Ellisyn Kendis

Equite 2, Clan Arcona, Mercenary
Ellisyn Kendis has collected 63 Academic Credits, with an average score of 94.3%
Ellisyn Kendis has completed 4 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Pundit - Communications 26 Mar, 2022
Maven - Leadership 19 Nov, 2022
Savant - Leadership and Communication 7 Nov, 2023
Maven - Philosophy 24 Dec, 2023
Ellisyn Kendis has completed 32 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Comms 102: Discord 26 Mar, 2022 26 Mar, 2022 94%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Comms 101: Website Navigation 26 Mar, 2022 26 Mar, 2022 95%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Advancement Survey 27 Mar, 2022 27 Mar, 2022 100%
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Comms 103: DJBWiki (An Introduction) 26 Mar, 2022 26 Mar, 2022 100%
Department of Lore Philosophy II: Cults of the Force 24 Dec, 2023 24 Dec, 2023 92%
Department of Lore Philosophy I: Views of the Force 24 Dec, 2023 24 Dec, 2023 100%
Department of Writing Introduction to Fiction Writing 3 Dec, 2022 3 Dec, 2022 94%
Department of Writing Story Structure 3 Dec, 2022 3 Dec, 2022 94%
Department of Writing Fiction Studies 21 Apr, 2022 21 Apr, 2022 95%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Debate 101: Argumentation 3 Nov, 2023 3 Nov, 2023 92%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Leadership Competitions 24 Mar, 2022 24 Mar, 2022 96%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Leadership Reports 19 Nov, 2022 19 Nov, 2022 100%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Debate 102: Refutation 7 Nov, 2023 7 Nov, 2023 86%
Department of Leadership, Law, and Communication Leadership Management 6 Nov, 2023 6 Nov, 2023 88%
Department of Legends Sith Legends 17 Jul, 2023 17 Jul, 2023 100%
The Archives Essentials 104: Ranks 21 Apr, 2022 21 Apr, 2022 80%
The Archives Essentials 103: Orders & Disciplines 21 Apr, 2022 21 Apr, 2022 100%
The Archives Grammar Studies 22 Apr, 2022 26 Apr, 2022 95%
The Archives Trial of Acquisition 14 May, 2022 14 May, 2022 Complete
The Archives Essentials 105: Organization 22 May, 2022 22 May, 2022 100%
The Archives Essentials 102: Societies 21 Apr, 2022 21 Apr, 2022 100%
The Archives Run-On Studies 21 Apr, 2022 21 Apr, 2022 94%
The Archives Leadership Rewards 19 Nov, 2022 19 Nov, 2022 100%
The Archives Essentials 101: History 11 Feb, 2022 11 Feb, 2022 89%
The Archives Comms 103: Discourse Forum 26 Mar, 2022 26 Mar, 2022 71%
Character Creation & Development Jedi Order Core 24 Apr, 2022 24 Apr, 2022 100%
Character Creation & Development Character Sheets 101: Introduction 24 Mar, 2022 24 Mar, 2022 96%
Character Creation & Development Character Sheets 102: Possessions & Loadouts 21 Apr, 2022 21 Apr, 2022 93%
Character Creation & Development Force Disciple Order Core 24 Apr, 2022 24 Apr, 2022 80%
Character Creation & Development Loyalist Order Core 17 Nov, 2022 17 Nov, 2022 91%
Character Creation & Development Mercenary Order Core 26 May, 2022 23 Dec, 2023 100%
N/A Trial of Identity 2 Feb, 2022 2 Feb, 2022 Complete