Character Snapshot (Master Bentre Stahoes)

Character Snapshot for Battlelord Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes (2017/05/31, Battlelord Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes vs. Seer Edgar Drachen)

Battlelord Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Sith, Shadow, Obelisk
Height: 1.79 m / 5'10" - Weight: 71.0 kg / 157 lbs
Age: 31 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Bentre usually keeps his dark hair trimmed just a finger or two below his jawline. He bears several scars around his eyes, but only obscures those around his left eye out of habit. His eyes, which normally appear to be hazel, seem to be constantly studying and searching with a manic purpose. When he is not using a Force illusion to hide it, his left eye will glow red, appearing akin to a Tukatan eye. His left arm is a bionic prosthetic from about half-way down his upper arm. The flesh portion of his upper arm is terribly scarred- though rarely exposed.

Loadout: Iron Hunter (Snapshot)
"she let him pontificate..." (General Aspect)

Bentre really just loves the sound of his own voice too much. He often boasts about his prowess in battle, or likes to taunt his opponent. Thankfully, when the battles get more intense, he will shut his mouth and knuckle down. However, this will not stop him from making the occasional verbal jab. Bentre considers himself a warrior, taking great pride in this fact, further reinforcing his already swollen ego.

Too Close To The Sun (General Aspect)

Bentre has been able to tap into the Force more easily since his experience on Dentaavi Prime. Since leaving the asteroid, his application of the Force is no stronger than before, As time carried on, the Corellian noticed that when he accesses the Force, he experiences pain. The sensation is similar to that of an electric shock, increasing with each consecutive tap into the Force. Given an extended rest during which he does not tap into the Force directly , the pain level will become gradually decreased to the point of being nearly minimal. Still, this fact has made him less keen to tap into the Force for frivolous purposes.

Twisted by Darkness (Personality Aspect)

Bentre no longer retains a steady grip on his sanity. After being subjected to Sith Alchemy and the ravages of the shard artifacts, the Corellian hears voices and suffers irregular periods of rage, aggression, and schizophrenia. The madness drives the Shadow between euphoria and despair, making him a greater conduit for the Dark Side to further twist and distort. Stahoes cannot deny that he still cares for the well-being of his Clan, House and comrades but he will not allow these feelings to completely halt his own pursuits of power and glory.

Hunter, Not Prey (Personality Aspect)

As Bentre Stahoes has been touched and twisted by the Dark Side, he has lost his feelings of being chased. Whereas on Nar Shadda he had been hunted, he has in turn come to view himself as a predator in his own right. He prides himself on his prowess in combat, and sees himself as the ruin of both warriors and Force Users of lesser skill. Sometimes he will even liken himself to a wolf on the prowl as he gloats. His hubris can often lead to him underestimating a challenge or confronting an obstacle he would have avoided in the past.

Executioner (Combat Aspect)

Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes wears out his opponents through use of the Force, agility, and evasion. Once he has sufficiently tired his foes through the Force, physical, or mental assault, he quickly tries to find a means of cleanly and swiftly dispatching them - usually resulting in a somewhat risky all-or-nothing attempt at a deathblow.

"...a trusty blaster at your side" (Combat Aspect)

Bentre Stahoes may wear a lightsaber at his waist, but he prefers to go for his trusty blaster instead, preferring to shoot it out from range rather than trying to get in up-close and personal. He is not opposed to be using his lightsaber, but is not averse to sticking with his blaster when matters of pride are not at risk.

Skill Feats
You Can't Stop The Signal Lightning Reflexes Won't Attract The Worm
Force Feats
Escape Artist Saber Throw Reflexive Counter
Granted Feats
Steel Curtain Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face Order Feat: Sith Ghosting II Faceless II
  • Basic
  • Huttese
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Sith Alchemy
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Echani
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form I (Shii-Cho)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None