Some things are better late than never, and I hope that this announcement carries that regard. Some months ago, Spears Tarentae stepped down from Consul of Tarentum, a position that he took after a long and prosperous tenure as Headmaster. Wrongly, I let Spears retire from his leadership positions without recognizing him properly for all he has done for the Brotherhood. That a person such as Spears can serve honorably and graciously for so long and not be placed into the ranks of the Masters is terrible. Tonight I intend to correct that wrong.
The first time I ever really interacted with Spears was in his try at leading the SWG guild. The game was new and Spears was a fiery member that took the guild by the horns and tried to pull it along. There really wasn't a lot to pull back then, but many noticed his strong effort. He was also serving as Praetor to the Headmaster at that time, pulling in an absolute ton of responsibility upon himself. In the time he served as P:HM he probably could have been promoted a couple more times easily. When Kaiann was moved to Lord Hegemon, there was absolutely no question who was going to take over as Headmaster. Spears was made for that position.
As Headmaster, Spears quickly made it known that he was not going to settle for the status quo. He implemented staff changes and course changes that began the SA down a path to where it is today. He had great ideas for new areas the SA could expand into and new ways to modify our existing structures. The Test of Lore was something that Spears and I worked closely together on -- we must have sent twenty drafts back and forth. I was very impressed by his effort with that. In fact, I was always impressed by Spears's devotion to the administration of the Academy. It's sad to say, but a lot of times I can judge how an office is going best by the lack of complaints...I barely ever had to deal with anything SA related, if ever. Spears ran a tight ship and he ran it well. Outside of Spears, I think only Anshar could really tell you what it takes to run the SA today -- there is a lot that goes into it. The new member emails, the tests, the development, the reporting, the staff management, the envoys...Spears did it all.
Even after the Shadow Academy, Spears remained dedicated to the DB and took the potion as Tarentum Consul. It was good to see the fire in him -- he wasn't going to put up with crap from anyone who would get in the way -- not even me. Even in the short stint as Consul, Spears was able to get a lot of things started that have been continued since by the new generation of leaders.
And all of this is without mentioning his steady work as Right and of Justice, a position that Spears excelled at.
Spears is a hard working member who has always had the best interests of the DB at heart. He is talented, innovative and strong-willed. He knows how to motivate people and knows how to keep them motivated. He was definitely a person that knew how to properly award a staff -- he took care of those that worked for him. I should have taken care of him in the same light.
Spears, please accept my apology for not doing this sooner. Late though it is, it is none less earned. You have been a steadfast proponent of the Brotherhood's interests and I thank you for that. You may be justifiably proud of this...
I hereby elevate Spears Tarentae to the rank of Dark Jedi Master with all honors and privileges that rank does so accord.
Congratulations, Spears, and thanks.
Lord Jac Cotelin
Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Suffice to say, in the time I have known Spears, I can say that he is one of the best people that I have ever worked with in the Brotherhood. He and I had an interesting situation, when he served as my Aedile in Gladius, but he was Praetor in the Shadow Academy, and thus over me there. But, we made it work.
Spears is a good natured, hard working individual who doesn't take any crap; but, he cares about working with others and taking care of those under his command. He did well as a battleteam leader, an aedile, a praetor, and as headmaster. And, I can say with little doubt that he would have done well as Consul, had real life issues not cut that tenure short. Spears has always risen to the occassion. As Kaiann's attention as Headmaster began to wane, Spears picked up the slack and kept the Shadow Academy running smoothly. He was far more supportive and responsive to the needs of the Envoys than previous Headmasters and I'm certain that he is a large reason for the Envoys continued operation throughout the Brotherhood.
Spears had an incredible rise through the ranks of the Brotherhood, and that alone should tell you something. Gone are the days where kissing ass would get your everything (it may still get you something, and I'm not sure how much ass Spears has kissed :P ), but Spears still drove himself to the top. He trained with Oberst, without a doubt one of the hardest masters in the Brotherhood. Overall, there are few, if any, who deserve the rank of Dark Jedi Master. I can say with 100% conviction that Spears is one of the few who does deserve it.
It's high time for me to pay my respects to one of the guiding forces in the Brotherhood. Spears joined this club only a few months before I did, but quickly rose through the structure of the brotherhood. His workhorse ethic and strong sense of duty to the club saw him as praetor to the Headmaster within short notice. And it was there, in the Shadow Academy, where Spears began to truly exert his strength. Eliciting wonderful and sweeping changes in classes, infrastructure, and in the flailing envoy system, Spears was quick to prove his mettle. And when opportunity afforded Spears the chance to take over the Academy, he did so with gusto, continuing his dynamic paradigm from the Headmaster's office. There are few members in this club who are capable of weathering the tidal wave of emails that come from being Headmaster, and Spears not only survived it, but surfed it...coming up with even more ways to improve this club. From designing the Brotherhood's flagship and revamping the grounds of the Shadow Academy all the way down to making sabers for people and taking the time to personally answer even the newest member's questions, Spears was on the ball. And while his real life concerns have taken much of his time lately, one can still see his influence, his work, and the strength of character he brought to the brotherhood. There are few people in this club whom I feel have earned the right to be called master. It's my belief that Spears Tarentae is one of them. I am proud to reccommend that this man be elevated to the rank of Dark Jedi Master.
