Fist Uji Tameike, Ad Vizsla

Elder 1, The Council, Sith, Sentinel
Displaying events 1401 - 1420 of 1806 in total
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
[Arcona] Operation: Angels Fall
Requested by
General Stres'tron'garmis
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the [Arcona] Operation: Angels Fall competition.

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2016-12-18 14:38:53 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
1.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Primary reason

For participating in November Monthly Gaming: Defense of the Ancients (MOBA Test #2)!

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2016-12-02 21:39:12 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
November Monthly Gaming: Defense of the Ancients (MOBA Test #2)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

For achieving 3rd place in the November Monthly Gaming: Defense of the Ancients (MOBA Test #2) competition.

Howlader Taldrya, 2016-12-02 06:09:40 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
5 XP
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

500 words of fiction (Fiction Activities #1534 and #2876)

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2016-11-29 23:31:00 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Strands Of Fate - Desperate Times Call For...
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

For achieving 3rd place in the Strands Of Fate - Desperate Times Call For... competition.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2016-11-29 19:20:16 UTC
Event ID
Grand Master's Royal Guard
Old Rank
New Rank
Requested by
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy data

dbb0t, 2016-11-11 00:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
13.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

For completion of Strike or Raid Missions in Destiny on or before 2016-10-29

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Master Dracaryis, 2016-10-29 23:30:26 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

PvP matches played on or before 2016-10-13

Master Dracaryis, 2016-10-13 23:31:06 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
7.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

PvP matches played on or before 2016-10-12

Master Dracaryis, 2016-10-12 23:31:21 UTC
Event ID
Dark Side Scroll
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

For having the wiki article Satsi Tameike Erinos selected as the DB Wiki's Featured Article for September 2016.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2016-09-06 19:53:36 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

For completion of Crucible Matches in Destiny on or before 2016-09-04

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2016-09-04 23:30:42 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
[Arcona Gaming Dominance]No Man's Sky
Requested by
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the [Arcona Gaming Dominance]No Man's Sky competition.

Ghost Rulvak Qurroc, 2016-09-02 07:12:07 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Summer Selen-bration URL Hunt
Requested by
Larrik Dul'vak
Primary reason

For achieving 3rd place in the Summer Selen-bration URL Hunt competition.

The awards for this competition were upgraded due to high participation.

Larrik Dul'vak, 2016-07-06 06:03:04 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
[Summer Selen-bration] Reflection
Requested by
Larrik Dul'vak
Primary reason

For achieving 3rd place in the [Summer Selen-bration] Reflection competition.

The awards for this competition were upgraded due to high participation.

Larrik Dul'vak, 2016-07-06 06:00:25 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
10 XP
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

ACC Battles fought on or before 2016-07-02

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2016-07-02 23:30:52 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
10 XP
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

ACC Battles fought on or before 2016-06-13

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2016-06-13 23:31:11 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

Uji — or Donny — has been my Proconsul for three months now. I say this not just to give reference to the metric of continued service that we consider so highly, but to highlight the sheer impact he has had in that short time. Arcona would not be functioning or thriving as it is now without him as one of its leaders — end of story. He is a stellar member and leader, my right hand man, and the keystone to the multitude of moving parts in this summit.

Since he was last recognized some four months ago, Uji has been hard at work, championing the reintegration and organization of his summit along with day to day management tasks and his own steady stream of personal activity as an example to others. He’s (co)organized 6 competitions, including features for the Arcona Flash Series and the Clan event, Fall of Perdition, and has participated in 45 competitions, placing in 7 of them to earn himself a Crescent with Amethyst Star, two with Sapphire Stars, and four with Emerald Stars. In completing some of these, he has participated in large-scale events like the Dark Council’s Celebration Run-On, writing 1716 words over three posts for 5 Clusters of Ice, and has also completed 20 PvE matches and 7 PvP matches to garner 125 Clusters of Fire and 70 Clusters of Earth. In addition to all this, Uji’s taken the time to explore the Shadow Academy to pass the new Diablo III course.

Uji’s most admirable accomplishments and services, though, are not in his personal activity, but in the work he does in leadership. He was an inspiration as an Aedile to Galeres, and has continued to be that and more as Arcona’s Proconsul. The simplest analogy is really that of a fish to water — he’s tackled the job with such finesse and dedication that not one member of our strongly voiced summit would have anything but praise to speak of. His ability to flawlessly mediate difficulties in our Clan of intrepid personalities and visions, as well as delegate tasks and projects; perform administrative functions; aid in development of content and identity for the Clan and Houses; oversee promotions and awards; effectively manage the chain of command; and still lead by example in both competing and community building within the Clan and across Clans are all invaluable to Arcona. And these highlights are, truly, just scraping the surface. He has overseen every recent hiring from Quaestor to Aedile to Battleteam leaders, helped reconcile disputes, driven organization projects within Trello and proposed new ideas for structuring meetings, held several G+ Video conferences, written a multitude of recommendations and aided in writing reports with gathering statistics and content, served as constantly available morale and technical support — just about anything. A day scarce goes by when he doesn’t ask me and ask the summit what we need from him.

