Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, di Tenebrous Arconae

Elder 2, Clan Arcona, Force Disciple, Dark Jedi
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
603770 words in 175 activities
29673 words in 27 posts and 7 activities
679007 words in 122 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 1 - 10 of 317 in total
How Bad Is It?
File submission
-How bad it is.pdf
[Envoy Corps] The Flitz: Parabellum
S1C1-RO: Butt Kicking (Training) For Goodness!
Brotrayal and Broventure - [Envoy Corps]
Are You Even Listening To Me?
Textual submission

"Are you even listening to me?"

Not even a grunt was given in response to that, red eyes not moving from their focus on shaping yet another molten sugar-glass petal of vibrant pink.

"Foxen. Foxbro. Broseph. Brosiden. I know you're listening. You're not sneaky, man, c'mon, that's some lame lying."

Finishing two more petals, only then did he pause to roll his eyes extravagantly at the Zabrak — who was banned from this kitchen, besides — 0.4 m away.

*I am not listening to this drivel. Because it is drivel. And unlike you, I value my remaining brian cells.*

Bril snorted and waved a hand at him as if he was not a career assassin, a living weapon, as if he could not break that hand into all 27 of its component parts and grind the bones into dust with his bare hands. He could produce sufficient force and precision.

And yet.

"Yeah, yeah, act aloof all you want, big head, I know you could repeat back everything I just said word for word, coz your memory and Flyndt isn't here." Eg he can't be distracted by staring at his Home, which Bril is not wrong about. Just lik he is not wrong that Foxen could repeat back every word of the last 26.4 minutes in which Bril has recounted in wandering and tangential detail how one particular post he and Minnow made on Xinstagram 'went viral' and all about his newfound and ephemeral 'fame.' "Soooo you busted. Anyway, do you think I should post this one or this one—"

He turned his datapad to display another two holos of them making ridiculous pinched lips expressions at the camera in front of some Iridonian landmark. The photos were near identical.

*I fraking hate you. The second. The chiaroscuro quality is superior.*



*I'm not spelling it. Just the second one.*

"Nooooo, brohiemien Rhapsody, tell me. Tell meeee, bro, bro please."

*Kicking you out in 3 2 1…*

"Okay okay sheesh." 4.67 precious seconds of silence, the space of one Zabrak inhale. "Anyway then we went to the next dune…"

Foxen went back to constructing the caramel bouquet for the top of Minnow's welcome home cake. Bril was only allowed to be present because his dessert was already done and hidden and because Foxen had, somehow, missed him.
