Item |
Researcher Robes (Brotherhood-issued Researcher Robes) |
Ring of Transcendence |
Ring of Visions |
Royal Guard Bilari Electro-chain Whip |
Royal Guard Force Pike |
Ruby Scepter |
Sapphire Blade |
Sapphire Blade |
Shadow Academy Sith Sword |
Sith Scroll (Academy-issued Sith Order Scroll) |
Sith Tome (Academy-issued Sith Tome) |
Stabby |
Armory DL-44 Blaster Pistol |
Armory E-11 Blaster Rifle |
Armory Vibroblade |
Armory Vibrodagger |
Armory Vibrosword |
Novitiate Armory Lightsaber |
C1 Personal Comlink |
Casual Attire |
Formal Attire |
Formal Attire |
Wrist Link |
Climbing Claws |
Sonic Grenade |