Character Snapshot (Bale Andros)

Character Snapshot for Yeoman Deezn Jarok (2023/03/29, Colonel Lemmy "Gehn" Nyrrire vs. Yeoman Deezn Jarok)

Yeoman Deezn Jarok

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Rodian, Mercenary, Ace
Height: 1.72 m / 5'8" - Weight: 47.0 kg / 104 lbs
Age: 19 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Deezn is a scrawny sort of fellow, diminutive in stature and presence both. There just ain't much about the kid that’s noteworthy. He’s got big, blue-black bug eyes and a funnel-like snout, his scales a typical ol' Rodian green, tinged with some yellowish spots. He's got a wiry mane of rust-colored bristles poking out atop of his head this way and that around them ridges and spines common to his species. The boy’s always got a skittish look about him, made obvious by the way he’s always bouncing from one foot to the other and wringing his hands.

Loadout: Slicer (Snapshot)
Cybercriminal (General Aspect)

Deezn is a good-hearted fellow but even the purest of hearts gotta do what they gotta do to survive. For him, that means putting his skills as a slicer to use. With the help of his trusty droid D3-C0Y, he’s become a thief, the sort that’ll break into a restricted area to tap into the mainframe and relieve the owners of “excess” credits. He never takes much, mind you. Enough to put some grub on the table and keep his projects alive. So far, he’s managed to keep under the radar, undetected by the authorities, but let’s face it. The boy’s no imperial spy. One of them days, he’s gonna get caught and it’ll be his brains they’re tapping into… with a Mind Flayer.

Self-Made (General Aspect)

He didn’t have much of an upbringing. What else would you expect when his parents were a pair of lowly factory workers? In fact, he’s as self-made as they come. He’s never set foot in an academy, no sir. Old, scavenged datapads were his school. That’s how he learned to read and code. Better yet, that’s how he learned slicing. He’s got a real knack for working with technology and that extends to spaceships too. That one’s a regular flying enthusiast, another thing he learned on his own, sinking hours upon hours in flight simulators. With so much time spent tinkering and experimenting by his lonesome, he never had much of a chance to be social. As one might expect, that’s made him a shy and fidgety fellow. Wouldn’t be much of a surprise if some folks were put off by his general awkwardness.

Spacer Dreams (Personality Aspect)

You hear about folks having their head in the clouds. I’ll tell ya, our boy here’s gone right past the stratosphere. He’s got his head in the stars, that’s where. He’s been dreaming of space since he was but a sprat. He thinks about it constantly. In general, he’s a fidgety sort of fellow, as nervous as they come, but when he’s behind the cockpit he’s as focused and composed as they come. It’s the one place where he feels at home. He’s downright obsessed with it and he’ll talk your ears off about it if you let him. As a matter of fact, good luck having a conversation with the boy that doesn’t involve tech or flying. Don’t be surprised if you catch his attention drifting yonder.

Just One Cup (Personality Aspect)

Seedy bars are as good a place as they come when you’re looking for an easy mark. There’s always some poor, down-on-his-luck sleemo with too much credit to spend and an easy access card to swipe. At least, that’s what got Deezn through the doors in the first place. Despite his awkwardness, he ended up making friends and these fine folk have a special name for him: Onecup. Yup. That’s right. Our boy here just can’t hold his liquor. It’s one of them defining quirks that truly shape a fellow’s life. And there’s nothing quite like a drunken Rodian to liven up a party.

Watch How I Soar (Combat Aspect)

There’s one place where our boy really shines and that’s behind the commands of a starfighter. When he’s flying, any and all reservations he may harbor about combat and violence go right out the window. He doesn’t turn into some bloodthirsty maniac, mind you, but he is willing and able to destroy. Any psychologist would tell you he’s desensitized to spaceflight combat because of his time flying combat simulations or because he’s not looking his enemy straight in the eye, but Deezn’d tell you it's his calling in life. Sure, there are better pilots out there and he don’t know much about tactics, but what Deezn’s got are choobies the size of a Death Star and the skill to pull off some real reckless maneuvers aimed to outsmart his adversaries. That makes him unpredictable, even if, predictably, his recklessness will see him splattered across the bow of a Destroyer someday.

Stand Your Ground, Not So Much (Combat Aspect)

You know who shot first? Not our boy, Deezn, I can guarantee you that much. This kid has the fighting spirit of a puffer pig. Yeah, if push comes to shove he’ll grab his blaster, hit cover and fight to survive, but he’s not going to be instigating any fight, I promise you that. He’ll always look for a way out of a sticky situation. He’ll fight to incapacitate where possible. He usually keeps a stun grenade handy for such an occasion. I bet you know where I’m going with this, yes? That’s right, this propensity to avoid violence ain’t the best of companions when you’re making a split-second decision between life and death and the boy’s been known to hesitate before, putting his companions and himself at risk.

Skill Feats
You Got a Bogey On Your Tail Droid Whisperer Spinning Is A Good Trick You Can't Stop The Signal The System, Is Down
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Rodian: What’s that Smell? Order Feat: Mercenary Rodian: Infrared Vision Smooth Operator I I Can Fix That I
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Rodese
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None