Steel Cross events for Qor Kith

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

I am honored to be recommending Lexiconus for his first ever Steel Cross. Since joining the club he has been passionate and drive, trying to always better himself and help others around him. Always having fun and enjoying his time in the club which has been key to the Brotherhood, and recently stepped up into the role of Leadership, bringing activity and drive to his Battleteam.

Lexiconus is constantly taking part in anything and everything making sure that he always gives it his all, this has seen him take part in a total of Twenty-Five competitions, for all of his hard work and effort that he has put in he managed to earn himself: Crescent with Sapphire Star, Two Crescents with Emerald Star, ne Crescent with Topaz Star. Lexiconus continues to push himself harder, this can be in the form of gaming making sure that he continues to participate in gaming events, having taken a total of Two Hundred and Sixty-One Clusters of Fires. Spreading himself out into broader areas of the Brotherhood he has also taken part in the ACC, participating in a total of thirteen matches, and for his writing and participating he has earned himself Fourteen Clusters of Ice. For all of his participation inside of the Brotherhood Crusades he managed to take a total of Five Seals of the Crusader.

Lexiconus still shows his willingness to expand his knowledge inside of the Brotherhood. He continues to take part inside of the Shadow Academy, since his last promotion he has managed to take Ten Shadow Academy Exams as well as earning himself a Dark Maven in lore and a Dark Savant in History and Lore. As well as this he has managed to earn himself One Scroll of Indoctrination. During his four Months as Battleteam Leader of Dark Forge Lexic has managed to run four Competitions for his team, each of them aimed at what the members want to see and want to participate in. He has also made a email group for the Battleteam, keeping in constant touch with each of the members, as well as getting constant reports out, and updating everyone in changes going on with the Brotherhood. Lexiconus has made his team as active as possible making sure that they always feeling involved and taking part in the club.

For all of his hard work as a Leader and Member of this club I am proud to see him earn this Steel Cross. Congratulations Lexiconus you definitely deserved this one bud, keep up the hard work and I look forward to continuing to see you grow as a Leader in Clan Arcona and House Galeres.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2014-11-09 22:02:50 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

I am honoured to be recommending Lexic for this Steel Cross, he continues to work hard and show devotion to the Clan and the House, giving everything he has. He has drive himself to help Arcona place as the First Clan inside of the Great Jedi War showing his ability to lose throughout the entire event.

Since his last rewards he has managed to participate in a total of nineteen competitions, this has included House level events developing the story of House Galeres, right up to the Great Jedi War competing in an impressive ten out of eleven events, trying his hand at everything regardless of if it is to his strength or not he never backs down and always goes out of his way to do his best for everyone around him. Taking the approach to leading by example without thought or want for anything else.

In all of the events he has managed to take home an impressive amount of medals, dabbling his hand in gaming where it is needed earning seventeen clusters of fire. As well as earning two crescents with Sapphire Star, one crecent with Topaz Star and one Crescent with Ruby Star. As well as recently earning a total of ten Seals of Revelation for all of his efforts during the Great Jedi War, seeing Arcona take the first place position inside of the Brotherhood. If that wasn’t enough Lexic has lead throughout the whole campaign. Stepping up when the time called and bringing himself the knowledge of the Brotherhood required to fulfil the position of Battleteam Leader.

He constantly maintained a high level of communication for the members inside of his unit, letting them know what was going on in the War, showing his ability to lead and inform others as well as guide them. Helping them get to their full potential making everything enjoyable and interactive along the way forming a great and well knit team inside of the House.

Congratulations on this Steel Cross Lexic, your hard work and dedication has not one unnoticed. Keep up the hard work and I know that we will see great things from you in the future, keep it going bud.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2015-02-20 22:36:12 UTC
Additional reasons

Lexic is, in short, an energetic and irreplaceable young man. He’s always been eager to do as much as he possibly could for the Clan and for his House, and has never shied away from a task thrown at him, not even when he doubted if he could do it or felt daunted. I am proud to have had him as one of my Battleteam leaders through the War and through Fading Light, and I know he’ll keep growing both within the Clan and personally.

You’ve done well, Lexic, never doubt it. Congratulations on the Steel Cross!

Aedile of House Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-02-20 22:36:07 UTC

Galleros is the perfect example of the sort of member that you groom from the time the sorting hat places them in your Clan. He threw himself wholeheartedly into the Brotherhood as a young Journeyman, and as he gained experience and became a more well-rounded member, he decided that he wanted to give back to his Clan and the members that supported him.

Since stepping up to the plate as BTL, he’s infused additional life into Dark Forge, and has led from the front during the Clan-wide run-on and the most recent Great Jedi War. His ten entries were all the product of a great deal of effort, and they were a source of inspiration not just to Dark Forge but to Arcona at large. In his first war as both a competitor and a leader, Galleros did not disappoint.

We are still in the early days of what I anticipate being a long career for Galleros, and he has more than earned this recognition for his recent excellence. Keep up the great work, Lexic!

Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Legorii Arconae, 2015-02-20 22:35:41 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Wrooshuu has been a solid leader in CNS and a very active member in the Clan. He has participated in 35 competitions since his previous award in the second half of February, including 10/12 in the Red Fury event with CSP, and 8/9 in the Clan event Proving Grounds. He has also organized 11 competitions himself, which includes leading the House event of "What Lies Beneath" in April. Wrooshuu was instrumental in planning the fiction for this event, setting up the competitions, promoting it, and also judging it in the end. He worked closely with Inarya and Anima to plan and execute the event. All in all, Wrooshuu has been a solid leader and set a great example for his House. His competition participation is at the forefront of the Clan and he does his fair share of planning and coordinating the House's story. He is frequently in communication with his Battleteam Leaders and making sure that their work is going smoothly.

For the above reasons, I would like to recommend this Steel Cross for Wrooshuu.

Consul of Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2015-06-29 05:11:25 UTC
Additional reasons

Wrooshuu has been not only an invaluable member of not only the House Summit but also to the Clan as a whole. He is one of the most active member that I know, he is the embodyment of lead by example, never thinking that anything is beneath him. He willingly gives his time to anyone who asks for it working closely with not only member of his own House but those from the clan of a whole. Wrooshuu was a massive help in the organisation and execution of the House Shar Dakhan Event, he didn’t only help with the fictional side of things but with the weekly running of it as well.

Aedile of Shar Dakhan

Inarya Tiberius Entar, 2015-06-20 07:06:36 UTC

I am honoured to be recommending Wrooshuu for this Steel Cross of the Dark Side. He has been a hard working and dedicated part of the Leadership team inside of Clan Naga Sadow. Since taking office as Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan we have seen activity contuine to grow inside the unit.

Wrooshuu stepped up and filled a position that needed stability and order, as well as help to make sure that members were kept motivated and driven inside of the House. A task that was not easy at all but none the less Wrooshuu tried his hardest, interacting with members inside of IRC to figure out what they needed and wanted to see from him as well as his summit. Working with his Aedile to give the House a event which saw participation rise as well as members getting involved and enjoying themselves inside of the House.

During the event Wrooshuu promoted the competitions and contuined to muster his members to getting involved, seeing many of them contuine to progress and develope there skills within the club. As well as watching activity steadily rise inside of the club which was a huge boost to Naga Sadow. He contuines to work with his summit in any event getting involved himself. Taking very much a lead by example route as we have seen during the Clan Naga Sadow and Scholae event. He lead the way forward for his house, participating in the events as well as rallying his members to focus on getting the most activity he could from everyone.

Since taking the role of Quaestor on in Shar Dakhan we have also seen the house open a new Battleteam. Gelleros lead the summit in expanding, bringing a second team back to life as he contuine to progress his summit helping develop them into the tema that they are today, able to handle most situations and contuine to give members what they want in terms of events, competitions and projects.

Congrautlations on this Steel Cross of the Dark Side Wrooshuu. I look forward to seeing what you and your summit do in the future, and keep up the hard work and activity that you have been doing. Drinks are on you for this merit meda.

Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2015-06-29 05:10:16 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Lexiconus Qor, our beloved Squiddles has continued to keep up his A game these last couple of months since obtaining EQ3. As a QUA, he is regularly in communication with his house, and constantly looking for new ways to better himself and the members of the clan. Most recently this came in the format of a proposal to help strengthen one of CSP's major weak points, gaming numbers. Lexic is constantly on the lookout for new ways to push himself and the clan forward. He is regularly PMing me on ideas for new clan activities, members who have been showing good potential, and suggestions of things he has seen in other units. He is typically the first of the leaders in the clan to email a new member, getting to them with incredible speed upon receipt of the new member email. He is on telegram nearly constantly, with an incredible regularity of providing info for member's questions, suggestions for things they can do, and being a generally pleasant conversationalist in the clan channel.

But in addition to his regular and consistent amazing work as QUA, Lexic also hits it hard as a member, totaling some 23 competitions participated in the last two months, earning 2 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, 3 Emerald Crescents, 23 Clusters of Fire, and 25 Clusters of Ice. This activity spurred him on to a 4th place finish in our recent Midnight event.

For his efforts as QUA and as a CSP member I recommend he be awarded this Steel Cross. Congrats Lexic!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-01-09 02:16:04 UTC
Additional reasons

Lexiconus is constantly active as QUA of Imperium and is a very valuable member of our summit team. In addition to his own high activity levels which frequently place him in the top 3 of clan-wide events, Lex is always looking for ways to improve the clan and dedicated to his leadership role, sending welcome emails and responding quickly on telegram around the clock. Frequently, Lex will have a personal email sent within half an hour of the member joining the club. The consistency and speed with which Lex addresses his leadership role takes a massive amount of pressure off the clan summit and we greatly appreciate his efforts.

Elincia Proconsul

General Zentru'la, 2017-01-08 23:39:26 UTC

Lexiconus is consistently active, taking part in numerous competitions, present nearly around the clock on telegram, and the ALWAYS the first to greet a new member to Imperium! He is a very strong leader, striving always for the betterment of not only his own House, but the Clan as a whole. He is always thinking up new ideas, bringing his best to his role, and just plain being there for his fellow clan mates. He is passionate about what he does as a QUA, and it never ceases to show. Admittedly, he is the first person I go to when I need things proofed, and he is one of my favourite people to bounce my own ideas off of. His feedback is always helpful and thoughtful.

Thank you Lexic! Keep up the incredible work!

Master Mune Cinteroph, 2017-01-09 02:01:37 UTC