- Event ID
- 131138
- Old Rank
(Equite 1)
- New Rank
(Equite 2)
- Requested by
- Braecen Kaeth
- Primary reason
Kordath is a substantial part of Nighthawk, Galeres, Arcona, and the Brotherhood. He is so far spread out that you wonder where he finds the time not only to do it all, but do it all at a high level - both as a leader and a member.
As a member since his last promotion, he has participated in eighty nine (89) competitions, has organized eight competitions, co-hosted another competition, fit in ten (10) ACC battles, collected 137 Clusters of Ice (54,310 words from fiction + 10465 words from run-ons), earned 60 Clusters of Fire & 446 Clusters of Earth (4 PvP matches, 59 PvE activities), piled on the Crescents (1 Cr-R, 7 Cr-A, 14 Cr-S, 7 Cr-E, 5 Cr-T), eight (8) Pendants of Blood, one Dark Cross, one Steel Cross and a Legion of the Scholar. In addition, he has passed 16 SA courses (and collected 6 Dark Side Degrees). As a leader, he has served admirably for three months as the Battle Team Leader of Nighthawk and another six months as the Magistrate to the Master-At-Arms.
Congratulations, Kordath. You have more than earned this elevation.
Quaestor of Galeres
Braecen Kaeth, 2015-08-30 02:00:03 UTC
- Additional reasons
In the time that I’ve known Kord, he’s been one of those members that gives and gives until there’s nothing left. Through his stint as M:MAA, to his quick grasp and control of Battleteam Nighthawk, there’s seemingly nothing this guy cannot do. When I look at potentials for moving upwards through the Equite ranks, I always try and ensure each person has a sense of self sufficiency and leadership traits. Kord has both of those covered with ease. He is always submitting competition proposals, always participating in competitions, and is not afraid to offer his opinion on important matters. If we had more members like Kord, I don’t think I could keep up with the sheer amount of activity and communication.
Thank you for everything you’ve done, Kord. You’re making a great name for yourself and I can’t wait to see you move even further up the chain. Congratulations.
Proconsul of Arcona
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel, 2015-08-30 01:53:16 UTC
I can honestly say that Kordath is one of those members who makes the club a better place. Aside from his specific accomplishments as a leader and as a member of the MAA team which others will cover, Kord, through everything he does, reminds people that we are all here to have fun. During heated summit discussions he is a calming voice of reason, when members are stressed he’s quick with a witty quip that brings a smile, when he creates a submission or a comp of his own he puts forth nothing but his best to make sure his work entertains. He gives of himself in countless tiny little ways that make everyone around him have a better experience.
It’s easy to get lost in the heat of competition, the drama or the politics of the club; Kordath breaks through all that like a ray of sun peeking through the clouds at the end of a storm reminding us all why we are here. This is something that does not jump off a dossier but is so crucial to the morale of our little social club. So in recognition of his work done for the sake other members, and contributions by just being his chill self, I proudly endorse Kordath’s advancement within the Equite ranks.
It has been an honor to know you and have worked with you.
Proconsul, Clan Odan-Urr
Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2015-08-30 01:54:30 UTC
Kordath is a simple guy. He's not that loud or peppy, but he's stable, persistent, always doing small and large somethings - be they writing, gaming, joking, or leading (whether he realizes he's doing it or not). If you have him on your team, you think to yourself, we'll be alright. Loss or gain, legends or failures, the end doesn't matter. If you've got Kord - and if he says you do, then you do - then you're going to be just fine. And when I say that, I mean that whatever happens, your time is better for having been spent with him in it.
Now, that's all sweet as pie, but what does it tell you of value? Why is it relevant to Kordath earning a promotion, quantifiably and qualitatively? Allow me to explain. Kordath has been a longtime Arconan member and repeated leader, boasting both an impressive personal activity record and some dedicated Battleteam leader stints. Over the last half a year, he's even been knee-deep in one of the busiest, often most demanding and underappreciated offices we have: the Master at Arms staff. Some of the other recommendations here will detail for you Kordath's service as a Magistrate, his grand attitude as a one-of-the-boys kind of leader, and his expansive general activity listings. I'll touch on a little of all.
Kord is the kind of person that strives for self-improvement in order to be better for himself and for others, and, in doing so, often inspires the same of those around him. He strives to learn, not just in the more literal sense with the two Savants and the Maven he garnered from the Shadow Academy courses he's taken since he was last promoted, but also in searching out mentorship and experience that he can give back. Kord wanted to improve his writing skills, and so he didn't just write more, but also found people to proof and teach him, me included. As his grasp of syntax grew, he went on to proof for others if they asked. Likewise, when the Magistrate position for the MAA office opened, Kord applied so that he could learn how better to write recommendations and judge member merit, skills that he would soon be able to employ in his Battleteam leader position and in advising his larger summit. Now, as the end of his term dawns, he aspires to serve on the Shadow Academy staff, to again learn, and to again give that learning back. Rare gems are leaders who have the humility to recognize their weaknesses and the initiative to seek help in transforming those opportunities into strengths. Not only is Kordath one of those gems, but he is also selfless, steadfast, and caring in the manner with which he utilizes his experience. Some lead with charisma or willpower, some lead by example, and then there's those like Kordath that do both. He not only seeks to improve himself, that he might be better for those counting on him, but also seeks to pick people up and bring them right along with him into that better place.
