Amethyst Kukri events for Manji Keibatsu Sadow

Amethyst Kukri events
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

On behalf of DA Dalthid:<br> <br> For 1 year and 7 months KE Nekura Manji Keibatsu has been a member of the ACC staff, nay, more than a member...a "staple". His time has been spent in the Training realm of our platform, guiding the newer members and those who need to qualify with a superb effort that is barely measured by numbers. With over 130 Training and Qualification battles on record, the Epis has performed like a staunch professional. Rarely (in comparison) will an INI re-Qualify with the same Trainer, that is a situation found more in Training battles due to the comfort of having already engaged with a specific staff member. With that being the case, it is safe to say that Nekura is responsible for the Training and Qualification of over 100 members of the Centre (easily); 100 members of our club...100 individuals...that impresses me to no end. I can barely count the "staff greats" on two hands - and Nekura is one of them. Of those who are and who have been, the Epis can easily take his place amongst the best. His drive and willingness to instruct make him an asset to the Centre and to the Club as a whole. His dedication to his Clan is remarkable, that is not a secret to anyone, but the fact that he lends the same passion to his efforts in the ACC is amazing - especially when so many trade one for the other. His exceptional (and often thankless) dedication to this aspect of the Brotherhood and the selflessness by which he serves are traits that should exist in everyone who chooses a role of this kind and scope. As always, when honoring a member, there is no way to fully express my thanks or the respect I have for them and their efforts. Nevertheless, it is with the utmost appreciation that I recommend KE Nekura Manji Keibatsu for the Amethyst Kukri. <br> <br> ~DA Dalthid, Combat Master

Syn Kaek, 2006-09-10 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Warlord Robert Sadow
Primary reason

Since my first day in the Brotherhood, Manji has been a force of progress and success both within the clan and house. A writing prodigy and a true leader, the first Keibatsu has been involved in, if not at the heart, of many of the traditions that make our house great. Having served as my Aedile, Quaestor, Rollmaster, and been one of my best friends and someone I can always turn to for advice, it's really a pleasure to be able to help recommend this medal, as a chance to say thank you.

Manji has, until recently been very involved in his band, and college. However, he displayed the mark of a true ally when, after completing his college work, immediately took up activity again in the House. To be return with such vigor is something I greatly admire and I believe should also be rewarded. In addition, Manji has long served, even when mostly absent, as a judge for the ACC. Coupled with his astounding literary skill, he has been a great asset to the whole Brotherhood through this. This also, deserves to be rewarded. As a combination of many efforts and long time service, in addition to his effort in items currently under development, I fully recommend Manji for an Amethyst Kukri. Congratulations, brohim! –Raven

Manji getting a Amethyst Kukri?! AWESOME! When I first joined the DB eons ago he became my first master, trying to show me the ropes. And his most recent return to the DB has been a fun one. Running into Manji both fictionally and non-fictionally has been a nice boost to my DB career. He is always active and trying to help people out and get them to do things. Recently he even applied to become my AED, an application I was surprised yet glad to get. Taking him on though as my RM has been a great pleasure of mine. He puts forth a lot of effort and tries to get others to do the same. Participating in events and encouraging others to do so has kept the House members going. He has also been a great asset into getting the new programs I have been trying to implement to my house up and running. Manji is always there to help with ideas, and to give opinions and fresh ideas. Showing time and time again that he wants others to be active he defiantly deserves this award! CONGRATS!!!!! KAP Jade Sadow

I personally have only known Manji for the short time I have been here. But over the months that I have been in the DB, Manji has always been someone who participates and helps in anyway he can. Being the guy that he is and his vast knowledge about the DB and being a leader, he helped me rebuild the Night Raptors and answered many questions that I had. Being the rollmaster of Marka Ragnos, he helps all the new people that need help and answers all questions that they have. He has been an asset in the past month to the ACC as an operator to help the new CM run the ACC smoothly. Manji deserves this award more than anyone I know in the Brotherhood, especially considering that he is able to do everything he does for the Brotherhood while also maintaining a real life. -JH Fremoc Pepoi

Manji has earned many accolades and performed a lot of serious work since his return to House Marka Ragnos. Clan Naga Sadow has awarded him the Clan Name in recognition of his efforts to help his Clan, which bespeaks of how much we all appreciate him and his efforts on our behalf.

