Talon Drear

Equite 1, Rogues, Sith, Obelisk
Displaying events 61 - 80 of 85 in total
Event ID
Crescent with Quartz Star
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
[Taldryan] Star Wars Beat’em up
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

For achieving third place in the [Taldryan] Star Wars Beat’em up competition.

Rian Taldrya, 2013-06-29 08:58:08 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Talon is by far one of the most active members Taldryan has to offer, and was a key player in our victory in the first round of the Dark Crusade.. He managed to snag himself 9 Seals of Reminiscence for his participation in the tenth Independence Games (with 5 placings) - he also participated in 7 Events of the Dark Crusade, receiving a Bronze Nova for placing second in the Krayiss II Run-On Event. Additionally Talon has passed a dozen of Shadow Academy courses which granted him the Maven of Flight, and continues to speak his mind freely with ideas to increase activity within the house after taking his first Apprentice. For being an extremely awesome asset to Taldryan, I request that Talon Drear be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar Quaestor of House Taldryan


Talon Drear has been my master for only a short time - but I am proud to have him at my side, aiding me along the Taldryan Summit. Talon’s being a really good master. Keeping me in track and harassing me when I need harassing. Guardian Nero Inferni

Member of House Taldryan

During the course of the Dark Crusade’s first Phase, Talon Drear has shown exemplary team work and extraordinary effort for his House Taldryan. This member takes his time spent in this club seriously, managing a total of 7 completed event submissions through the first 3 months of the Crusade, snagging 9 Seals for his strong participation in the Independence Games. In that time he has earned a Bronze Nova and 5 Crescents, ranging from Amethyst to Sapphire stars.

Talon’s inspiration was a driving force in Taldryan during the first two months of the Crusade, being one of the most outspoken members in Taldryan during that time. Leading off his Run-On team in Chapter 1 of the Crusade, he was on IRC daily and has been highly active over the mailing list the entire time. His efforts as a member of Taldryan and the Brotherhood warranted his promotion to Equite 1 recently, and is no surprise that he is up for a big Merit Award.

This member is deserving of much high praise, and many Tally’s have made their wishes known to see this member awarded with the best. Talon has been working closely with his Apprentice, Nero, in making sure he reaches the coveted rank of Dark Jedi Knight, and has done a magnificent job at seeing him through the Journeymen ranks.

For a great ethic, high activity and awesome presence, I hereby add my recommendation for Templar Talon Drear to be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Well done, my friend!

- Aedile of House Taldryan, Exarch Shaz’air Taldrya

Talon Drear is one of the finest examples of a member that a House could ask for. Since the beginning of the Dark Crusades, Tally has been an active participant in well over half of the available events. His activity in the recent Independance Games was also stellar, participating in 9 events. Throughout the whole time since this series of competitions has begun, Tally has been an active and outspoken member on IRC, and over the mailing lists, encouraging other members to step up, and be more active for the betterment of Taldryan. His leadership and fervor was instrumental in forming, planning, and executing a Runon in Phase Two that placed in the top five.

Despite the heavy workload that has been put upon us all, Talon has also stepped up to begin mentoring Nero Inferni, one of Taldryan’s up and coming members, as well as completed quite a few Shadow Academy courses, and has also stepped up in offering suggestions to the Taldryan leadership in the hopes of helping Taldryan further.

For this, and so much more, I recommend that Talon Drear receive a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor,

Dossier #83

Tally has been a great force in Taldryan’s ranks in these last few months, he has taken on Nero as his apprentice, and has successfully pestered of him to get to Guardian (and I believe Nero has only a task or two left to hit Jedi Hunter). Moreover, he has been a solid participant in the Dark Crusades and the Independence Games, and will continue to do so in the future. All this, from a guy that refused promotions for years - because he wanted to be one of the guys at Dark Jedi Knight. Talon Drear, like many of Taldryan’s finest does things for the betterment of his unit (and his friends). Someone once crafted Taldryan’s motto: A Brotherhood within a Brotherhood - and Tally’s intent (and his equally important actions) throughout the last few months show us that this spirit still exists. I strongly recommend Talon Drear be awarded the Grand Cross of the Dark Side to recognize his consistent efforts to further House Taldryan.


