Jashashi "Vesh" Zaes

Equite 1, Rogues, Sith
Displaying all 9 news items
Title Context Posted On
A Final Message Aedile (Shar Dakhan) 12 Jul, 2020
Blank Title Hiding Promising Things Aedile (Shar Dakhan) 11 Apr, 2020
This Time, It's Personal Aedile (Shar Dakhan) 12 Oct, 2019
Kicking and Screaming Aedile (Shar Dakhan) 26 Sep, 2019
And So the Dust Settles Aedile (Shar Dakhan) 1 Sep, 2019
Darkness Speaks Aedile (Shar Dakhan) 30 Jun, 2019
Something Cool! Aedile (Shar Dakhan) 13 Jun, 2019
Insert Great Title Here Aedile (Shar Dakhan) 25 May, 2019
The First of Hopefully Many Aedile (Shar Dakhan) 3 May, 2019