Steel Cross events for Battlelord Sykes Jade

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Warlord Vincent Brujah
Primary reason

The Codex of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood says the Steel Cross is awarded for: "Extended service to one's House or Clan. Service includes aiding one's Quaestor or the Aedile with his duties in leading the House or Clan or being a role model for other members to follow."

As the Aedile of House Caliburnus, Battlemaster Sykes Rokir Jade was a role model to many, and a Master to one. He always has ideas for Caliburnus and has been completely devoted to making it better than it ever has been. On top of this Sykes always stepped up when needed and led by example over his term as Aedile. Now his time as Aedile has come to an end and I feel it only fitting to reward Sykes for all the effort he put into getting Caliburnus off of its feet. I recommend the Steel Cross for consistant service to his House, Clan, and aiding his Quaestor whenever needed. Congratulations Sykes and thank you.

  • DJK Brujah Tamalar Quaestor of House Caliburnus

Warlord Vincent Brujah, 2005-11-13 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Boss Ragnar Kul
Primary reason

Respectfully and proudly submitting Rollmaster Sykes Jade in for a Steel Cross. First, and most importantly, Sykes has lead the charge in bringing in TALENTED and ACTIVE new members to CSP which is the lifeblood of keeping the unit viable and active long term. Specifically, Sykes has taken the lead in PERSONALLY finding and recruiting friends and acquaintances that share the drive of the organization. This directly brought in 3 new members who are already being awarded and promoted at a fast clip. He personally emails all new members, and most importantly STAYS in email and Telegram contact with them until they are brought to the Master-Student Program. As a Proconsul, it is refreshing to see the RM include the CON, PCON, and House level leadership in this process for full visibility and engagement and it is surely well above and beyond the scope most RMs resort to in recent personal memory. His emails, communication, and dedication to the new members is palpable and paying dividends over the past 3 months.

Activity is something that Sykes leads by example and the metrics are staggering. In terms of competitions 33 have been participated in, and 18 PVE matches. Sykes has taken part in 1 ACC match and finished a staggering 42 Shadow Academy courses and earned 9 degrees. For these efforts Sykes has been awarded 19 Crescents (well over a 50% placement rate), 1 Pendant of Blood, 74 Clusters of Fire, 9 Clusters of Ice, 4 Clusters of Earth, and 4 Clusters of Graphite. Simply put - Sykes keeps the lights on in CSP. Well done. Well done!

Boss Ragnar Kul, 2021-01-18 19:25:50 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

I love that Sykes continues to make time for the DJB even while he's off across the global doing all sorts of impressive important partying things.

His engagement with the recent RP saw a shocking developing for poor Komilia while equally revealing to the clan the truth of his species. I love how these little moments impact the broader tapestry that is the DJB. I hope the world slows down so Sykes can be around more as I always enjoy our conversations and his engagement!

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2023-04-10 02:43:07 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

Sykes, I promised I'd torture you and bring pain beyond your imagination. So, naturally, here I am issuing you a Steel Cross!

Please do not turn it upside down and use it like a sword.

I recognize that your job has got you hopping time zones, living above the clouds, and doing a really weird impression of Jimmy in Rear Window. Yet, you've still found ways to engage in the community, including an awesome engagement with Komilia in the recent RPs. I'm so glad you're able to find ways to participate, game, and soon...engage in the upcoming GJW!


Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2023-08-25 15:21:58 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Primary reason

Sykes is a great example of dedication to the Clan. He continues to amaze me. I am so pleased to have him as a member of the Clan. Somehow Sykes has managed to remain full of activity through the holidays, despite being over seas.

Since his last medal, Sykes has participated in 17 competitions, earning a handful of clusters, participated in 4 RP events, passed an SA course, and ranked up in Inquisitorius and Envoy Corps.

Congratulations Sykes and Thank you for everything you've done for CSP over the years and through to this day. Keep up the great work!

Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2024-01-11 02:55:46 UTC