Tisto is a male Kiffar with a few oddities. His redish brown hair marks he is not a pure Kiffar, even though the human in his family was his Great Great grandmother. He has numerous scars, and has a green crescent moon Tattoo running across his nose.
Tisto is mostly seen in his racing gear, a Durasteel inlayed set of black leather that barely hinders his movement. In addition he may be seen in his black racing helmet.
*Wrist Laser- Dur-24 model
*T-21 light repeating Blaster Rifle
Every legendary story seems to have at least one charming and optimistic character. If that's the case, then it only makes sense that Tistito "Tisto" Kingang has decided to be that person. After all, if everyone is too busy whining and groaning about the negatives, how will anyone ever reach the positive? True, Tistito "Tisto" Kingang's constant belief that things will get better can be terribly grating, especially to pessimists or those just level-headed enough to realize when things truly are going downhill, but Tistito "Tisto" Kingang's constant positive outlook can serve to sometimes spur others to action when it feels like the world just wants them to lay down and die.
Tistito has developed a need for adrenaline. A member of a Swoop Gang, and occasional starfighter pilot, he has developed quick reflexes. It shows simply in the way he moves, rarely moving slow. He is not one to sit still for long, and has developed his force powers for the swoop track.
His choice of lightaber form is another tell he has for his love of all things fast. The speed of Shien's whirls, and deflections drawing him in. In mass combat, he will practically fly around the battlefield, and in one on one duels, while not Shien's strength, he will try to overwhelm his opponent with his quickness.
Tisto never was trained by Jedi. He taught himself to use the Force, and won a light saber training holo in a swoop race. Because of this, much of what he does is heavily based on what let him live for years. Swoop Racing. All of his force abilities can be used in a Swoop Race, and are used in new inventive ways at all times because of a Swoop race's unpredictability.
Tisto is a rapid thinker, and relies on improvisation to get through jams. He does not like to plan, and when he has to sit through a plan, he will often ignore most of it. As a result he has a hard time dealing with long term strategy and is often disorganized in anything but a fight or a race.
He can come off as lazy, or foolish, but he loves the thrill of adventure and loves putting things together on the fly. This allows him to be more flexible in a situation, while giving him room to move.
Years of Swoop Racing have made Tisto react quick, and his self trained Force abilities have made him even faster. In a fight, he will use his speed, agility and reflexes to move around. He avoids fights where he is stuck in one place, as he prefers to use all the area possible for his fights. This kind of fighting has several benefits, and many draw backs. He cannot last in a long term battle, and in a one on one fight he has less to move around with. However, when he can overwhelm someone with sheer speed, he can take them out.
Tistito uses the Force in strange ways. He has trained up powers that do not kill, but distract or that enhance himself. He does not believe that the Force should be used as a weapon to kill, but merely a tool to aid in a race or a fight.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | Mandalorian Core |
Secondary Martial Art | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form V (Shien) |