Sapphire Blade events for General Daniel Stephens

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
High Councillor Masahiro Haku
Primary reason

Sometimes there's a need to hit things with fancy glowbats and go pew-pew with nifty blasters, sometimes there's a time to rest and hibernate. Sometimes we end up sleeping through massive changes that shake things and systems up and we don't get the credit we're due until we decide to crawl out of bed, this is definitely one of those cases.

When I joined The Brotherhood years ago Seraphol was a member of The Wildcards (Odan-Urr's own Anarchists in a boat) and before I stepped out for my first hiatus, he left to become the Headmaster. The man has had a storied career, been with The Brotherhood through some certainly interesting years, and done just about a little bit of everything along the way. Sidestepping the traditional path of Sapphire to Amethyst, he's finally getting his first Blue Stabby, and it's well beyond earned.

Ever Onward, Seraphol!

High Councillor Masahiro Haku, 2024-06-04 13:59:32 UTC
Additional reasons

Seraphol is a old man who has been around for longer than some members have been alive, not counting stints of when real life took precedence. There's hasn't been much he hasn't done, and honestly surprised it took until the XP system for him to get his first Sapphire Blade, the man has TWO Amethyst Kukris. So, while out of order congratz man you've earned it.

Reaper Heiken Akechi, 2024-05-27 23:03:08 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
High Councillor Masahiro Haku
Primary reason

It's been a few months and we've been through a few updates, adjusting XP rewards for various clusters and overall values, since you were awarded last, had I known and could roll it back, I would have held off on your award to give you a slight push toward the Amethyst you're most certainly due. Since your last award, you've taken part in 7 competitions, one of which being a container competition, and earned just over 15,000 credits for Odan-Urr. You've nattered about in the Discord on occasion, giving your accounts of the days of old and bantering with the rest of the crew. While you're not the most active of us, your contributions and appearances are always appreciated and we look forward to the times you decide to pop in and shout at us, waving your cane and yelling at the clouds.

High Councillor Masahiro Haku, 2024-11-23 05:14:12 UTC