Dreith Droheden

Journeyman 2, Rogues, Force Disciple
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
1477 words in 3 activities
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Displaying all 3 fiction activity reports
Don't Panic!
Dreith Droheden opted out of publishing his submission.
[INQ] A New Order's Rending
Textual submission

-Inquisitorius Objective-

The yellow light of the sun glinted intensely around his swirling cloak, silhouetting his figure against the vast, desolated plains so that only the sharp edges of his red blade could be seen amidst the thick, clouds of sand. He stood at the edge of a dune surveying the desolate land below, holocron in hand. A few strange birds circled above, a peculiarity for the past two days now just a familiar sight. With a nonchalant wave of his hand, he force-pushed one flying near him; a seemingly larger one with a bright orange crest, as he still hadn't gotten use to the taunting stare they tortured him with nor could he stand the heavily breathing thing hunched behind him.
He turned his gaze back to the blockade runner, or what remained. Parts of varying size lay scattered everywhere and he could make out distinct heat waves, emitting not only from the metal but from awkwardly positioned bodies, half dead and moaning or otherwise uncannily still. Just a moment ago, a whirling tornado of sand created by the minds of his comrades had forced the stolen ship apart, which resulted in an uncontrollable mass of hurtling objects, falling fast in random directions.
Taking a gulp from a salvaged waterskin, Jada lithely descended the incline and approached the wreckage to seek out his saboteur. He found him underneath twin rocket engines detached from a pod.
'Taking out the main reactor was easier than you anticipated.' D-5 arched his back as he stood, undergoing a series of maneuvers to make sure his parts were in proper, compatible condition.
Jada nodded, taking in a deep breath and faced what was left of the disheveled crowd; a wry sneer stretching taut skin. 'Jedi! You are defeated, the force has abandoned you and your plan is flawed. Hear now the last words you will ever know....Your own screams!'
A raspy whistle and a moment later, his terentatek appeared from behind a dune, creating a landslide as it weighed upon the sand. Expanding its chest, the creature raised hard-plated, muscular arms and roared, ferociously baring its tusks. Blood could be seen dribbling down its neck, spilling into a clump of messed-up, orange hued feathers. Nothing stirred in the sky. Minds quickened and filled with fear.
Raising the hilt high above his head in preparation, Jada slowly circled the three nearest Jedi. Hoods covered their heads, though he could tell he was fighting what he termed as youngsters. He didn't care. Each moment he moved in closer; until he could see into the depths of their terrified, dilated eyes, giving evidence of their inexperience and boosting confidence in his ability to defeat his opponents. As he crossed the gap that separated them, they ignited blades in unison and met with powerful standing strikes in a cascade of colors. He could feel the pulsating heat as the taller one took a step forward and aimed at his neck. Jada double-backed into a reversed aerial kick and lunged into a knee after being caught off balance, forcing an unintentional off-handed blade thrust. Using all his strength he purposefully fell into the body on his left and knocked the lad onto a jagged, sun-dried crack in the ground. They both landed with a dull thud, and seeing the look on his uncovered, tattooed face, Jada guessed had broken part of the youth's vertebrae structure. Next thing he knew, his vision starting blurring and the tip of a blue saberstaff protruded from his chest.
Strained, tired eyes remained open long enough to see his pet tremble in outrage through their mid-link and swipe poisonous gashes upon its victims, to what would otherwise be Jada's vengeance, for after all those years of arduous training he had to finally succumb to ultimate defeat.

(Darth) Names Are Important
Textual submission

Cycle: Unknown
Entry 449

You may think I am wicked, corrupt and unprincipled. I am not. I am preeminent, and I execute the full need of my destructive desires as I see that which consumable. For I am my own Master, unlike the weak minded, light-fevered harbinger, the one I once called Master. I am that which is not desired within the quake of my rebirth and its ruining. Behold, Darth Drek'ath, your devourer and silencer, betrayer and betrayed. I am titled many.
Rage, the living essence of the Nether-Force within me and the eternal Force, bow to serve as it knows I am the stronger. It does nothing to me, as I am in control. I am considered by many the true ultimate of power itself. All fear me. All defy me. This is the path I have chosen.
There is no shame in hiding amongst the shadow, for I am it, as it is a part of me. Beneath the catacombs of the very dark which consume my enemies, I grow from within. we grow. Taking strength from its very core for our own, my brethren and sistren relish in its horrifying presence. Though they are all beneath me, rampaging like Hssiss beasts among their ranks.
We circle our enemy and they do not know it. They think they have harnessed the ultimate power at its full, that they too are masters. Yet they lay in comfort, unaware of the goings on around them. They do not seek to obtain the power, yet they manipulate and take hold of it, exploiting its nature with their practices. Why do so many forms of life admire them? It is well known throughout the history of my people. Because they tell them to, though avoidant in admitting so. They are a foolish order and one day will discover the power as I myself have caused, though from beneath my wrath and beyond their trust. For weak Jah'aji exists no more.
The discovery of true power, power I fervently obtained, reduced the deceptive qualities and law of Master and Apprentice to an extent that I became Teacher, while the other sought knowledge by accessing personal archives within my study and its vault of holocrons. Knowledge I must proclaim, gathered from descendants of my ancestors and their own lineage of descendants.
These are the learned words of my teachings spoken by the one I once called Master: "The Rule of Two shall be extinctiated when all false Sith have been eliminated, then the lineage of pure-blood Sith shall rise as magnificent as when birthed hence before." These words are the basis of my rebirth, for I am to end this line of falsehood and let reclaim the deserved ones.

Here is the journal of my reign. The story in the time of my utterly devoured state, documented for all those aware of the darkness and the light and for which these factions hold.
I am He the Devourer, Sovereign of my people. We have traveled far.