
Journeyman 1, Rogues, Sith
Venom has collected 1 Academic Credits, with an average score of 80.0%
Venom has completed 2 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Pundit - Essentials 12 Feb, 2018
Pundit - Vendetta 9 Feb, 2018
Venom has completed 18 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Advancement Survey 14 Feb, 2018 14 Feb, 2018 100%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Comms 103: DJBWiki (An Introduction) 9 Feb, 2018 9 Feb, 2018 80%
The Archives Comms 102: Telegram 8 Feb, 2018 8 Feb, 2018 77%
The Archives Gaming 101: Setting up & Finding Matches 9 Feb, 2018 9 Feb, 2018 83%
The Archives Vendetta 101: Foundation 9 Feb, 2018 9 Feb, 2018 100%
The Archives Vendetta 102: Submission 9 Feb, 2018 9 Feb, 2018 100%
The Archives Vendetta 103: Fiction and Graphics Tips 9 Feb, 2018 9 Feb, 2018 100%
The Archives Essentials 101: History 9 Feb, 2018 9 Feb, 2018 100%
The Archives Essentials 103: Orders & Disciplines 9 Feb, 2018 9 Feb, 2018 83%
The Archives Essentials 104: Ranks 10 Feb, 2018 10 Feb, 2018 100%
The Archives Essentials 105: Organization 10 Feb, 2018 10 Feb, 2018 100%
The Archives Essentials 106: Medals 12 Feb, 2018 12 Feb, 2018 100%
The Archives Gaming 102: Fist-o-matic 13 Feb, 2018 13 Feb, 2018 100%
The Archives Gaming 103: Submitting Gaming Activity 13 Feb, 2018 13 Feb, 2018 100%
The Archives Dark Brotherhood Basics 13 Feb, 2018 13 Feb, 2018 73%
The Archives Essentials 102: Societies 9 Feb, 2018 9 Feb, 2018 100%
The Archives Comms 103: Discourse Forum 8 Feb, 2018 8 Feb, 2018 71%
N/A Trial of Identity 8 Feb, 2018 8 Feb, 2018 Complete