Texas UK

Journeyman 4, Rogues, Mercenary
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
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Look What I Found
Textual submission

Have you heard the saying that "you don't know what your missing till you've tried it " . Well that certainly rings true with me as some time ago a very good friend of mine Gary suggested that I join the DJB .
Now I have to admit I had my doubts and questions kept coming into my head, Do I ? Or Don't I ? Was the main one I had to face.
Why was it so difficult I kept telling Gary I would and never did.
Well after sometime I was asked again and thought what the heck, what have I got to loose if it's not for me then it's not for me .

Looking back now after just under 3 months in the club I can now see clearly that Question back then was SIMPLE it should of been I DO.
That is something that you normally say at a wedding when you join together as one , which is relevant as I have met strangers who very soon became friends , always there to make me feel welcome and offers of help even now don't stop .
Now it's most definitely the essence of the club that we have so many Great leaders and Members leading us in the right direction.
Even though we have a Great Divide between us where ever we are in the World and what ever Path we choose to follow or Clan we are in , it's like that Divide is no longer there and that's down to all of us as we pull together as one .
In closing My personal Journey has only just began and will continue but one thing is sure it will continue along side people that I'm Proud to stand with , those I chat with and those I don't and you all will All be an important part of my life now and always.



One Sentence Character Story
Textual submission

Its sometime hard trying to be what your not , so be happy with who you are