Darth Aeternus, 2013-06-23 08:58:12 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Topaz Star
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Grafiti your PRT
Requested by
Miranda Goto
Primary reason

For achieving first place in the Grafiti your PRT competition.

The awards for this competition were downgraded due to low participation.

Miranda Goto, 2013-06-02 15:12:58 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ascendant James Lucius Entar
Primary reason

For placing in one of the 2013 Independence Games Events

-James, Muz, Solari


Ascendant James Lucius Entar, 2013-05-22 01:24:55 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ascendant James Lucius Entar
Primary reason

For placing in one of the 2013 Independence Games Events

-James, Muz, Solari


Ascendant James Lucius Entar, 2013-05-22 01:24:37 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ascendant James Lucius Entar
Primary reason

For placing in one of the 2013 Independence Games Events

-James, Muz, Solari


Ascendant James Lucius Entar, 2013-05-22 01:24:35 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ascendant James Lucius Entar
Primary reason

For placing in one of the 2013 Independence Games Events

-James, Muz, Solari


Ascendant James Lucius Entar, 2013-05-22 01:24:05 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ascendant James Lucius Entar
Primary reason

For placing in one of the 2013 Independence Games Events

-James, Muz, Solari


Ascendant James Lucius Entar, 2013-05-22 01:23:24 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Reminiscence
XP Value
225.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ascendant James Lucius Entar
Primary reason

For your involvement in the 2013 Independence Games

-James, Muz, Solari

Ascendant James Lucius Entar, 2013-05-21 03:12:35 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Obelisk Templar (Equite 1)
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Dedication and hard work are the highest traits I am searching for on every member of Taldryan. One particular member who fits best into these two traits is Dark Jedi Knight Talon Drear. Upon his rejoining Taldryan over 2 years ago Talon has shown an ever growing dedication towards his House through various activities that granted him a wide range of rewards, ranging from Clusters of Fire up to a Dark Cross. He also shows a strong presence on both IRC and E-mail, always pushing other members to participate in the events of the Dark Crusade. To some degree it was this presence that planted the seeds of enthusiasm to around him to do their part in the House during the Crusade.

Even in the Past Talon has been an example of activity, as shown by the rewards he has been re-rewarded for the events dating before the Split: - Steel Cross Awarded - Anteian Cross Awarded - Dark Cross Awarded x 3 - Bronze Nova Awarded x 3 - Silver Nova Awarded - Cluster of Fire Awarded - Legion of the Scholar Awarded

Another traits that define Talon in a positive way were his unselfishness and modesty: over the course of many years Talon has been at the rank of Dark Jedi Knight foremost to the reason he didn’t saw himself fitting the role of an Equite of Taldryan and that for remanded a promotion more than once to be changed to a medal and as of late he has started to stretch out his fingers on how to improve the average participation and activity among the other members of Taldryan.

Talon Drear: Despite passing the only down written promotion requirement to be elevated to the tier of Equitehood it were your soft skills that really make me think you are eligible for a promotion to the rank of Obelisk Templar. You have all I am looking for on a loyal member of Taldryan, you have worked hard for this and are more than worth for this price. With this I am requesting your elevation to the rank of Obelisk Templar. Congratulations, and now arise, an Equite soldier of Taldryan.

-- OP Rian Aslar (Obelisk)/QUA/Taldryan [TOR] [GMRG: I] [ACC: II] GC-PoDP / SC-SoF / AC / DC-BP / GN / SN / BN-BL / Cr-3R-6A-5S-9E-11T-5Q / CF / CI-RC / LS-BL / SoL / S:-10B-7De-3Ret-18Dec-13Aff

