fiction and 2,344 Run On words. He has also earned 26 Clusters of Graphite for his artistic endeavors.

In the last year, Xantros has also organized or co-organized 19 competitions, including an incredibly popular puzzle series which is ongoing as of writing. Xantros has also passed 8 Shadow Academy courses and gained one degree, and was also awarded 1 Scroll of Foundation for their admirable service to the Shadow Academy.

Beyond his recognition for SA service, I must return to Xantros’s leadership - both formal, and informal. Between August 2020 to July 2021, Xantros served 11 months as an Aedile. In this role, he was a pillar of the Scholae Palatinae community. As has already been remarked, Xantros consistently leads by example with his high level of activity, communicated regularly with his House members together and one-on-one via e-mail, and worked with the Clan Summit to develop Clan lore and completed other administrative tasks. And though he resigned from the position of Aedile, Xantros continues to lead by example through his high rates of activity, and by positively encouraging members to communicate and do more through consistent and polite chat engagement.

For their ongoing contributions to Clan Scholae Palatinae and this club, I hereby nominate Xantros for an Amethyst Kukiri. Congratulations, and keep up the amazing work.

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2021-10-23 03:20:00 UTC
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Xantros’ latest six-month term in the Shadow Academy has been extremely valuable to both the Academy and the Brotherhood, as a whole. Xantros came to the position with the idea to host the monthly Mysteries Explained competition series and helped ensure that those ran faithfully – including five parent competitions, each with three smaller competitions of fiction, graphics and a puzzle. He also went the extra mile to create the prompts and rules for a sixth parent and its sub-competitions to make it easier for his replacement to hit the ground running.

Xantros also took on the role of creating and hosting the live Shadow Academy trivia on Discord, which involved selecting topics, writing 20 questions and multiple-choice answers around that topic and finding and formatting a few images for each round to use with the trivia. While these were initially planned as monthly competitions, he stepped up as it became more popular and helped us run them more frequently, for a total of eight during his term.

In addition to running competitions, Xantros also worked to lay the groundwork for six new courses, some of which will ultimately become a new intel-focused combat degree (one he even started prior to his term in a non-staff role just to help the SA). Those six course drafts include a great deal of research and synthesis of information on some niche topics, over 10,000 words of course notes, 86 exam questions and a ton of links to relevant material!

Though he would modestly deflect and call it simply “madness,” this kind of initiative and effort, some of which he completed in the final days of his term simply due to inspiration and motivation, exemplify Xantros’ commitment to help better the Brotherhood by continuing to produce new and interesting content for its members. It is for this reason that I am honored to recommend Xantros for his third Amethyst Kukri, and thank him again for his faithful and exceptional service to the Shadow Academy.

Congratulations, Xantros!

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2022-05-10 03:23:32 UTC