And, ultimately, that better place is a funner place because of him. I'm not sure if that's really a word, but it's the one I mean. Kordath cares little for politicking or posturing, as others will say. He's the honorable sort that cares about good living, about the journey before the destination. He cares about making sure his brothers have fun in a club that can sometimes get too dramatic and serious. To that end, he learns and teaches, as I've said, but also talks to his people, jokes with his members, and encourages them to make their own fun. I can guarantee you that any of the last eighteen fictions he's submitted or ten ACC battles he's completed put a smile on the face of anyone who read them. I can guarantee that any one of the nine competitions he's helped organize presented a uniquely silly, creative, or just plain humorous challenge for anyone entering them. There's a reason this guy gets and gives so many Crescents: he makes things fun. He makes his members want to write and game with him, encourages them, and gets down in those trenches to do it all too. Even when he didn't hold a formal position, Kordath has always been inspiring, leading, and producing. Now, as a Battleteam leader in his second stint, he's just added extra mojo to the mix with monthly reports, several active newspost comments, and multiple team, Clan, and Brotherhood competitions with email reminders for every one he runs.
These are the things I mean when I talk about knowing everything will be okay if Kordath is with you. He is not perfect, and neither are any of us, but he shows everyone around him that they can better themselves, laugh, have fun, and be successful, productive members of this club...all at the same time, without stress or worry. It's not just his numbers, his leadership, or his concern for the Brotherhood as a whole as well as his Clan, grand though those all are. It's not just the goal. It's how he does what he does, how he goes about it. That, most of all, is what I look for in our Equites. That is why I'm happy to say congratulations today. So, congratulations, Blueboy...and well done.
Atyiru Caesura Entar
Consul of Clan Arcona
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-08-30 01:55:41 UTC
Kordath is one of those simple, yet reliable members that every leader both wants and wishes they had more of. I met Kordath when I transferred back to Arcona almost two years ago now (I can’t believe it’s been that long already..) and took over as BTS of Battleteam Dark Forge. More recently, in the Pilot run of the Antei Contract Bureau, Kordath offered to lend assistance after noticing a discrepancy in the amount of Clusters of Ice awarded. Rather than going through the last section as I expected - specifically, both the Arcona version and DJB-wide competitions - he went through the entire Pilot run from June to December... which was over eighty contracts that averaged roughly five thousand words of fiction per contract. He then delivered a very detailed email to me containing the numbers of words written for both ACB staff and participants, separated by member and month.
That’s not even going into the more than sixty-thousand words (Yes, 60,000 words!) of fiction he wrote as a participant throughout the entire Pilot.
It’s my distinct pleasure to be recommending Kordath for Equite Two. Congratulations, mate! Enjoy that custom saber!
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma
Commissioner, Antei Contract Bureau
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, 2015-08-30 01:56:36 UTC
If someone asked me to name the top three reasons I remain a part of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, Kordath’s name would be among those reasons. He remains one of the most exceptional members of Galeres and Arcona. When I had the opportunity to work with Kordath during the Great Jedi War he completely influenced my writing method, it isn’t often you find a member who can manage a completely serious submission at one moment, then write something that has you in tears laughing. This reflects his personality as well, when he needs to get work done he is able to do so without hesitation, when things are getting dull he will engage members and has fun with them.
I was extremely proud to choose Kordath as my successor for the Nighthawk Battleteam, even more so to see how well he has done in the MAA. I look forward to him continuing to ascend throughout the Brotherhood.
Thank you Kordath
On behalf of Galeres, Arcona and more then anything myself. Congratulations on ascending to the next tier of Equite
Aedile of House Galeres
Fist Uji Tameike, 2015-08-30 01:57:51 UTC
Kordath has served six stellar months as Magistrate to the Master at Arms. With little experience or knowledge of the MAA system coming in, he quickly learned the tricks to processing medals, promotions, and everything else on our plate in a timely and efficient manner. He was often my go-to guy for one off tasks like compiling a Wiki page or following up on a competition still waiting to be judged. He was an active participant in our Equite/sacramental discussions and wholly lived up to the expectations of the Magistrate positions. I hope he has learned a lot in these six months, and that he will take that knowledge with him to bigger and better things in the Brotherhood at large. Congratulations, Kordath, and thank you for your service! ~ Aabsdu Dupar, Master at Arms
Zanet Xox, 2015-08-30 01:58:32 UTC