{SA: MVL - MVF} Pin #10701

What can I say about Talon Drear? Perhaps the longest serving, active Dark Jedi Knight in the Dark Brotherhood’s history. This is not for a lack of desire to participate, or of actually being active. Tally is an odd little duck, who loved the idea of being a Dark Jedi Knight that he constantly refused promotions, so that he could remain the rank he loved. His history in the DB dates back into the 1990s, and since that time he has been a staunch and loyal member of Clan Taldryan. Tally has always been what you would call a team player. He cares little for personal advancement, but loves participating and helping out the team. It was his drive and dedication that lead the efforts of Team Awesome that recently placed third in the second month of the Dark Crusades. He has been constantly offering his ideas and his advice where he can to both new and old members alike, and never once thinking about his own ego. It is a rare and amazing attitude to find in the Dark Brotherhood, and one worthy of both our recognition, and our respect. Talon Drear is one of the most deserving candidates for promotion to the rank of Obelisk Templar that I have ever seen, now that the crazy stubborn bastard is finally willing to accept it. The following is for the lazy ass MAA Office who apparently can’t read through text to pick out accomplishments that are not in list form. -Owns a Steel Cross, which is the only solid criteria on the wiki. -Has sent over 80 emails in a 60 day period to Taldryan both encouraging and spawning creativity. -Spent multiple hours on IRC -Participated in 6 Events over the course of the first two months of the Dark Crusades. -Helped organize and manage a Top 3 Finishing runon in the March version of the Dark Crusades. -Guided and assisted other members in order to help them participate in various events within the Dark Crusades. -Has completed multiple SA Courses outside of competitions. -Is Dutch, and despite that, is still awesome. DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor

Talon is a real asset to Taldryan. He's an active presence on both irc and e-mail and a great member of the house. His enthusiasm is hugely valuable and must be commended. Talon would have been promoted some time ago were it not for his quirky attachment to the DJK rank ;)

Promotion through the equite ranks has always been about dedication, consistent activity, and being an asset to your clouse. Talon embodies all three. He's already started to encourage activity in others, despite having no formal remit to do so - he does it because he's a great team player.

DJM Alanna Taldrya (Krath)/RM/Taldryan [ACC: II]
SL / ED / RS / AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoR / AC-ToSL / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN-AgL / BN-PL / Cr-1D-2R-4A-7S-9E-3T / CF / CI-PC / DSS-AuL / SI-AuL / SoF / LS-AgL / SoL-BE / S:-5M-7R-3Al-3C-12D-4Dk-17P-17U


Daughter of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-04-10 13:48:24 UTC
Event ID
Bronze Nova
XP Value
300.0 XP (Full Value)
Dark Crusade Round 2 Run On: Krayiss II
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

For achieving third place in the Dark Crusade Round 2 Run On: Krayiss II competition.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2013-04-03 20:39:53 UTC
Event ID
Legion of the Scholar
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Re-rewarding old pre-split medals.

Darth Aeternus, 2013-03-16 06:36:48 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
1.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Re-rewarding old pre-split medals.

Darth Aeternus, 2013-03-16 06:36:39 UTC
Event ID
Silver Nova
XP Value
450.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Re-rewarding old pre-split medals.

Darth Aeternus, 2013-03-16 06:36:27 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Re-rewarding old pre-split medals.

Darth Aeternus, 2013-03-16 06:35:41 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Re-rewarding old pre-split medals.

Darth Aeternus, 2013-03-16 06:36:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Re-rewarding old pre-split medals.

Darth Aeternus, 2013-03-16 06:36:09 UTC
Event ID
Bronze Nova
XP Value
900.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Re-rewarding old pre-split medals.

Darth Aeternus, 2013-03-16 06:36:20 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Dark Crusade: SSD Avenger II
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

For posting in the Avenger II run on.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2013-02-04 11:51:03 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

Talon Drear has been a blast to have around Taldryan. Over the past month Talon has been a vocal member over the Taldryan mailing list and a overall great person to have around Tal. His stunning abilities in the art of the annual Taldryan Holiday Bash garnered a Crescent for every event he participated in, including a Sapphire Star, an Emerald Star and lastly a Topaz Star. Talon also managed to snag 4 Clusters of Fire since the beginning of January.

Well done indeed sir! Congratulations on your Dark Cross (AKA le cookie)! - Exarch Shaz’air Taldrya, Aedile of House Taldryan

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2013-01-12 05:09:04 UTC