
Journeyman 4, Rogues, Sith
Varoth has collected 19 Academic Credits, with an average score of 94.0%
Varoth has completed 1 degree
Degree Date Completed
Maven - Legends 2 Apr, 2012
Varoth has completed 18 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Advancement Survey 23 Mar, 2012 23 Mar, 2012 Complete
Department of Lore Races and Species 23 Mar, 2012 23 Mar, 2012 91%
Department of Lore Philosophy I: Views of the Force 29 Mar, 2012 29 Mar, 2012 100%
Department of Lore Galactic Languages 4 Apr, 2012 4 Apr, 2012 95%
Department of Legends Krath Legends 29 Mar, 2012 29 Mar, 2012 93%
Department of Legends Obelisk Legends 2 Apr, 2012 2 Apr, 2012 100%
Department of Legends Sith Legends 2 Apr, 2012 2 Apr, 2012 87%
The Archives Leadership Fundamentals 29 Mar, 2012 29 Mar, 2012 94%
The Archives Poetry Studies 19 Apr, 2012 19 Apr, 2012 93%
The Archives Test of Power 16 Feb, 2012 16 Feb, 2012 100%
The Archives Dark Brotherhood Basics 20 Mar, 2012 20 Mar, 2012 97%
The Archives Planets and Stars 23 Mar, 2012 23 Mar, 2012 97%
The Archives Training Saber Basics 24 Mar, 2012 24 Mar, 2012 Complete
The Archives Plagueis History 27 Mar, 2012 27 Mar, 2012 94%
The Archives ACC Basics 28 Mar, 2012 28 Mar, 2012 100%
The Archives Runon Studies 10 Apr, 2012 10 Apr, 2012 92%
Character Creation & Development Societies: GMRG 16 Feb, 2012 16 Feb, 2012 92%
N/A Trial of Identity 11 Jul, 2011 11 Jul, 2011 Complete