Character Snapshot (Battlelord Mateus Kelborn)

Character Snapshot for Obelisk Prelate Mirus Hi'ija (2015/07/26, Obelisk Prelate Mirus Hi'ija vs. Guardian Duelist Sa Ool)

Obelisk Prelate Mirus Hi'ija

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Obelisk, Juggernaut
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 100.0 kg / 220 lbs
Age: 29 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Mirus is naturally a large and physically imposing person with a heavyset, muscular frame built from many years of training his body. He stands a not-quite-intimidating five feet and eleven inches, but carries the bulky muscle mass of two hundred and twenty pounds. With very little body fat and a body that tapers down towards his waist, he looks every part the powerful and strong fighter he is. He possesses long, strong fingers, large feet and bronzed skin from spending a considerable amount of time in the sun, pockmarked and weathered though his complexion may be. He has short black hair, blue eyes, thin eyebrows, a long nose and wide jaw, face usually kept in a brooding or even emotionless expression.

Mirus has a number of scars and tattoos all across his body acquired from various battles fought; the most obvious of all of these are the set of dragon's fangs beside his left eye acquired as a sign of his dedication to battle and the long black coiled krayt dragon around his left bicep. He has a long scar running across the right side of his face as a reminder of the changes he has recently undergone and a set of three claw scars from a rogue nexu running diagonally on his right palm.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Lightsaber, force pike, Valhavoc's hidden blade
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)
  • Lightsaber.
  • Power hammer.
  • Valhavoc's Hidden Blade - extending blade that generates a powerful electric shock.
  • Mirus employs heavy armour whenever possible.
Son of Allya (General Aspect)

Hailing from the planet Dathomir, a matriarchal tribal world, Mirus is strongly accustomed to a lifestyle that is far simpler than many in the Galaxy are used to. As a Dathomiri, he much prefers a lifestyle without many of the creature comforts that most take for granted, making him come across as a very plain sort of person. While he is not entirely useless at technology, he does occasionally struggle with the more advanced pieces of technology and, in many cases, is not an adept hand behind the controls of a vehicle beyond the most basic speeder or using advanced computer banks.

Forge-Born (General Aspect)

Mirus has turned all the skills he has learned from being a Praetor to a more basic approach to life. The considerable experience garnered as a weapons and armour expert has now been turned to running a simple smithy where he creates and repairs arms, diligently working under the aegis of Arcona. Having abandoned the needs and wants of power for a simpler life, Mirus has all but given up on his dreams of conquest. Much like the Titans of yore, his warrior persona rests dormant, only to be awakened when the bells of war toll and his brethren have need of him.

Yes, My Queen (Personality Aspect)

Women have been a central part of Mirus' life since birth - not because he is any kind of ladies' man, but because the society from which he hails is dominated by women and men are generally slaves or property at best. Fortunate enough to be family to a Dathomiri Superior Mother to avoid being a slave, Mirus is strongly accustomed to seeing women in positions of power. He has the tendency to defer to women thanks to this upbringing, knowing rather well thanks to more than one sickeningly brutal beating that traditional gender roles as many Galactic societies would expect simply do not exist.

Titan of New Tython (Personality Aspect)

Born in the crucible of war and cast in bronzium, the necessity of fighting the wars of Odan-Urr gave birth to the mantle of Titan, one that he refuses to cast off even in the Dark. Stoic and terse to a fault, Mirus has the very strong tendency to keep his thoughts to himself and bottle everything in, being as quick and efficient as possible in all things - until the time for battle rolls around, in which he will immediately proceed to release all that he has pent up in a storm of furious rage, relentlessly destroying every foe that stands in his way, often in unique and innovative ways. Certainly this has its downsides; it is not often that Mirus will express empathy or concern for others beyond a rare few, as well as (coupled with his general anachronism) giving him the air of an uncultured, warmongering barbarian.

Paragon of the Royal Guard (Combat Aspect)

Mirus has trained extensively on the Spike as a high-ranked member of the Grand Master's Royal Guard. He has the very strong tendency to fight on the front lines of a battlefield without thought and, as a trained Guard, when he has a target to protect he will fight hard to keep his charge safe. However, this is often at the detriment and cost of his own health and safety, where he could easily end up more injured than he would otherwise thanks to his own self-sacrifice for another's sake: it has cost him his life once before and could reap the same cost again.

Might Makes Right (Combat Aspect)

Mirus is one of the rare few who prizes raw physical strength and power over the commonly-used dextrous perfection of the myriad assassins of the Brotherhood. With raw Might and Endurance, Mirus will do everything in his power to overpower and outlast any opponent that challenges him, embodying the philosophies of Djem So in doing so - and with an aptly-timed Rage, this gives him an even further edge. In battle Mirus will very often favour a two-handed grip on his weapon, maximizing the force he can bring to bear against an enemy. Whether applying this with a lightsaber, sword or even his fists, there is little he cannot crush in melee combat - however, the maxim of 'you can't hurt what you can't hit' always rings true, applied to both opponents faster than he and those at a distance.

Skill Feats
Second Skin I You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die
Force Feats
You've Got The Touch! Telekinetic Strike III Rampage I
Granted Feats
Iron Pillar II Surge II Human: Just Another Face
  • Basic
  • Paecian
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Metallurgy
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Broken Gate
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form V (Djem So)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None