Character Snapshot (Padawan Tisto Kingang)

Character Snapshot for Jedi Knight Scheat Eclipseflame (2015/07/13, GRD Arcean Furnece vs. JK Scheat Eclipseflame)

Jedi Knight Scheat Eclipseflame

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Nautolan, Guardian, Marauder
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 90.0 kg / 198 lbs
Age: 15 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Scheat is a blue skinned Nautolan of average height. He carries himself with pride, and is always smiling. he wears set of smuggler robes that he wears when he wishes to go on a light journey.

On his left wrist is a modified datapad which is worn as a bracer. His lightsaber hangs from his waist in open display.

On his right arm is a broken shackle, from a stint he did to steal away a crew of slaves. His arms have a large number of scars from previous jobs.

Other than that, his strange array of gear is worn in sight at all times. His blastsword is sheathed and buckled on the opposite side of his waist as his lightsaber. His Vibroknuckler is attached to his left sleeve.

Oddly the only weapon he hides is is his blaster pistol, which is belted in the back of his clothing, and hidden under his robe.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)

Melee: Lightsaber Fists Blastsword Vibroknuckler

Ranged: SC-4 blaster pistol

What? (General Aspect)

Scheal has a knack for getting in over his head. While he is skilled at many things, he lacks foresight. He knows this is a problem, but sometimes he can't help himself. What is the point of living if you don't have fun? he will ask to anyone who questions him, even though he knows that sometimes the risk is not worth the reward.

Heart of Gold (General Aspect)

A smuggler for almost all of his life Scheat has developed a care for all people. He has, even do the detriment of his pay, diverted shipments of slaves to freedom, hidden enemies of crime lords, and has made quite a reputation as a smuggler hero. While he does still trafic spice and weapons, his main operation has been stopping the slave trade. Unfortunately, this has put him at odds with some of the many powerful organizations, especially the Black Sun and the Saraask'ar Slaver Guild.

I know you (Personality Aspect)

Scheat seems to be good with names. He seems to know people he has never met before. In reality he carries around a datapad that has the names of many people considered to be important to him at any time. He likes to know what people can do, and hopes that he can get them to be allies. He despises enemies. Those who he gets to know beyond his datapad he would risk his life for. He also has a habit of asking people if they want to join a smuggler's guild when he finds someone with a skill set he likes. Unfortunately because of his reliance on the datapad for information, this question more often than not annoys people and puts him in a tight spot with some people.

Why do I smile? (Personality Aspect)

Scheat always is smiling. He finds that it distracts his friends and foes alike. He also smiles just to hide how he feels. He want to help anyone he can, and finds people take help from someone who smiles more often than someone who does not. While this often lands him in trouble, he finds that the excitement is worth it.

It's A Trap (Combat Aspect)

Scheat Eclipseflame has an uncanny knack for identifying traps and alerting others to them. Now, if only he could consistently do it BEFORE the trap goes off...

You thought this would be a street fight. Well You were right. (Combat Aspect)

Scheat is never one for conformity. While he has knowledge of two "soft" fighting styles, Verdanaian and Ataru, his constant smuggling jobs have led him to what he calls real fighting. He has trained with several different kinds of weapons, even learning how to use a blastsword in the Ataru style. When he fights he fights diversely, never letting his opponent know what his next move is. He tries not to let his opponent figure out what he will do next, often changing weapons or tactics through his fights.

While most serious duelists consider Scheats tactics a waste of time and energy, those he has fought have been overwhelmed by his diversity of skills. This is not to say Scheat does not use the fighting methods he learned through the year, he will use them quite frequently in combat, he just has learned methods many would not even think of.

Skill Feats
Lightning Reflexes The Force is With Me The System, Is Down
Force Feats
Accelerated Healing I
Granted Feats
Battle Haste I Nautolan: Fear in the Water Battlefield Awareness I
  • Basic
  • Nautila
  • Criminal Underworld Organizations
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form IV (Ataru)