Anteian Cross events for Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Ood is a unique member of House Acclivis Draco. Rarely have I seen someone so proactive in the unseen tasks needed to maintain a BattleTeam or House. His activity on IRC is outstanding, providing members with insight and critiques. His work ethic as an Eclectic Pedagogue (while not my department) is additional activity that he submits to us weekly, and counts as mentorship to new members. Additionally, he has recently completed a topical map of Clan Scholae Palatinae - an impressive feat that is necessary as we develop the Clan web site. For this and so much more, I recommend a Star of Antei.<br> ~Braecen Kunar

Braecen Kaeth, 2006-07-27 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Primary reason

The Sith Tactics exam is another mid-level exam in terms of the number of submissions. Ood has graded the exam without any trouble and I hope he will continue to grade the exam into the future.<br> <br> DA Anshar Kahn Tarentae

Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2006-08-03 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Ood competed in 10 events, compiling 245 points, 3 Novae and 10 Seals of Duplicity.<br> <br> For contributions that aided the final placing and success of Clan Scholae Palatinae. The Summit of CSP recognizes this member with a Star of Antei.

Braecen Kaeth, 2006-09-07 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Ood has proven a strong-willed participant and factor to the outcome of the Clan Scholae Palatinae House Feud - that ended in a stalemate - for House Acclivis Draco. Participating in 6 events, 10 competitions, collecting two crescents for House points!<br> <br> For steady activity, participation and discussion during this five week feud... I present this medal.<br> <br> Braecen Kunar <br> Consul of Scholae Palatinae<br> <br> Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine<br> ProConsul of Scholae Palatinae

Braecen Kaeth, 2006-12-17 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Telona Murrage
Primary reason

Ood has been creating puzzles for the Dark Voice since August of 2006. His contributions have been exciting for members and gotten great response. Ood pulled through for the Exodus issue of the Dark Voice with his five pack of puzzles. He has always been on time and his puzzles of excellent quality. The Dark Voice will continue to appreciate the hours he spends creating his puzzles and this medal is only a symbol of that appreciation. Thank you for all you've done.<br> <br> ~Telona Murrage, Dark Voice Editor

Telona Murrage, 2007-04-17 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

When Ood took over as Professor of the Department of Philosophy, we were pretty satisfied with the courses in that hall. Ood came in, however, with infinite ideas and plans for what he'd like to do to make things better, and he's holding to them. There are four courses in the Philosophy Department, but once Ood is finished it will not look the same. Already he has streamlined the two main courses, Force Philosophy and Force Cults, and turned them into Philosophy I: Ideals and Philosophy III: Cults. Obviously, he is hard at work as the middle ground there. At the same time, he is working on a revamp of Sith Alchemy, and still he manages to grade exams quickly. For his time and dedication as a marker of four exams, as well as his welcomed vision for the future and his determination to get us there, I recommend Ood for this award.

Zanet Xox, 2010-02-17 17:01:50 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Primary reason

For significant contributions to Clan Scholae Palatinae's Rite of Supremacy 2010. Ood Participated in 5 events and helped to inspire the clan through his work as PCON! Great job!

Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2010-04-19 19:44:30 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Orv Dessrx
Primary reason

Ood designed the Holocrons for HSH 2013, Day 3 & 5! Nice work, Ood!

Orv Dessrx, 2013-12-25 06:26:32 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

Rustle, rustle. Creak. Rustle. Or, in something more intelligible than tree-speak, which is obviously what he speaks: nice work, Ood!

Ood is a criminally insane sociopath--er, I mean, unique individual that is always there for his House, Clan, and club. Despite being an obsessively busy worker over at the Shadow Academy, he always seems to find time to do some competitions, get involved, and help out his fellow members. He recently fought for his Clan in all Fading Light III events, and previously participated in other competitions, such as trivia and gaming, as well as competitions run by the FIST and MAA offices and a Clan event! For his efforts, I believe he’s more than earned this Anteian Cross. Congrats!

Aedile of House Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2014-11-09 15:41:56 UTC
Additional reasons

I believe that Ood meets the requirements for earning himself a medal. Since his last promotion to EQ4, Ood has worked hard and earned himself over 69 CF’s. He has also participated in 11 competitions, two of them were for Operation: Figureheads and he completed all five competitions for FL: Nicht Ka. You’ve earned it, bud.

BTL of Dark Forge

Battlelord Qor Kith, 2014-11-09 15:41:51 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
Primary reason

Since the last recognition, Ood Bnar has performed many strides to show his dedication to the House and Arconan Clan. He has amassed the following activity:

2 Amethyst Crescents, 3 Sapphire Crescents, 7 Emerald Crescents, 2 Topaz Crescents. All of these have been earned through participation in 25 competitions. Along with the above, Ood has earned 104,750 credits for Clan Arcona. He has completed 2 courses within the Shadow Academy and successfully passed both.

For the above efforts, I recommend an Anteian Cross for his continued loyalty to the House and Clan.

Jael Valsi Chi’ra
Quaestor of House Galeres

Jael Valsi Chi'ra, 2023-01-10 01:20:13 UTC