That, then, is why it’s my honor today to recommend him for this Grand Cross, for his activity and, paramount, his role as Proconsul thus far. Thank you, Donny, for all you do and continue to do, and congrats.

Atyiru Caesura Entar

Consul of Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2016-05-30 01:54:24 UTC
Additional reasons

Uji first served as my Aedile. Now, I serve him as Proconsul. The infamous line ”When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the Master” comes to mind. He was wild, ambitious and very raw when our journey first began. He has matured, refined, and grown exponentially since those days - allowing him to manage the day-to-day affairs of Arcona with finesse and foresight. For all of that hard work, I am happy to endorse him for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Since his last recognition, Atyiru covered his physical statistics. What does not show up, however, are the things that a great Proconsul does that are on no scorecard. When we began the redrafting of the House Galeres Wiki Page, he was the primary author that scripted the massive changes and revisions that had not been done in several years. The members of Galeres loved the changes and in one flick of his pen, he improved the overall experience of 40+ members. His work did not stop there, though, he helped transition Soulfire to a Legendary Unit (retired unit) and empowered Galeres to create a new Battle Team under the direction of Zakath and Tamashi. He has been with them for each step of the journey from concept to creation; guiding the conversation and helping them reveal what the members are interested in (Where the base is, what the base is like, motto of the team, logo of the team, concept and focus, etc). Lastly, he continues to help shape the conversation around both Fiction & Gaming in the Clan; continuing the wild success of Arcona Gaming Dominance & helping refine the Fiction Round-Up done bi-weekly.In addition, he has conscripted members to create surveys for both Fiction & Gaming to ascertain critical details like what systems they own, what games they own, what fiction types they like to write, etc. His presence in these conversations is invaluable and helps keep the events/material both engaging and exciting for members - willing them to participate and drive our DB-leading unique participants metric.

I am very happy to see this Grand Cross bestowed upon Uji. He has more than earned this award. And I look forward to the day he is promoted to Equite IV. Congratulations, Donny!

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Galeres

Braecen Kaeth, 2016-05-30 01:54:02 UTC

There’s little that has not been said about Uji yet. He is a hardworking, dedicated and important member of Clan Arcona. It might seem repetitive but it cannot be said often enough that Donny truly goes above and beyond what is expected from him as Proconsul. Atyiru isn’t exaggerating when she mentions his daily check-in with every single summit member. For myself, having been and done all the leadership stuff in Arcona before, I didn’t expect Uji to be of such great positive influence to how I do my part. His guidance and experience truly shine in the background where he’s always aiding any who need help. From member mediation to efficiency within House and Clan projects and the day to day business, he’s involved in it all. Advisor, Leader, Mentor, the list of terms goes on. As Braecen mentioned, Uji has been the driving force behind Fiction and Gaming round-ups, surveys, and Arcona Gaming Dominance. AGD, a project I myself was handed after the careful curation and creation by Donny, has been an enormous success within the Clan and has even garnered some interest from non-Arconan members. The beauty in what Arcona is becoming, which is something that just wouldn’t have been the same without our Proconsul, is the balance he has brought. This balance, far more than simply ensuring our gamers have enough to do just like our writers, is seen and felt by everyone. House leadership has been brought closer to each other and the Clan leadership, something that felt lacking before Donny took his position.

It is with great joy that I work with Donny on anything and everything, and it is with even greater joy that I recommend him for this Grand Cross.

Celahir Erinos Arconae
Quaestor of Qel-Droma

Celahir Erinos Arconae, 2016-05-30 01:54:19 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
[Arcona Gaming Dominance]Free Play #8
Requested by
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
Primary reason

For achieving 3rd place in the [Arcona Gaming Dominance]Free Play #8 competition.

Ghost Rulvak Qurroc, 2016-05-28 12:09:33 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
[Arcona Gaming Dominance]Destiny PvP
Requested by
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
Primary reason

For achieving 2nd place in the [Arcona Gaming Dominance]Destiny PvP competition.

Ghost Rulvak Qurroc, 2016-05-28 12:09:20 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
12.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

For completion of Crucible Matches in Destiny on or before 2016-05-22

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2016-05-22 23:31:21 UTC