Personally, I cannot speak highly enough of him. In my opinion, he is one of the best people we have in the Clan. When I first joined the Clan, he took me under his wing and got me going. I attribute my love of both runons and ACC writing to his efforts to direct me towards them, and mentor me. I've seen him mentor many outstanding club members in the time I have been here, and some of them achieved Knighthood. Now with his return and herculean efforts on the part of his Clan and the Brotherhood at large, it is certainly time he was rewarded. Congratulations, Manji-sama. – Macron Sadow

It is hard for me to condense what I think of Manji into a paragraph - I could go on and on about his many good points, both within and without the Brotherhood. I'm sure other people more qualified people have explained his achievements and how he fulfills his duties. So I'm going to highlight one particular point that I feel I'm qualified to talk about and that is the way he interacts with other members. Manji has a lot of time for people, no matter who they are. If someone needs his help with something, he'll do whatever he can. He's helped me personally, and I've seen him helping a lot of the other journeymen that I know. They look up to him. He never lets anything get him down and his enthusiasm and his enjoyment is infectious. He makes this club a more enjoyable place to be for me and those who know him, just by being here, making friends with people and having fun with them - which is the entire point of a club like this. I am proud to be associated with him. – GRD Dyrra Skye

A wise man once told me that “those that don’t think that they deserve awards do.” Truer words were never spoken in the case of Nekura Manji Keibatsu. His work has been recognized, and duly rewarded, by a Seal of Loyalty and his naming as a Son of Sadow, the highest honor a member of Naga Sadow can receive. He has also been willing to pass on his love of writing and of the Star Wars Universe by instructing others in the art of Combat Writing in his service as Operator of the ACC. Manji has been instrumental in the plotting of the course of Naga Sadow, as his fictions and award-winning run-on entries have had a direct affect of our history and direction. Manji wholeheartedly puts his Clan above his personal needs, serving with distinction and honor in nearly every Clan and Brotherhood-wide competition, and posing as a true role model for every member, from the Adept to the Initiate. His works are enjoyable to read, thoughtful, imaginative and cognizant of his true love, his reason for belonging to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood: that of an infectious fascination of the Star Wars Universe and how we as Brotherhood members choose to envision our corner of it. In times of duress and calm, of feast and famine, Manji has never wavered in his devotion to Clan Naga Sadow, nor has he faltered in making sure that the DJB is better for the passing of all those whom surround him. He has been a stalwart companion, wise council, loving friend and brother, and as it has been my singular honor to serve alongside him, it is with extreme pleasure that I, Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow, do hereby and without reservation recommend Nekura Manji Keibatsu Sadow for an Amethyst Kukri. Congratulations! KE Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow Aedile, House Ludo Kressh,Deputy Combat Master, ACC

Manji Keibatsu Sadow has shown great activity for his House and Clan as well as Dark Brotherhood. Manji is always quick to rise to the need of the Clan during times of War as proven by the 12 Seals of Unity he earned during the Ninth Great Jedi War. Along with his amazing effort during the Ninth Great Jedi War, which earned him a Grand Cross of the Dark Side, he also earned 2 Gold Novas. Manji took 1st place in the Free Reign fiction event and created 33(most in the Clan) quality entries that helped develop an enjoyable and exciting Clan Run On that assisted Clan Naga Sadow in achieving First place in that event. Manji also has dominated recent Clan events as well; earning an Anteian Cross recently for taking 1st place overall in the Clan Artisan Competition: Fractured Mirror. Along with his fine participation in competitions, he is a major contributor to Clan Development through the various WIKI articles of House Marka Ragnos and his outstanding work in helping create the Disciples of Ragnos, as well as leading the way on the current restructure of the program. Manji also spends his time bettering the Clan by taking the responsibility of leadership roles as he currently serves as the Rollmaster of House Marka Ragnos. His contributions also go beyond just Clan Naga Sadow with his work in the ACC. Manji is a leader by example, who spends his time encouraging and assisting his members. Combine his individual accomplishments and his leadership experience and I believe Manji Sadow has earned the award of a Amethyst Kukri. – CON Robert Sadow

Warlord Robert Sadow, 2009-07-09 05:06:50 UTC