Character Snapshot (Headmistress Alethia Archenksova)

Character Snapshot for Colonel Alethia Archenksova (2021/01/16, Master Marick Tyris Arconae vs. Colonel Alethia Archenksova)

Colonel Alethia Archenksova

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Female Human, Loyalist, Director, Imperial
Height: 1.69 m / 5'7" - Weight: 55.0 kg / 121 lbs
Age: 34 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Perhaps a bit too tall to be called dainty, Alethia is nevertheless slender and fine-boned. Archenksova has a cool complexion, with fair, even-toned skin and deep blue eyes. She generally keeps her dark chestnut brown hair dyed a silver color. Alethia keeps her hair about shoulder-length and changes styles to suit the occasion.

Alethia pays great attention to her hair and makeup, precisely aligning both to Core standards of human femininity. Her mellifluous voice likewise displays a strong coreward accent from decades split between Coruscant and Alderaan.

Reference Images

Loadout: Alethia Standard (Snapshot)
A Safe and Secure Society (General Aspect)

Alethia spent her youth attending COMPNOR rallies and the Royal Imperial Academy, and dedicated her adult life before joining Odan-Urr fighting for the New Order as an agent of the ISB. Although her feelings towards the Empire have become increasingly muddled over the last few years, she still holds to its ideals. She appreciates order and devotion to duty, believes the government and military have a central role in civilized society, and suspects that ‘democracy’ is just a euphemism for anarchy. Nevertheless, Alethia is wholly devoted to Odan-Urr and its mission, even as her old Imperial habits linger on. She expects those around her to be willing to give everything for the cause, and she is prepared to do the same herself.

This War Is Far From Over (General Aspect)

For two years, Alethia bounced between Arx, Sirmium, and elsewhere in an attempt to serve Odan-Urr from afar after she was forced from the High Councillor position. Her time away from the daily management of war on multiple fronts has given her the first opportunity to reflect on her purpose in life in years. With the help of fellow ex-Imperial Ken Iode and her contacts in the Principate, Alethia developed a more nuanced view of the galaxy’s path forward that blended her Imperial values with a more democratic and humanitarian approach.

And then Arx happened. Faced once again with the overwhelming power of both the Collective and the Iron Throne, Alethia has rededicated herself to finding some way to ensure Odan-urr’s survival. Old rivalries and philosophical debates are secondary; Alethia needs all the friends she can get.

Break Through the Fog of Lies (Personality Aspect)

As a skilled propagandist and career intelligence officer, Alethia knows that information is both weapon and battlefield, both the goal and the means to attain it. This understanding is so integral to Archenksova’s mindset that it colors her every interaction. Every conversation is both interrogation and persuasive act, and she is always “on message,” presenting a comprehensive worldview that sweeps up those around her and sweeps away any facts that contradict her. The curated reality she presents to friend and foe alike inevitably relies on omissions, thought-terminating clichés, and the occasional outright lie. Such lies cost her the High Councillor position, and it’s only a matter of time before they blow up in her face again.

There is No Civility, Only Politics (Personality Aspect)

A naturally gregarious woman who was raised for life as a socialite and trained to manipulate and deceive, Alethia has an almost instinctive understanding of etiquette and overpowering charisma. A warm smile, liberal use of compliments, and an apparently-inexhaustible desire to listen make for good first impressions and fast friends. However, years of deceit and paranoia prevent her from lowering her guard enough to truly connect to people. Alethia has many superficial friends, but hardly any that she really trusts. Her charm inevitably proves less overwhelming the better one knows her. When her cold, calculating Imperial nature shows through in times of duress or moral conflict, the gap between appearance and reality often proves jarring to her colleagues.

Only Now, At The End, Do You Understand (Combat Aspect)

Alethia approaches combat from an unsentimental and strategic perspective. While she's competent in several forms of combat, she realized a long time ago that her training is simply insufficient for a fair fight against most of her enemies: so she cheats. A thorough understanding of her enemy can prove every bit as deadly as a Sith's lightsaber or a sniper's blaster. Archenksova attempts to control her enemies’ expectations through any means at her disposal. Deception and confusion are as central to her combat style as blasters and war droids. ‘Honor’ and other such forms of useless sentimentality are luxuries that a woman in her position cannot afford. This causes no end of friction with those fixated on heroic last stands, leaving no soldier behind, or avoiding any hint of cowardice.

Do Not Hesitate, Show No Mercy (Combat Aspect)

Alethia’s old Imperial training is only the foundation of her skillset; now years of guerilla warfare and dedicated training on how to kill Force users have built upon it. One lesson has come through loud and clear: her opponents almost always have the advantage in a fair, straight-up confrontation. So Alethia does whatever she can to seize the initiative and keep her enemy off balance and reacting to her moves. She doesn’t care about elegance, technique, or fairness in combat. Her only concern is finding a way to crush any resistance as efficiently as possible. Consequently, she fixates on destroying her enemy and is loath to withdraw and negotiate a peaceful settlement, even if it would be more beneficial to her or her allies.

Skill Feats
Assess The Situation Go Ahead, Make My Day Classic Misdirection The Hand Is Quicker Sociopath You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die Sleeping Rancor Your Reputation Precedes You Second Skin I
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Order Feat: Loyalist Steel Curtain Checkmate II Silver Tongue II
  • Basic
  • Fine and Performing Arts of the Galactic Empire
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None