Sapphire Blade events for Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

For my entire career in the Brotherhood, I have always stood by the principle that hard work will always be rewarded. In truth, anyone who is willing to put the time and effort into being a member or leader in this club has the unlimited potential to do what ever they set their mind to. Leadership, politics, skills; these are all things that can be taught. The one thing we can never teach, however, is hard work. Dedication. Heart. For these type of people, there are not enough awards, promotions, or commendations I can give.

When I think of the word heart, or of dedication to Clan Arcona, there is one member that always jumps to the front of my mind. Atyiru has, since the very second she arrived here, done nothing but give her best effort. It just so happens that her best effort comes with a diverse skill-set, the patience of a saint, and the wisdom of someone much older than her years. All of this together made her a quick member of the Arcona Summit just short of a year ago. Starting as just an XO, she quickly took the reins from her Battelteam Leader and stepped up in a huge way during the middle of a Dark Crusade planet-siege. As the Arcona Summit shifted, we were hit with her Aedile application shortly after- and I honestly had to do a double take. Where did this girl come from?? Despite being relatively new, we gave her a shot at Aedile, and as Cethgus will elaborate further on, she took the position and quite literally made it her own. Beyond her duties as Aedile, Atty has become a spiritual leader for Arcona. Her positive attitude mixes with her genuine good nature to make her one of the most approachable members in the club. I find myself dumping random tasks on her here and there, and never does she tell me "no" or try and deflect it to anyone else. Even if she is unsure of herself, she still says yes. Her desire to help others is just something that comes naturally to her. It's endearing on multiple levels and transfers to everything else she does as a leader in Arcona. If I had a nickle for every time she has said to me, "you never have to say sorry to me," I would have a lot of nickels (if they existed in SW, of course). Her simple presence and attitude alone has made my life as Consul bearable. Even if it comes down to little things like drawing a sketch of something involving the members of the Arcona Special Forces team as a reward for working so hard. Or even if it's joining #arcona_rp to interact with her members in character. Or proof reading pretty much anything that can be proofed (e-mails, letters to a friend, doctors notes, ect). There are so many things that she does on a daily basis that just come naturally, and as a sum they help create an environment in which others can learn, grow, and succeed.

For all of her kindness, Atty is the first person to jump to the defense of her friends. She will also be the first to crack a quip or switch into troll-mode if it somehow makes her friends smile. She also is a fierce competitor and tied for 3rd in Arcona for most Novae earned with 11 total. She kept pace with a Dark Jedi Master, her Consul's, and her Quaestor despite joining the club barely a year ago. Of those 11, 5 were gold, and a good bulk of her novae came from her writing. Known for her first 50-page fiction, she has since learned to slim her writing down a bit (we're making progress...I think we managed to get under 20 last round!) and continues to practice and get better. She represented as a member of Arcona's Special Forces for all 3 Chapters of Phase 2, and was a huge part of Arcona's ability to secure as many planets as they did.

And yet for all that, she has never once stopped to ask for anything. The only thing she has ever required was to be given a chance to help in some way. If I could clone even a portion of Atty's attitude to every member of not just the Clan, but the Brotherhood, I think we would all be better off. Thank you Atty for being awesome, and don't let anyone or anything ever get in your way. The stars are your limit, Squirrel, and it has been an honor and a privilege to be your Proconsul and Consul and to watch you grow into the leader and member you are today.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 09:01:02 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honoured to be recommending Atyiru Entar for her first ever Sacramental Award. Since she has joined the club she has brought a constant level of high activity, not only developing herself as a member but expanding herself as a leader. She has helped to promote other Journeymen as well while proving herself as an experienced and driven leader inside of Clan Arcona.

Since I took Atyiru on as Aedile of House Galeres, she has stepped seamlessly into being my right hand. She constantly helps me running the House from the day to day, making sure that we are always interacting with members and communicating with them. She has been a constant aid to me coming up with new ideas and ways to continue to motivate the members of the House, helping send out day to day emails and constantly helping out with proofing work as well. She has been a stellar example of what a member should be.

Now time to talk about the achievements that Atyriu has accomplished inside her roles in Leadership. She has constantly been improving the house, on every level the big impact that I have seen in my time as Quaestor is her continuous level of activity with the Battleteam Leadership, making sure that the House Summit is continuously in contact with each other. She has been an assistant to recommendations from merit medals to Promotions, keeps track with the members, and assists with making sure that we know who is due an award. As well as serving as Aedile of Galeres for five months, the impact that she has been doing can not fully be appreciated with simple words. With the new addition to the Summit of Kordath taking on his role, she has been a mentor to him teaching him not only the ropes and running of the day to day work of the team. But everything from submitting medals as well as creating reports. Being the first step in this close support network is something that she continues to provide to the members and the leaders. She is also working on her first apprentice, Kooki who is progressing quickly through the ranks and is expected to hit DJK before the year ends.