His Excellency,
DA Muz Keibatsu Sadow (Krath)/HRLD/Dark Council
Herald of the Dark Brotherhood
It's safe to say the DB wouldn't be the same without Spears having been the person he has been. From his glorious tenure as Headmaster to his all too short reign as Consul of Tarentum his presence has acted to nurture members of all ranks. His SA mastership was successful with many thousands of SA courses being taken and passed contributing to the education DB wise of our members throughout their DB careers. His tenure as HM was also marked with the drastic improvements he bestowed upon the facility.
Another thing that can be said about Spears is his constant presence in the Clan and desire to help the Clan along, throwing himself into any discussion that is raised amongst the Tarentae with a tenacity and strength that does him credit. Spears, if anyone is deserving of Mastery then it is you. Congratulations.
You know, Ive been given the opportunity to recommend so many people for promotions lately, its become almost second nature. The one thing that I take pride in for all of these recommends is, each and every person I have recommended has earned it. Each and every one of them is worth so much more to the Brotherhood than words can sometimes adequately describe. Today, I have the pleasure of recommending Spears Tarentae for the rank of Master.
In many ways, I have had the pleasure of watching Spears grow into his own, and have helped cultivate that along the way. I remember when Darth Spears first joined the Brotherhood, and one of the first emails I sent him was a quick note telling him that he needed to change his name. I expected a response typical for most of that era; I expected, Why do I have to change my name? I am a Dark Lord of the Sith, and Im just climbing my way up the ladder to the Sith Council!
Instead, Spears response was light-hearted, jovial, and friendly. And he has remained so ever since. Spears is one of the few people that I can say this of; as his heart beats, so beats the heart of Tarentum. He is one of the people that brings humor and friendship on that Clan-wide level. At times, he has expanded that humor and cheer to the Brotherhood as a whole, but his fun and friendship have never left Tarentum. He is someone who interacts with and befriends everyone who comes into that Clan, and his care and concern for new members has never left, even after stepping down from Headmaster.
And when you speak of Spears, you must reference his time as Headmaster. Some may credit Pyralis and Kaiann for Dark Fury; I credit them with an unfinished project that Spears made work. I credit him with fulfilling the duties required of many Headmasters before him, and with making those shoes nearly impossible to fill for any Headmaster after him. His time within the Shadow Academy began before he ever became Headmaster, and his effect on it will never disappear; he did that much. He cared that much. He worked that hard. The only one who compares to Spears is his successor, Anshar Kahn Tarentae, who looks to have the same effect upon the Brotherhood.
When Spears resigned from Headmaster, it was merely a job swap. Spears had wanted to serve as Consul of Tarentum, and when the time came, he and Anshar traded job titles. Though Spears was not able to give as much time as he had hoped for, he still had an impact. Through working with both Anshar, and then Spears, our current Consul, Welshman, was made better through their tutelage, insight and experience. Spears was able to do the job he intended to do, and that was to enhance Tarentums future.
I remember when Spears was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight; many people were amazed with how fast he ascended to that rank (it took about five months). It took another month for Spears to be promoted to Priest, and peoples heads were still spinning. Those who didnt know Spears wondered how it was that he was climbing the ladder so quickly. I think Spears just recognized, he had to do more work, and keep himself moving, so that he could keep his title of having the best legs in the Brotherhood. If you dont believe it, ask Spears to show you. Hes proud of his legs. And he has the right to be; Spears never simply stops moving. He takes a breather, and then gets back into things.
And now, after three years of being in the Brotherhood, Spears ascends to the rank of Master. He adds another mark of impressive speed to his resume here. Spears has gone from the impressive apprentice of Warlord Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae (who never seems to spell right), to the impressive Sith Master Spears Tarentae (who never seems to spell right). The more things change for Spears, the more they stay the same. And it is fitting that Spears ascends to this rank; he stands alongside apprentices and peers of Warlord Oberst who have both learned from Oberst, and those who have learned with Oberst. Spears stands among men like DJM Howlader and Master Zero; men such as Adept Reinthaler and the Infiltrator Wing; men such as Doni Tzu, and Chi Long.
Spears is one of those people who have had such a tremendous impact upon the Brotherhood, and were Spears to be given every accolade the Brotherhood has to offer, I would nod my head in approval, and say, Its about time. Now, lets celebrate. To the Ale Pond! So, Baron Ale Pond, I salute you. You are more than worthy of honor and recognition, and I value my friendship with you more than any of those accolades could show.
Congratulations, Master Spears Tarentae.
-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae
Quaestor, Tridens of Tarentum
A recommendation from Sith Warlord Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae may be found at
Hello. I would like to take the time to speak as to my former Headmaster, Spears. He guided me toward several difficult DB works, and really encouraged me to create 2 good Shadow Academy courses. He constantly monitored the texts I submitted to him, and let me know clearly what needed adjustment. The Headmaster always communicated his wishes exactly and fairly. He also gave me the opportunity to express myself creatively, and ny thoughts with his oversight created two new and popular SA tests.
I think Spears did a good job of watching out for his Instructors. We all survived the influx of students and Tests during the release of EP III. Spears provided support, monitoring, counseling, and recognition of the hard work done by his staff on a day to day basis.. Truly, it was a pleasure to work under him training the members and myself as well.
I'd like to take the time to recommend him for an elevation for his hard work to you all.
cheers, Macron Goura
Spears Tarentae, 2006-08-03 22:00:00 UTC