Anteian Cross events for Reaper Heiken Akechi

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Having participated in a total of 3 events on the most recent Dark Crusade chapter, and two events during the Independence Games in which he gained his first Crescent as well as being one of Taldryans most active Gamers with gaining himself a total 51 Clusters of Fire as well as a Bronze Novae, Nero has been a real asset to Taldryan and one of the most active Journeymen of the House since his promotion to Guardian. His steady voice on IRC and his will to increase the activity within the House through running a competition of his own show only add to this.

Nero, for your dedication for Taldryan on the battlefields of the Dark Crusade, I am hereby rewarding you with an Anteian Cross. Congrats on your first Merit Award, well deserved and of course well done.

Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar Quaestor of House Taldryan #10701

Nero has been a shining star amongst his Journeymen brothers of Taldryan. Earning 51 CF’s in may, along with a Crescent with Amethyst, 2 Seals of Reminiscence and a recent promotion to Guardian, this member is showing his stuff. During the Dark Crusade Nero Iferni participated in a total of 3 events in the 3rd month of the event.

For his dedication to Taldryan and growth in the Brotherhood, in tandem with my Quaestor Rian, hereby award Guardian Nero Iferni with an Anteian Cross. Congratulations on your first Merit Award, brother. Well earned!

  • Aedile of House Taldryan, Exarch Shaz’air Taldrya

Rian Taldrya, 2013-06-13 11:26:31 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Rax Von-Klug
Primary reason

Since Decimo's last award he has shown a great flurry of activity and brought a new member into the Dark Brotherhood family. He has participated in every major competition for the Clan and DJB as whole, during the most recent GJW he participated in 3 events and was a integral part of our Run-On team. Nero is one the most active gamer's in the House collecting 351 clusters and always willing to do some rifting in diablo 3.

Nero, for your dedication to House Dinaari I am hereby rewarding you with an Anteian Cross. Congratulations it's well deserved.

Rax Von-Klug, 2015-02-13 15:07:07 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
Primary reason

Ah, Nero. One of my members that has no end of creativity and character concepts that has earned him the nickname ‘man of many faces’. He’s someone I can always poke when there’s a concept in the back of my head and I want someone to bounce ideas off of. His sheer determination and tenacious attitude is one that can be either a gift or curse; one of those qualities that can have people love or hate you. Since his last recognition, Ryuu Suoh has participated in twenty-seven competitions—five of which were part of the Twelfth Great Jedi War—and completed an ACC match against a true veteran of the club. Despite being faced against someone who has earned the highest rank short of Grand Master in the club, Nero never backed down. The team he was a part of in the Run-On portion of the GJW earned sixth place overall, which is no mean feat with the pool of talent we have in the Brotherhood.

In that time, he has earned a Crescent with Topaz Star, two hundred and sixty-seven Clusters of Fire, four Clusters of Graphite and five Clusters of Ice. Gaming, Graphics, Combat Writing, Run-Ons... Ryuu Suoh takes part in every aspect this club has to offer. He’s one of those members that rolls with what he’s given and makes the best of it, satisfied with the fact that he’s done the best he could. These are the qualities of many of the unsung heroes in this club, the backbone that has kept it running for such a long time.

For his dedication, I am pleased to recommend that Ryuu Suoh—the character he’s maintaining as I write this—be awarded an Anteian Cross for his tireless struggle.

Congratulations, Nero.

Celevon Edraven Erinos
Quaestor, House Hoth of Clan Odan-Urr

Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, 2018-03-19 22:36:18 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama
Primary reason

Since his last recognition (an Anteian Cross in March 2018), Nero has participated in a total of 19 competitions, both steadily throughout 2018 (including RoS: Meridian while a member of Odan-Urr), and following his return to the DJB in Taldryan during GJW XIII. Over the course of those competitions, he's earned a Crescent w/ Emerald Star, 184 Clusters of Fire, 36 Clusters of Earth, and 8 Clusters of Graphite. In addition to his competition participation and other gaming activity, Nero has completed three Shadow Academy courses since his last recognition. In light of his activity in 2018 and since his return to the DB, I request that Nero be awarded the Anteian Cross.

Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama, 2019-10-06 19:06:17 UTC