There is little that I can't say about Alaisy that wouldn't speak to the efforts and contributions that she has contributed to Taldryan both since her arrival as well as her eager appointment as my Magistrate. From the very first moments, she reminded me of myself when I joined Taldryan and became a Quaestor; always eager to push the story, develop our lore, and get her little non-ewok hands all over everything she could even if that took away from things that myself or the Pecan could do leaving us with naught but crumbs.
Just in this last quarter, she has completed a staggering 256 competitions while organizing 44, and co-organizing 4 of those; bringing in from that 115 (!) Crescents, 5 Clusters of Fire, 128 Clusters of Ice, 108 Clusters of Graphite, 17 society rank-ups, and contributing nearly 1.5 million in credits for us. Which in a three month span is an IMPRESSIVE endeavor.
In her spare time when she isnt doing competitions, she spear-headed the Fortress Cloudhaven Roleplay with myself as a backup in case she needed it but unsurprisingly ended up not, orchestrating and running the story over two massive sessions spanning well over the end of the event due to its popularity and the random needed improv when things would start to go off the rails. Since then, she has been diving head-first into the Dalicron Prelude; Sins of an Empire, and the following Phase 1 development due out later this year. Where Meleu has been backbone focusing the worlds and environments, she has been the architect behind the lead organizations and groups that will be further defining and fleshing out those creations. Anders, as the one who worked with her on those, went into more detail so I won't touch on them as directly.
She has also been working on NPCs for both campaigns, updating our NPC rosters, characters, and upcoming for release; revised population count numbers to account for expansion with Dalicron refugees and the raising of the Caelus system to a major population center in the outer rim. This also includes numerous expansions on our capital world of Kasiya itself, where she has actively been working on fleshing things out even further than they had already been with incredible detail; both through RPs as a participant in her role as Governor, as well as district-focused work during the RPs ran by our Emissary Erinyes that saw members of nearly all the Clans visit Port Kasiya itself.
Not even just that, but her discord presence each and every day like clockwork has been the highest out of the entire summit; rivaling that of even Discord addict Anders, helping to make sure that the summit is constantly visible both for our members in terms of social engagement, as well as to the brotherhood at large. Even those who aren't our members, she gladly socializes with and helps when they have questions or need help. Her efforts easily ensure that we have a warm and welcoming environment for all members of the Brotherhood, which is something I am proud to see.
For everything you have done over this last quarter, I want to extend this very special thank you Alaisy in the form of a Ruby Scepter. You truly help define Taldryan, both in name and our ideals, as well as what it means to be one of us. You've earned this easily.
Thank you Alaisy.
Lady Second Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
Supreme Chancellor of the Taldryan Republic
Clan Taldryan
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya, 2024-05-14 13:00:16 UTC