Adem cuts a small and diminutive figure, which suits his purposes well. His body is slim and wiry, as Umbarans tend to be, but beneath Adem's flesh ripples a streamlined and athletic muscle structure, drawn tight as instrument strings. His limbs and fingers are wiry, and and move in a way that is subtle and composed. His face is thin, its bone structure apparent, but his features are subtly handsome and clean. His colorless eyes peek out from deeply set sockets, behind stray strands of short and loose white hair.
Adem was content with his life with his traveling troupe. During their travels, his brother, Solis, became mad with an awoken power and killed three members of the troupe before Adem stood in his path. Adem’s own powers awoke then, and he managed to defeat and maim his own brother.
With the troupe now in tatters, Adem was forced to give up his life as a simple performer and flee his Homeworld. After traveling the galaxy, he landed in Clan Arcona where he learned to control and harness his newfound powers. Open minded to learning new things, Adem is wary of his own power, never wanting to fall victim to the same deranged rage that consumed his brother. He is always afraid of losing control.
Adem holds himself responsible for the death of his comrades and the actions of his brother, placing the blame squarely on his own shoulders. Consequently, he often chooses to take on the burdens of others as well. At first glance, this tendency appears to be one of devotion to his Clanmates. In truth, Adem misses his troupe. His mentor, Bo, and his training partner, Siobhan, as well as the remainder of the troupe all scattered to the winds somewhere in the galaxy. Adem maintains hope that when he meets them again they will not fear or see him as the same monster as his brother.
Adem’s insecurities seem to fade away when he realizes that he has been put on some kind of ‘stage’. Quietly anxious and wary on the regular, his entire persona shifts and becomes more confident and bold when the pressure is on, allowing him to handle high stress situations better than most. He draws heavily on his Subterfuge to alter his performance to the situation at hand, but when the spotlight fades he is often left longing for his old troupe.
After leaving his troupe and family behind, Adem was lost until he stumbled into Clan Arcona. While he was welcomed into the Shadow Clan with open arms, he has struggled to make any lasting relationships or friendships. He wants to get closer to others, but elements of his nature act as spiked quills that he worries will puncture anyone who gets too close, and he fears the potential others have to do the same to him even more. This dilemma sits at the center of Adem's secret heart, making him fiercely loyal to anyone who is willing to get close to him despite his coat of needles, and refrains from hurting him with their own.
Versed in theatre, Adem knows when subtlety is a potent weapon, and also when an audience must be overwhelmed. When he holds the upper hand, he applies ostentatious displays of acrobatics and the Force in a devastating spectacle. When the odds are stacked against him, Adem deceives and confuses his opponents by masking his combat skill and luring them into a false sense of a confidence that he can turn to his advantage. While effective, more disciplined and veteran fighters can often see through his antics, exposing him for his true ability which may or may not be up to par.
Adem respects lightsaber combat and his understanding of the Force is intrinsically tied to his recent training in Sokan. He has also learned to incoporate elements of K'thri into his attack patterns, fusing acrobatic kicks and sweeps with his sword techniques. In addition to his study of Sokan, he has a working knowledge of all lightsaber forms, helping him recognize them quickly and form a strategy for dismantling his opponent. He can struggle with adding flash and flare while focusing on the more lateral and cerebral elements of Sokan, and can be easily overwhelmed when forced into tight quarters where he cannot take advantage of space.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
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Lore |