- Event ID
- 138633
- Position
Praetor to the Headmaster
- Unit
- Event ID
- 134483
- Award
- Seal of Loyalty
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Grand Master Declan Roark
- Primary reason
The Day of the Fox celebrates the ascension of Grand Master Firefox to the Iron Throne by recognizing the dedication and loyalty of our membership. This tradition has historically honored a select few of our members by awarding them the Seal of Loyalty. This Day of the Fox, like many other Dark Brotherhood traditions, will be altered slightly this year.
It is with extreme gratitude that I take the extraordinary step of awarding all Clanned and Positioned members of our Club with the Seal of Loyalty. I am extremely grateful for all of your support and continued effort to make this club a great place. I look forward to experiencing this exciting year of Star Wars history with each and every one of you.
Grand Master Pravus
Grand Master Declan Roark, 2015-11-06 23:04:36 UTC
- Event ID
- 134144
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 5
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Ernordeth Puer-Irae
- Primary reason
For participating in Monthly Mobile Gaming: Zombie Highway 2!
Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2015-11-03 16:05:30 UTC
- Event ID
- 132683
- Award
- Sapphire Blade
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Lord Dacien Victae
- Primary reason
Well on his way to two-and-a-half years as Praetor to the Headmaster, Ood continues to play a role in nearly everything that happens in the Shadow Academy. Every single course released during my tenure has been either edited or coded for markdown by Ood. He keeps the behind-the-scenes work of the Shadow Academy organized and helps me track and address the errors -- typographical, substantive, and database-related -- that are brought to our attention by test takers. He also helps me by stepping in to grade exams as needed, whether by filling in for a retired Professor or covering for a staff member on vacation.
Since his promotion to EQ4 last summer, Ood has graded 98 exams, advised on most degree and Shadow Academy Society changes, helped manage the magistrates and other staff, and edited or coded for markdown dozens of new courses and revisions, including:
- Ten new and revised history courses launched last year
- Major revisions of the six old CORE courses and Dark Brotherhood Basics
- All five new CORE courses and exams
- Major revisions to Philosophy 1 and 2
- The brand new Planets and Moons and Regions of the Galaxy astronomy courses
- Work on all of the new leadership courses: Rewards, Competitions, Reports, and Management
- Rewrites of Alchemy Studies and IRC Basics
- Countless minor edits to all of these courses and others
Ood continues to play an important role at the Shadow Academy, and I am very happy to be able to recommend this Sapphire Blade.
Lord Dacien Victae, 2015-10-09 13:34:39 UTC
- Additional reasons
It is fitting that Ood plays a tree. Fitting, because I envision his presence in the Brotherhood as a massive oak: his branches extending to all the members he has helped, his roots settled across the foundation of the Brotherhood itself, and he's old... so he has lots of rings!
You cannot put a value on a seasoned member's experience and guidance. When I came back to the Brotherhood after a long hiatus, it was Ood that took the time to help me readjust and share ideas. He provided me invaluable assessments of the new systems, how technology was being implemented into Brotherhood's infrastructure to create a better experience, where the Shadow Academy was heading to help guide new and old members. A lot of veteran members could not be bothered catching up someone; too tired, too rooted in their routines, too much hassle. Ood didn't mind, he took time to catch me up on IRC (because I was outdated) before eventually moving me to Telegram where I could reach the majority of my members.
I cannot numerate what this member does in terms of competitions or reports. Ood is not a consumer of content in the Brotherhood, he is a major producer of content for every member in the Brotherhood. Watching him work with members one-on-one is amazing. He takes time to get to know people, build a personal relationship, and provide them direction that - at times - may be contrary to their current views... because it is the correct advice. He does what is right, not what is easy. And that is why he has helped every leader in Arcona from our Consul to our Battle Team Leaders be better members: sage advice, holding the course, eyes on the future. Countless conversations, hundreds of e-mails (input on Clan Arcona and House Galeres), and encouragement for our expansion (fictionally & technologically).
Thank you, Ood.
Braecen Kaeth, 2015-10-05 16:00:05 UTC
Ood is special. In all definitions of the word. One might even say eclectic, an adjective that echoes his past service much like the pitter-pattering of his tree branches surely echoes through the Shadow Academy's halls. While Arconan through and through, he lives there, and I don't doubt he'll very well haunt the place when he dies. Two years ago Headmasters and Quaestors alike were handing him a Ruby Scepter for being so utterly diligent in his Shadow Academy work, in his grading, in his respect for the school and the craft. I'd like to point out that even back then, he was hailed as not becoming a grizzled veteran, hailed for putting so much effort into something without loving it any less on any single day.
