Teylas Ramar

Elder 1, Clan Plagueis, Sith
Displaying events 401 - 420 of 516 in total
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
1.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For matches played in the Dark Crusade in March 2013

Fremoc Pepoi, 2013-03-31 02:40:33 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Primary reason

Teylas isn't your average member. He approaches his activity with an altogether outlook on what it means. He's not in it for the personal glory. He's not in it for the awards and the praise. He's in it for the unit.

Since coming to Plagueis and being offered the BTXO slot of Ajunta Pall, the Teylas Ramar we've seen has been a selfless, dedicated member of the unit, bent on working for the enrichment of his fellows in AP, as well as the unit as a whole. He and Alaris worked hard to refine the vision of AP, to write the wiki page, to craft the reality of what it meant to not only be in Ajunta Pall, but of it.

He continues to serve by being the leader that gets out the members, inspiring and motivating them to activity. His personal memos to his members served as a linchpin to their being active, often fielding questions and concerns in helping them orient on the events.

When it comes to his personal success though, he's rather quiet about the two Novae he received, or his additional top five placement. He's quiet about the work he did in contributing to the Run On. He's quiet about the wiki contributions. He's a member that rather than show off what he does and how fantastic he is, would rather shine the spotlight on his members and help them bask in their glory, and how it contributes to the unit's success.

What takes it beyond that though, is affability to anyone. He's open and approachable by all member of the Brotherhood, working hard to contribute in TOR not only to Plagueis, but to anyone who seeks help. Teylas really is the member that we want to see further advance not only as an Equite, but as a leader. In time, I truly believe we'll see amazing things from him, even as his existing work serves to set him apart.

I'm proud to be able to offer him a promotion to Sith Warrior for his dedication and devotion to Plagueis and the Brotherhood.

OE Tra'an Reith, Quaestor of House Plagueis

Teylas is a person that I've known outside of the Brotherhood for over eight years now, and from serving with him in other organizations I always knew that he would take to the Brotherhood like a fish to water. It finally took the launch of The Old Republic for us to get our hooks into him, and I know that Plagueis is a better place because of it. While he came to us as primarily a TOR member in his early days (as his 646 Clusters of Fire since attaining the rank of Dark Jedi Knight can attest), he is one of the rare people that made the transition to fully contributing Brotherhood member as well as taking on leadership unrelated to the TOR realm.

His activity since moving to Plagueis has been excellent, though he has taken it to a whole other level since taking over as the BTXO of Ajunta Pall in January. Plagueis holds its BTXO's to the requirements, as far as activity and leadership are concerned, that a Clan holds its Aediles, and Teylas is the best example of that. Much of the basic conceptual work to craft the identity of Ajunta Pall was done before his selection as BTXO, but he was the one left with the unenviable duty of taking that concept and fleshing it out for wiki pages. He was the one that did a lot of the grunt work to get Ajunta Pall established, and it wouldn't be as well put together without him. His personal participation in the Crusade was excellent, bringing home Novae in two events as well as an additional top five placement amongst nine total entries, but his leadership in Ajunta Pall was even better. The ten members of that Battle Team generated more activity than three separate houses in BOTH chapters of the Dark Crusade so far, and Teylas's leadership was integral to that performance.

He's also not one to remain focused on simply himself or his unit, always willing to offer his experience in the form of advice to anyone. His ability to see things that can benefit the club as a whole obviously come from many years running another organization, but his ability to translate them to the differing environment of the Dark Brotherhood is laudable. One specific example of this would be bringing the suggestion of Cluster awards for heroic missions in TOR, to further encourage member interaction and teaming within that arena for the purposes of building community bonds.

His activity, leadership, and his genuine concern for making the Brotherhood a fundamentally better place are the hallmarks of an Equite, and it is my great pleasure to recommend him for the rank of Sith Warrior.

~ Sith Battlelord Solus Gar

Equites are asked to be active, to step into leadership, and to begin the shift from being a Journeyman participant to a producer, planner, organizer, and encourager. Teylas Ramar entered Plagueis -- and entered the Brotherhood -- with that attitude already in place, gathered from experience outside the Club that has been brought to bear with remarkable skill. His role in Battle Team Ajunta Pall's dominance so far in Dark Crusade has enabled those ten members to outperform entire Houses, and has given our House a healthy foundation of activity that we can continue to build on month after month. He has been a significant portion of the House's gaming presence and a fixture in our extended House Summit. With the required Steel Cross borne proudly on his chest, he has crossed the last hurdle that stood between him and the rank of Sith Warrior.

