Grand Cross events for Bryar Bowl Champion Benevolent Taldrya Whiner

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

From Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn: Ben is an invaluable asset to Clan Taldryan, and more specifically House Dinaari. His dedication, loyalty, and work ethic go above and beyond. He has a bright future in Clan Taldryan and the Brotherhood. I'll leave the more specific details to his Quaestor, I just wanted to add a few comments as well. Congratulations Ben, you deserve it!

From Quaestor Shadow Taldrya: For the better part of 8 months Ben has served under me as Aedile to House Dinaari and has been doing an amazing job since day one. I think the first thing I ever asked of him was to learn PHP so he can add pages and features to the Dinaari site and he did it right away. He worked his ass off so we could have one of the most comprehensive websites in the entire DB.

On the site he has coded be a number of informational pages and fictional pages. Most notibly would be the Dinaari History and Code and the IRC Step-by-Step outline, which has been a huge help for new recruits from Taldryan. He also created images for the step-by-step outline and updates the sites menu and background images. All of which is helpful in keeping new APPs and getting them the information they need quickly and cleanly.

Unlike myself, Ben has kept up his weekly reports to keep the House informed of the workings of myself, the clan and the rest of the DB. Without his weekly reports most people wouldn't have a clue as I just recently started to do reports again... (took a 6 month break :P) Just the other day he informed me that as a change of pace once every month or so he'll even do MS Paint reports, and Ben is legendary for his MS Paint skills - so I can't wait to see what he comes up with for that.

IRC is probably my favorite tool for communicating with the rest of the DB and I can always find Ben online waiting to talk to me about new ideas or new competitions or even for games of Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. He never really changes to "away" but if he's around there's always a way to get his attention for something. I even let him take on the new APPs for talking as I both scare and hate new people... too annoying for me :P

All this and more is what Ben does as Aedile of Dinaari and I can't think of any Aedile who has done more or done it as well. Ben more than deserves this award and my thanks for 8 months of outstanding service. Thank you again, Ben, and Merry Christmas.

, 2004-12-23 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Primary reason

Benevolent has been one amazing Proconsul and an even better member, it’s time for another award me thinks. =P<br> <br> Benevolent was promoted last August for outstanding service to the Clan as Proconsul and more. Since then he has continued to do so much for us even past stepping down in January. Ben played an important part in setting the new Kr’Tal system overhaul, put up the Tal Times issue in November by himself, and changed the some of the Tal Times page settings for the latest issue as well as helping me make sure it was ready to go early. He has been in several competitions as well including the Bryar Bowl, Tal Team Fragfest 2k7, and the in a few Outer Rim War events. <br> <br> Great work for the Clan there Ben, just a small token of my thanks, keep up the awesome work!<br> <br> For Taldryan,<br> <br> Obelisk Exarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso<br> Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan<br> Planetary Viceroy of Karufr, Regent of the Kr'Tal System

Duga Taldrya Arkarso, 2007-03-09 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Ben here has done so much for Taldryan, and his last merit award for the Clan was last November. His continued competition participation, his recent gaming, and being accessible to those in the Clan on IRC to help with problems out of the blue or any website issues they have, is simply great. Beyond this, his input on Summit activities and his continued efforts with keeping up the Clan website has been outstanding and very appreciated. He just finished up a major overhaul of our Clan website which will really help out the administration duties plus it looks a great deal better and flows well. Thanks Ben for all you do. ~Duga Taldrya Arkarso


It is a pleasure that this will be my first official act as Consul of Taldryan. Very recently Ben has re-coded and re-designed the entire Taldryan site ( The site itself looks fantastic, while the admin-side of things is much more robust allowing us to do much more ourselves. The site is a wonderful resource for the Clan, and Ben has poured in numerous hours on making it even better than it was (it was arguably the best Clan site already). This, coupled with his continued activity both in competitions, IRC, e-mail and TT-submissions, I believe this token is more than enough. Thank you and congratulations!

DJM Halcyon Rokir

Lord Halcyon, 2008-03-22 15:15:38 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Windos
Primary reason

Benevolent has been, without doubt, the most active and passionate Wiki Staff member since I took office as Tribune. Without him the project would have fallen apart during the times when I have needed to focus on real life.

His work ethic is exemplary and is always a pleasure o talk with and bounce ideas off.

At the time of writing his personal edit count has reached 1696, a number that towers over most wiki users and most of his peers on the wiki staff.

Over the last year he has; deleted 58 articles or images, patrolled 2059 edits, uploaded one image and created accounts for - and welcomed - 14 new users.

Ben, thank you for your stellar service to the wiki and I hope you continue to be one of the main driving forces behind the wiki’s success. 