Congratulations Atyiru on your first sacramental award, your hard work and devotion to this Clan and Galeres has been outstanding. I am truly proud to have someone as skilled and as dedicated fill the role of my Aedile. Keep up the hard work Atyiru you are doing a fantastic job currently.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-12-02 00:08:10 UTC

Atyiru has not been a member for as long as some, but the influence she clearly has within Arcona is simply amazing. Right from the get go she dived into the banter on IRC, unafraid to exchange insults with veterans such at Cethgus or myself. I knew that in time, she would be an excellent leader, and has proven such, especially since her appointment to Aedile. In fact, if you were to ask for a textbook Aedile, I would point you to Atty; she is calm, collected, and completely neutral in her day-to-day dealings with members. She is also one of the most patient souls I know of in the Brotherhood, and I know that she is one of the first people I can go to if I myself need help or advice with a situation.

Enjoy your first Sacramental, Abbey. I know it'll be far from being the last.

Rollmaster of Clan Arcona

, 2013-12-02 00:08:50 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Qyreia Arronen
Primary reason

Atty is a collector of sharp, stabby things in this club, and I am proud to be part of that illustrious tradition in supplying said stabbin' implements. As one of Arcona's longest standing old folks, it's often surprising to see her still kicking and rocking things like she does. Since her last recognition almost a year ago to the day, she's organized eleven competitions, co-organizing one, and participating in twenty seven. Those numbers look far more impressive when one looks at where those competitive efforts were spent: ninety two Clusters of Ice from over forty thousand words of fiction. This in addition to her seven Clusters of Graphite and six of Earth, assuredly some of which were earned in the sixteen GJW XV competitions she participated in as evidenced by her Seals of Ascension, which earned her one Gold and two Silver Novae.

For the last year (and beyond, but that goes past the covered period), Atyiru has been the Proconsul of Arcona, first for Rhylance as he closed out his tenure as Consul, and then for me when I took the seat. During that time, she has been the greatest asset a newcomer to higher Brotherhood leadership like me could have asked for. In Dark Summit matters, she is often the cautioning angel on my shoulder when I am present, and when I am not (which is frequent enough due to my real world job) she consistently speaks for me in line with my intent; a rare enough skill in just executing tasks, much less carrying on diplomacy. Among the nine documented roleplaying activities she's participated in, I am not sure there is one among them where she was not also running it in some capacity as DM or co-DM. This in addition to her active participation in each, as evidenced by her above word count. Further along the lines of generating content, she has worked with me to try and create a seamless transition into our current Clan fictional direction; a process that is still ongoing as we work through each of our own ideas and smash them together to try and make something as coherent as it is fun. This resulted in our major Clan event following GJW XV, where we introduced our latest (if minor) foe in the form of Chutil'ah the Hutt. This was followed up by taking the framework built for our inter-Clan event with Clan Odan-Urr and using her energy to brow-beat everyone into making the dream a reality.

Within our own Summit and with Arcona as a whole, she has been my hype-monger as much as she has with executing the day-to-day. She bolsters activity with constant reminders to the members, engaging them more often than I possibly could, and keeps attentions focused where they must. In so doing, she has helped me to foster an increasingly far-reaching planning horizon for Arcona and its Houses, begrudgingly working through calendars and touchpoints with our House and Battleteam Leaders.

In the last year, I've added much to this one's plate. So to Atty, thank you for being such a great influence on me, Arcona, and the Brotherhood. This place wouldn't be the same without you. Keep up the great work and I may even let you retire someday. Until then, once again, thank you.

Qyreia Arronen, 2023-01-10 21:20:55 UTC
Additional reasons

As a member of the DJB Story Group, Atty played a key role in developing the plot of GJW XV and in editing every fiction released as part of the vendetta. She caught typos, suggested plot adjustments, and helped rework sections for readability, easily spending several hours discussing, reading, and editing over the course of the GJW, including its intro and aftermath. She was very active in Discord discussions and helped to keep the group focused (as opposed to just making Raptorstrike jokes, like some of us). She also helped brainstorm the fictional basis for the DJB's transition away from the "Dark" moniker.

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-01-10 23:32:35 UTC