Character Snapshot (Maenaki Delavi'in)

Character Snapshot for Krath Priestess K'tana (2015/04/26, KP K'tana vs. KAP Atyiru Caesura Entar)

Krath Priestess K'tana

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Female Twi'lek, Krath, Shadow
Height: 1.63 m / 5'4" - Weight: 56.7 kg / 125 lbs
Age: 22 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Violet skin with lavender spots and stripes tattooed down her lekku. Referred to by tchun and tchin (left and right), K'tana's lekku are fairly long, ending just above her lower back.

Her face has lavender tattoos gracefully contouring her features which includes a set of eyebrows to her otherwise hairless face.

Her most prominent features are her almond shaped, emerald green eyes. When they lock on to the eyes of anyone else, they seem to look through that person.

As most Twi'lek women, she is perfectly proportioned although perhaps excessively curvy in all the right areas.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)

Purple Lightsaber, Vibroshiv

Honey-Pot (General Aspect)

K’tana prefers to get close to her targets--really close--before taking them out. She will do whatever she has to do to gain their trust, convincing them that she is of little threat, and then finds the opportune moment to strike. She takes pleasure in the game of it, and is not shy about using her body or mind to seduce a target, and even gets a thrill from the knowledge that no matter what they do to her, she will be the one to kill them in the end. While this makes her an effective field agent, it makes having or maintaining her own relationships with others difficult.

A.D.O.S. (Attention Deficit..OOH SHINY!) (General Aspect)

K’tana has a very short attention span when not doing something violent or enjoyable. She has been known to grow bored mid conversation and burst out giggling, or just randomly lekku slap whoever she’s speaking to.

Makin’it Weird (Personality Aspect)

Having gone through what she has, K’tana has a very distinct sense of humor, finding sexuality in everything from the morbid to the mundane. She bursts out laughing in highly inappropriate situations and during important and respectable speeches. When asked, she tends to point out a sexual innuendo where no one else heard one or they were too mature to point it out. She does this both consciously and intentionally to lighten up the mood, or simply to entertain herself when bored.

Hollow like My Soul (Personality Aspect)

Something has prevented K’tana from mentally and emotionally developing correctly. She has issues experiencing real emotions. Even when she is furious or giggling manically, her insides are numb and cold. She seems to choose whatever expression is most inappropriate or will get the biggest rise out of the person/people she is dealing with. This makes her out to be both childish and yet volatile for she can go from being a giggly girl to a sadistic killer within seconds. It also makes her look as though she has a death wish when talking to higher ups, who tend to take insult from her insubordination and disrespectful behaviour.

Dance with Death (Combat Aspect)

K'tana spent most of her life dancing and hardly a quarter of it fighting. Now that she has been combat trained she finds herself relying on her dancers footwork and the flowing movements of dance, that are second nature to her, to get in and out of arm's reach efficiently. She spends almost any and all free time integrating the two while sparring and training herself so it comes as second nature when in battle to flow like water from foe to foe.

Love The Way It Hurts (Combat Aspect)

Probably due to her inability to experience real emotion, K'tana has developed a twisted relationship with pain. Brutality and violence seem to be the only things that can reach into her core and bring out some kind of real expression of how she feels. Oddly enough, it seems to be aroused. After a good smack to the face, punch to the ribs or pushed violently enough to crack bones, she licks her lips and continues her assault whether it was a lippy verbal assault or combat driven. This, more often than not, means that K’tana ends up in the Med Bay unconscious. On the off chance that she is battling it out with a peer and not a superior, her drive to hurt and be hurt usually ends up with her opponent dead and her giggling off to find another.

Skill Feats
You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die Lightning Reflexes
Force Feats
Deep Bond I We Are Legion I Aura Of Fear
Granted Feats
Ghosting II Faceless II Twi'lek: Talk Lekku To Me
  • Basic
  • Twi'leki
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form IV (Ataru)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None