Character Snapshot (Lynnyaria Meraudstar)

Character Snapshot for Obelisk Templar Kanis Da'uul (2015/07/24, Obelisk Prelate Mirus Hi'ija vs. Obelisk Templar Kanis Da'uul)

Obelisk Templar Kanis Da'uul

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Female Human, Obelisk, Juggernaut
Height: 1.78 m / 5'10" - Weight: 58.97 kg / 130 lbs
Age: 19 years - Ambidextrous
Physical Description

Kanis is a handsome youth with delicate features that betray his fighting spirit. Jet black hair travels down to his mid back and his bangs comb over to cover the left of his smokey black eyes. In combat he wears the cloaked Patriarch robes. He rarely is seen with his hood pulled down, but will do so if he is feeling self conscious about his soft, elfin features. At a distance he could be mistaken for female, but the lean lines of his athletic frame due well to remedy that up close.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Fade, Lightsaber, Chainblades, Striker Projectile Pistol, The Fang, Katana Maa'ka's Weapons: SRB-1 Rifle, Electro-Staff laced with cortosis weave, 18 inch Bowie Knife
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)

Lightsaber, The Fang, Chain Blades x2, Striker Projectile Pistol.

Due Diligence (General Aspect)

When Kanis Da'uul does things, she makes sure everything is done correctly, no matter how long it takes. This means there are frequent delays in Kanis Da'uul's work, but it's usually done right, at least.

Fall from grace (General Aspect)

After the death of K'ara, Kanis abandoned the teachings of the New Jedi Order and against the advice of his Jedi Master hunted down the assassin killing him in a local Cantina where he began a murderous rampage. Hard to fool, he does not trust many people which makes it harder for him to form relationships; however, if he forms a deep enough bond he becomes paranoid and afraid to lose that person.

Natural-born Killer (Personality Aspect)

Killing has never been a problem for Kanis Da'uul; and she kind of enjoys it now, if she is honest. Killing's what Kanis Da'uul does, and she likes what she does.

Easy Going 'Till the Fight Starts (Personality Aspect)

While generally laid back and more than happy to offer a quip of sarcasm, Kanis Da'uul's entire demeanor changes once combat begins. She becomes focused and quiet, with her smile replaced with a look of grim determination.

Executioner (Combat Aspect)

Kanis Da'uul wears out her opponents through use of the Force, agility, and evasion. Once she has sufficiently tired her foes through the Force, physical, or mental assault, she quickly tries to find a means of cleanly and swiftly dispatching them - usually resulting in a somewhat risky all-or-nothing attempt at a deathblow.

Leeroy Jenkins Doctrine (Combat Aspect)

Spending most of his time in the Brotherhood as an Assassin left Kanis thin and not too muscular, now as a Juggernaut he relies on his sheer speed and acrobatics. Possessing a special optimism about certain situations and an unquenchable drive for victory, he is sometimes seen charging into the enemy lines head first and almost without warning.

Skill Feats
Second Skin I
Force Feats
Rampage I Byakugan Darksight Telekinetic Strike III
Granted Feats
Human: Just Another Face Iron Pillar II Surge II
  • Basic
  • Mando'a
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form V (Djem So)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None