Advanced Inquisitor Comlink
(Brotherhood-issued Advanced Inquisitor Comlink)
Brotherhood-issued Advanced Royal Guard Comlink
Sith Scroll
(Academy-issued Sith Order Scroll)
Armory DL-44 Blaster Pistol
Armory E-11 Blaster Rifle
Armory Vibroblade
Armory Vibrodagger
Armory Vibrosword
Novitiate Armory Lightsaber
Shuriken Kit
Throwing Daggers Kit
Breath Mask
Hunting Knife
Basic Datapad
A99 Aquata Breather
IM-40 Three-Slot Ammunition and Tool Pouch
All-Temperature Cloak
Vial of Poison
Novitiate Brotherhood Robes
Personal Sensor Jammer
BlasTech DC-17 Blaster Pistol
Knight's Lightsaber