After nearly a year at the rank of Knight, I believe it's time that his contributions be recognized in the form of a promotion. Thank you for your determined focus. You've already helped to strengthen your unit and your Brotherhood -- and I look forward to seeing your contributions as you continue forward.

OP Eiko Rollmaster of House Plagueis Praetor to the Grand Master

Teylas reminds me of my Journeyman years in that I attempted to become as involved and as crucial of a member as possible even while new. In my experience working with him, he has not simply succeeded at the fictional level, but also at the participatory and sportsmanship level. Having worked with him on two ROs in the Dark Crusade Prologue and second Phase (receiving a Bronze and Gold Nova for them, respectively), I can see the drive and motivation he has to continually improve his writing and his inclusion into the greater part of Plagueis.

Honesty, innovation, and fortitude are three facets that Teylas brings with his attitude. He has been a continual presence for the younger membership, providing a consistent voice in Plagueian proceedings and discussions. As XO of Ajunta Pall, he has shown capability in terms of offering a complex and invigorating structure and opportunity for the members of the battle team. His medals have been granted for an obvious reason - he is more than just a good gamer, writer, and participant. He is a leader and role model for his house, which he cares very deeply about. That is admirable, and sometimes that’s difficult to spot in some houses or clans.

I wholeheartedly offer my words of recommendation for his promotion to Sith Warrior.

Ronovi Tavisaen

Plagueis has been extraordinarily lucky, as of late, to be able to bring members into our House who have been driven enough to be vital toward establishing us as a contender. One of those people is Teylas Ramar. There is not much I can say more than has already been said, but I will say that I am equally lucky to have him acting as my “Number One” in BT Ajunta Pall. He has stepped up and taken the role very seriously, encouraging members individually and as a whole. He leads, not only by his words, but by his actions. His two gold novae and one bronze nova in the Dark Crusade and its prologue show his dedication to producing excellent quality work. In addition to the quality of his work, there has been a fantastic amount of quantity that has come from him. He participated in 9 of 11 possibly events during the Crusade proper, and received a Steel Cross for that work.

There is no person that I would rather have working as my Executive Officer in Ajunta Pall, and it with great pleasure that I recommend him for the rank of Sith Warrior.

Congratulations, Teylas. This is well deserved.

Primarch Alaris Jinn di Plagia Right Hand of Justice BTL of Ajunta Pall

Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia, 2013-03-27 21:41:02 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Primary reason

Between submitting to nine of eleven events, and personally encouraging multiple members to participate, working with members to ensure the quality of their submissions, and helping to run a Battleteam that outscored three separate Houses, Teylas Ramar has proved to be an outstanding member.

For participation above and beyond the call of duty in the first two Chapters of Phase One of the Dark Crusade, I hereby request that Teylas Ramar be awarded his well deserved Steel Cross.

Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia, 2013-03-24 15:50:04 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
8.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing False Emperor Hard Mode. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-28 21:40:58 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
7.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Boarding Party Hard Mode. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-28 21:40:58 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Eternity Vault Story Mode. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-28 21:40:57 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Karagga's Palace Hard Mode

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 20:19:15 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing three raids in a week. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 20:19:16 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Eternity Vault Story Mode

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 20:19:12 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Eternity Vault Hard Mode

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 20:19:14 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
8.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing False Emperor. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 20:19:11 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
8.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing the Battle of Illum Hard Mode. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 20:09:54 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For completing three raids in one week! Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 20:04:56 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For completing three raids in one week! Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 20:04:56 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Eternity Vault Story Mode. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 17:31:56 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
8.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Battle of Illum Hard Mode. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 17:23:45 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
8.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Battle of Illum Hard Mode. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 17:23:45 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
8.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Battle of Illum Hard Mode. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 17:23:46 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
8.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Battle of Illum Hard Mode. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 17:17:46 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

For successfully completing Karagga's Palace Story Mode. Well done!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Archangel Palpatine, 2013-02-27 17:14:27 UTC