Steel Cross events for Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

When I first took on the job of KHP, Tim was the first of my staff to report in to me. From day one, he has been 110% helpful with new ideas, maintaining the KCC, and participating in as many events as he could, regardless of how busy he was with administrative duties.

Before his appointment to Combat Master of the KCC, Tim was extremely active, answering all emails, as well as excellent contact on IRC. He looked forward to taking on new duties that I gave him and his work on the KCC is simply amazing, as any can see. He participated in a large amount of battles, some of them simultaneously with others.

When time came to appoint a new Combat Master, Tim volunteered for the job. I did a little check of him and found he came highly recommended by his peers, as well as Mairin herself. I decided to assign Tim as Combat Master and I have seen the fruits of that decision since then.

Not only has he kept up with a large burst of KCC activity, keeping up with judging battles and approving character sheets, but he has, since then, continued to participate in battles, of which he has "won" every single battle, proving his skills not just as Combat Master but as an honest to goodness Krath with talent to spare.

In conclusion, Tim performed his duties day to day, going above and beyond the call of duty, without begging or even mentioning a desire for an award or promotion.

For this, I humbly recommend Tim for the Steel Cross.

, 2002-12-26 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Ylith Atema
Primary reason

A reward to be given to a fellow dutchman, always fun :)<br> <br> Where to begin? Timeros has been known to be an excellent writer, and while I was being sceptic at first (this I always am, nothing personal) but Timeros has clearly showed me he has excellent skills as a writer. On the ACC or in story writing, Timeros has been a huge contribution to the Clan and House and I will be anticipating his next daring move at the GJW :)<br> <br> Another major thing is the Feud. Though I have said many times on how well people have done, I have to say honestly I did not expect such participation coming from Timeros all out of the blue. From being remotely active he suddenly shifted his gear to the top level and has been a huge contributor to the Feud ACC matches, with minimum losses. Other than that he has been a great writer doing two big writing assignments during the fued and also doing the minor, but yet not unimportant Caption comp!<br> <br> All in All I say that Timeros is most deservant of thsi Steel Cross. He surprised me, and now this is my way of showing my appreciation. Way to go Timeros! <br> <br> In Darkness,<br> <br> Draken-Korin Romanae - Quaestor of HOO<br> <br>

Ylith Atema, 2006-05-13 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Since coming back to the ACC, Timeros has always been a staff member who is not afraid to give his opinion. Although at times confrontational, it is clear that he does wish the best for the ACC and would like it to be better. His thoughts and opinions have always been reasoned, and have always been taking into consideration. In recent months he has stepped up his game to impressive levels. Although he has continued to suggest improvements to the ACC (with many of them having been implemented), he has also been our most active member for these same months. His work as a judge as been exemplary, the detail he puts into each individual judgement is astounding and is extremely helpful to anyone in those battles. He has performed a good 7 or 8 such judgments, as well as having opened another 11 battles himself. He has also been a driving force at helping Initiates find opponents so that they may get qualified. We have had a recent upsurge in activity, and I do know that some of that can be directly attributed to Timeros' current levels of activity. I believe he has more than earned this token of appreciation, and I looked forward to seeing him continue with his efforts

DJM Halcyon Taldrya Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Halcyon, 2010-12-16 07:19:53 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Orv Dessrx
Primary reason

I am recommending this Steel Cross because this member (partnered with another) was able to uncover a bug in the Prestige System that...frankly...wasn't easy to find. He demonstrated dedication and tenacity in the analysis of the Prestige system; coming up with the math required to calculate member prestige WITHOUT insider information on the actual values used in Prestige calculation.

In doing so, Timeros and Celahir were able to increase the Prestige of many members who were being shorted due to an error with Seal calculations.

Orv Dessrx, 2011-01-12 07:42:47 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

I have been working on the Lightsaber Guide 2.0 for the past 4 years, and I believe that the latest iteration of the staff (as seen in the Impressum) was the most instrumental in ensuring the project’s completion. Without Tim, the guide would not have the current flavor it does now. Tim invented a good portion of the layout that is currently seen, co-wrote Form I with me, and wrote Forms V and VI. His ideas helped to shape Shien, Trakata, Vaapad and Juyo and pushed the guide in the direction of illustrating the relationships between the forms - no small task, considering our source material and the fact that there really is no “practical” way to vet our forms. Therefore, his insight, imagination and drive should be awarded, in my opinion, with a Steel Cross. Congratulations, and thanks again, Tim --- OPM Shi Long

Zanet Xox, 2015-03-22 22:47:03 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Terran Koul
Primary reason

As with most Elders, Timeros cares little for rewards. Despite that, I think it’s important to take the time to recognize just how much he continues to contribute to the Brotherhood as a general member.

Since his last merit medal in April, Timeros has shown a consistently high level of activity. He served as a Judge in the ACC from March to August 2015, earned 13 Clusters of Ice for his ACC battles and nearly 5000 words of fiction, and garnered two Scrolls of Foundation for his work grading courses for the Shadow Academy. In addition to these accomplishments, he has participated in 25 competitions and placed in half of them, earning 12 Crescents (2 Ruby, 5 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, 1 Emerald and 1 Topaz).

Beyond these simple statistics, he has been instrumental in helping to train and mentor a new generation of leaders in House Qel-Droma. He has consistently worked with our Battleteam Leaders - first K’tana and now Mks Ehn - to teach them how to be better leaders, how to motivate their teams, and how to juggle the many responsibilities that Arcona places on leadership of all levels.

For his consistent service to his House and Clan, I am pleased to recommend Timeros for the Steel Cross.

Congratulations, Timeros.

  • Terran Koul, Aedile, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona

Terran Koul, 2015-12-28 01:31:10 UTC