Two years later, nine in total, and believe you me, he's still doing it. His bosses and colleagues in the scholarly department will be able to expound further on the numbers and the details, but as Ood's former Aedile and current Consul, I too can tell you that he's got to be some sort of Doctor Professor Specialist Guru by this point. And yet, with months and months of various, often overlapping Shadow Academy positions and responsibilities, Ood still manages to keep up with his Clan, get active in chats, advise our members on various course-related topics, do some competitions and gaming now and again, and - surprise, surprise - earn a degree or two. He's also come to me recently with an interest in proposing some project-type work for the Clan, focused on furthering member education in certain topics using his Shadow Academy skills. I sincerely can't stress enough that this man lives and breathes to teach others. The least we can do, then, is show how much we appreciate our mentors.
Thank you, Ooddles, and congratulations on another beautifully-earned sac.
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-10-09 13:33:50 UTC
- Event ID
- 234718
- Society
- Old Rank
- New Rank
V: Inquisitor
- Requested by
- dbb0t
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy data
dbb0t, 2015-09-29 00:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 131404
- Position
Shadow Academy: Professor
- Unit
- Event ID
- 131367
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 4
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
- Primary reason
PvP matches played on or before 2015-09-01
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-09-01 23:30:37 UTC
- Event ID
- 131217
- Position
Shadow Academy: Professor
- Unit
- Event ID
- 127739
- Old Tradition
- New Tradition
- Primary reason
Order/Path Changes
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2015-08-19 08:10:30 UTC
- Event ID
- 127738
- Old Order
- New Order
- Old Rank
Krath Pontifex
- New Rank
- Primary reason
Order/Path Changes
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2015-08-19 08:10:30 UTC
- Event ID
- 124183
- Award
- Scroll of Foundation
- Quantity
- 7
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Lord Dacien Victae
- Primary reason
For service to the Shadow Academy between January, 2015 and July, 2015.
Lord Dacien Victae, 2015-07-15 16:28:26 UTC
- Event ID
- 240235
- Society
Grand Master's Royal Guard
- Old Rank
- New Rank
- Requested by
- dbb0t
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy data
dbb0t, 2015-07-13 00:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 119640
- Position
Shadow Academy: Docent
- Unit
- Event ID
- 118083
- Source Unit
Dark Forge
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Manual Administration
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-02-24 21:23:01 UTC
- Event ID
- 117513
- Award
- Seal of Revelation
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
- Primary reason
For participation in 1 event of the Eleventh Great Jedi War: Round 1: Puzzle
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2015-02-19 13:51:22 UTC
- Event ID
- 116344
- Award
- Scroll of Foundation
- Quantity
- 9
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Lord Dacien Victae
- Primary reason
For service to the Shadow Academy between July, 2014 and January, 2015.
Lord Dacien Victae, 2015-01-15 15:21:37 UTC
- Event ID
- 114023
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
- Primary reason
Rustle, rustle. Creak. Rustle. Or, in something more intelligible than tree-speak, which is obviously what he speaks: nice work, Ood!
Ood is a criminally insane sociopath--er, I mean, unique individual that is always there for his House, Clan, and club. Despite being an obsessively busy worker over at the Shadow Academy, he always seems to find time to do some competitions, get involved, and help out his fellow members. He recently fought for his Clan in all Fading Light III events, and previously participated in other competitions, such as trivia and gaming, as well as competitions run by the FIST and MAA offices and a Clan event! For his efforts, I believe he’s more than earned this Anteian Cross. Congrats!
Aedile of House Galeres
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2014-11-09 15:41:56 UTC
- Additional reasons
I believe that Ood meets the requirements for earning himself a medal. Since his last promotion to EQ4, Ood has worked hard and earned himself over 69 CF’s. He has also participated in 11 competitions, two of them were for Operation: Figureheads and he completed all five competitions for FL: Nicht Ka. You’ve earned it, bud.
BTL of Dark Forge
Qor Kith, 2014-11-09 15:41:51 UTC
- Event ID
- 113843
- Award
- Cluster of Ice
- Quantity
- 2
XP Value
- Requested by
- Telaris "Mav" Cantor
- Primary reason
1000 words of fiction (Fiction Activity #133)
Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2014-11-06 23:30:28 UTC
- Event ID
- 113696
- Award
- Seal of the Crusader
- Quantity
- 5
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
- Primary reason
Participation in Fading Light: Nicht Ka
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2014-11-06 18:46:54 UTC
- Event ID
- 113147
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 18
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
- Primary reason
PvP matches played on or before 2014-10-19
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2014-10-19 23:30:46 UTC