- Event ID
- 93707
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia, 2012-03-23 00:25:49 UTC
- Event ID
- 50438
- Award
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- Give In To Your Anger
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
1st place, nice submission!!
, 2012-03-21 07:34:41 UTC
- Event ID
- 50381
- Award
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- [VOICE] Betrayal and Deceit
- Requested by
- Colonel Shanree Argentin
- Primary reason
3rd place with a good submission!
Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2012-03-18 16:21:44 UTC
- Event ID
- 50378
- Award
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- [VOICE] Seven Levels of Hell
- Requested by
- Colonel Shanree Argentin
- Primary reason
3rd place with a good submission!
Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2012-03-18 16:21:44 UTC
- Event ID
- 70596
- Old Rank
(Journeyman 1)
- New Rank
(Journeyman 2)
- Requested by
- Liam Torun-Urr
- Primary reason
Gon Doru, or Fistandantilusi as most have come to know him, is a very active Journeyman of Plagueis and should serve as an example to his peers. In the four weeks since he was named Protector, he has earned a Dark Cross, expanded his Wiki article substantially, and has completed his Obelisk Core exam. Furthermore, he is an ever-present face in the #plagueis channel, where he pushes to increase the overall chat activity and communication.
Beyond these things, he has completed the ACC Basics exam and submitted a character sheet, he has participated in the competitions Martial Training, Ancestor Lore, Give In To Your Anger, Betrayal and Deceit, and Seven Levels of Hell. He has completed the IRC Basics, Clan Arcona History, Combat Tactics 1, Combat Tactics 2, Writing Studies, Grammar Studies, Run-On Studies, Poetry Studies, Light Jedi History, and Races and Species Shadow Academy exams. He has completed two pages of fiction and I have approved them, as per the current Requirements.
Gon Doru has learned well and proven himself a Guardian of Plagueis and the Brotherhood, and I would have his rank reflect that fact, as per the current MAA Promotion Requirements. Congratulations, Fistan, may you continue to succeed and grow.
Liam Torun-Urr, 2012-03-06 13:22:55 UTC
- Event ID
- 72607
- Old Name
- New Name
- Gon Doru *Fistandantilusi*
- Primary reason
Pulling down the name Gon Doru from my characters past under the instruction of a fallen Jedi Knight. In using this name which can be just Gon Doru it would better serve the community in an easier to spell name on all of my formal emails. In addition really keeping Fistandantilusi in the asterisks the name is still part of my characters. If the name change with the way i put it above is an issue let me know
Cartel Dh'than, 2012-03-04 18:47:13 UTC
- Event ID
- 49863
- Award
- Dark Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
For completion of 10 Shadow Academy classes since Feb 10th and continued IRC presence. Great job..
, 2012-02-21 13:15:02 UTC
- Event ID
- 70534
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 4)
- New Rank
(Journeyman 1)
- Requested by
- Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
- Primary reason
Since joining, Fistandantilusi, despite his unusual name, has proven to be an intelligent and capable member. His name is actually a well thought out, meaningful one, with multiple layers to it. I suggest you ask him sometime on IRC so he can explain.
He has repeatedly proven to be a curious, diligent, and devoted member. He strives for knowledge, seeks perfection, and is always looking for the next challenge.
I welcome him above the sparring circle, into the rank of Protector, where he may hold and utilize an armory saber for the benefit of Plagueis. I look forward to making your next promotion request soon.
Tra'an Reith
Qua of Plagueis
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia, 2012-02-06 22:53:11 UTC
- Event ID
- 49556
- Award
- Crescent with Topaz Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- [PLA] Affection is a Weakness
- Requested by
- Liam Torun-Urr
- Primary reason
For 1st Place. Nice submission!
Medal downgraded due to lacking participation.
Liam Torun-Urr, 2012-02-02 22:46:39 UTC
- Event ID
- 70448
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 3)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 4)
- Requested by
- Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
- Primary reason
Novice Fistandantilusi has completed the folowing per the Promo Guidelines:
Any Dark Brotherhood competition (Heart of the Blade)
Logon to IRC and visit your Clan channel
Register on the Dark Brotherhood forums
I request he be promoted to Acolyte accordingly.
Sacramentum di Plagia.
Semper Fidelis di Plagia.
Glory to Plagueis.
Adapt. Ascend. Avail.
OP Tra'an Reith (Obelisk)/QUA/Plagueis [ACC: JUD]
SC / AC / DC-BP / BN-BL / Cr-5A-1S-6E-5T-2Q / CF-GF / CI-GC / DSS-BL / LS-AuL / SoL / S:-4Rm-8P-5U-4B-1De-3Ret-9Dec
Adapt. Ascend. Avail!
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia, 2012-01-07 21:41:54 UTC
- Event ID
- 70283
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 2)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 3)
- Requested by
- Ka'Hava'Ve
- Primary reason
Fistandantilusi has completed his CS, fulfilling the requirement of one basic activity and warranting a promotion to Novice.
Good job!
Ka'Hava'Ve, 2011-11-11 14:04:20 UTC
- Event ID
- 74704
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Automatic Transfer after passing Test of Lore
Cartel Dh'than, 2011-11-10 19:23:06 UTC
- Event ID
- 70282
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 1)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 2)
- Requested by
- Cartel Dh'than
- Primary reason
Passed the Test of Lore
Cartel Dh'than, 2011-11-10 19:23:06 UTC