Master Windos, 2010-11-01 23:07:25 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Primary reason

Benevolent Taldrya Whiner has been a member of the Wiki Staff for nearly four years now; having joined in July 2007. He has served under great Tribunes like Astronicus Sadow, RevengeX Palpatine, and Solari. During this time, he has constantly patrolled the Recent Changes page, ensuring that edits made are appropriate and correct several times a day, even when he's in a class. He's that devoted. He is usually one of the first people I go to when it comes to the DJBWiki, because his experience and know-how far outmatches my own. He has a non-biased attitude when it comes to our Wikipedia, making him an even valuable Staff Member.

Ben has yet to be rewarded in recent times (as far as I know, over a year) for his hard work. He's always willing to help out, and completes any tasks I assign him in little time. Statistically, he has patrolled thousands of edits (which don't take two seconds to do, mind you. He actually examines the edit), corrected at least a hundred image uploads (adding the { {fairuse}} tag and proper image categories) and helps me make sure everything is running smoothly. In Taldryan, we have a pseudo-policy that we like to go by. We don't just hand out medals for the sake of handing out medals. We make our members work for their promotions and their medals. Once they have, we make sure that they are properly rewarded for all of their hard work. I try to apply this to the DJBWiki as much as possible, because I am a firm believer that it requires hard work and dedication to earn anything. It is for his hard work serving the Dark Jedi Brotherhood as a DJBWiki Staff member over these past four years that I recommend Benevolent Taldrya Whiner for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratulations Buttercup, and keep up the great work.

His Honor, Sith Battlemaster Anubis Annedu Wiki Tribune of the Dark Brotherhood Aedile of House Taldryan

General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2011-04-21 18:29:57 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Ben is another member who is so consistent in his work that he makes it all seem effortless. However it takes great energy, skill and commitement to ensure that the DB wikipedia runs as smoothly as it does, and that is really thanks to Ben's continued efforts. Due to his efforts I have never had any worries about the wiki. His reports are perhpas the best ones I read, and overall I have never had any complaints with anything he's accomplished. He also takes time to help mentor newer members, ushering them into the wiki and making them productive members. Ben, please keep doing what you do, and thank you.

DJM Halcyon Taldrya Deputy Grand Master

There are positions in the Brotherhood that are silent-running. When they do their job right, nobody knows that they are even there. Wiki Tribune is one of those jobs. People only start talking about the Wiki Tribune when things go wrong. Not anymore. Ben's sense of irreverent humor makes it into his reports and actually helps people read and digest what he is talking about. Add to this his work to bring ever more people into the Wiki and helping to make it one of the most successful forms of activity that the DB has, and it's plain to see that Ben is doing a great job. The great hatted one may not get a lot of public acknowledgement for his efforts, and he may even be irritated by the praise, but it's well past time to reward him anyway. Benevolent Whiner Taldrya, you are hereby awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side for your continued excellence as Wiki Tribune. Thank you for your service, it is most appreciated. ~ Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2012-04-17 11:53:15 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
Primary reason

Benny Why, Private Eye and Connoisseur of Sea Shanties,

In an Old Folks' Home, there lived a Sith named Ben, From Taldryan's glory days, he'd tell his tales again. Though frail and old, his spirit burned like a fiery ember, He'd spin his yarns of darkness, make us all remember.

Oh, Ben, the Sith of old, in an old folks' home he'd roam, With memories of battles fought in lands so far from home. He'd wielded lightsabers, a master of the Force, Now in his twilight years, he'd drink his brandy and cheer.

His lightsaber hung above his bed, a relic from the past, A crimson blade that once struck fear, a power unsurpassed. He'd regale us with his stories, of battles fought with might, A Sith from Taldryan, in the old folk's dimming light.

Oh, Ben, the Sith of old, in an old folks' home he'd roam, With memories of battles fought in lands so far from home. He'd wielded lightsabers, a master of the Force, Now in his twilight years, he'd drink his brandy and cheer.

In his room, he'd meditate, with wisdom in his gaze, A Sith who'd found a different path in these, his final days. The darkness faded slowly, like a setting sun at sea, In the twilight of his life, he'd found serenity.

Oh, Ben, the Sith of old, in an old folks' home he'd roam, With memories of battles fought in lands so far from home. He'd wielded lightsabers, a master of the Force, Now in his twilight years, he'd drink his brandy and cheer.

He'd teach the young ones of the Force, a mentor in his way, A different kind of power, he'd use to guide their day. For in that quiet home, where the aged souls did bide, A Sith named Ben had found a different Force, inside.

Oh, Ben, the Sith of old, in an old folks' home he'd roam, With memories of battles fought in lands so far from home. He'd wielded lightsabers, a master of the Force, Now in his twilight years, he'd drink his brandy and cheer.

In that Old Folks' Home, where the stories freely flowed, The Sith named Ben had found a different path to go. A life of wisdom, peace, and grace, he'd gently walk alone, A Sith who'd found his light again, with a shiny new Grand Cross.

Congrats, Ol' Ben!

Lady Second Cassandra Oriana Tyris
Supreme Chancellor of the Taldryan Republic
Clan Taldryan

Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya, 2023-10-24 05:38:30 UTC