Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, Son of Sadow

Grand Master, Clan Naga Sadow, Force Disciple, Krath
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
74325 words in 73 activities
25136 words in 31 posts and 13 activities
59018 words in 33 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 11 - 20 of 119 in total
Transcription Pending
Textual submission

Classified Transcription

Length of File: 00.00.23 minutes
Voice 1 Name: male sec officer
Voice 2 Name: female sec officer
Voice 3 Name: Suspect

[00:00:00] [SecFeed703]


[00:00:00] Voice 1 :: Code 702, we have a code 702 in progress.

[00:00:02] Voice 3 :: It’s in my head, behind my eyes.

[00:00:05] Voice 2 :: You made a mistake, it’s okay, just sit down.

[00:00:08] Voice 3 :: You don’t understand….

*hissing sounds through clenched teeth*

[00:00:09] Voice 3 :: Calm dow…

[00:00:09] Voice 3 :: Everything smells like blood.

[00:00:12] Voice 1 :: Weapon!

[00:00:12] Voice 3 ::Brother, drop it!

*metallic clicking sounds*

[00:00:13] Voice 3 :: No Calm, no…peace.

*inarticulate shouting, all variations of ‘drop it’*

[00:00:15] Voice 3 :: NO CHAINS, NO PEACE

*inarticulate screaming continues*

*One blaster sounds, followed by dozens more.*

[00:00:21] Voice 3 :: (Quietly) Everything smells like blood.

[AUDIO ENDS] [SecFeed703]

A Mother's Love: Northwest
The Shame Corner: 002
A Little Arsenal Challenge
Hammers and Quills
Shistavanen's Village Wedding
[Envoy Corps] The Shame Corner: 001
File submission
Textual submission

participation only

Sadow Shenanigans VI
Your First Steps In A Larger World
File submission
Textual submission

It was right there. Nek reached for it, fingers alternating between spreading wide and clenching

shut as if that would make a difference. The brightly colored fruit was his favorite, and it

seemed that way because they grew so far out of reach.

"Almost, Shi!" He half giggled and half made an over-exaggerated straining sound. "Higher!"

His legs were already held tight to his brother's chest. They had grown like weeds in his fourth

winter, a gap of pale skin between the bottom of his pants and the tops of his shoes. His

brother lifted him further, shin to his face as he lifted him a few more inches. Shi was the

bigger brother, he kept reminding him. So of course he was the one to lift and not the one to be


"'Member the deal, Nek!" Shi strained under the weight, wobbly legs trying to correct as Nek

reached ever further.

"I 'member, I 'member!" They'd share the fruit, then go spit the seeds at the fish. It was

Nek's favorite, watching the wide mouthed creatures, always hungry enough to thrash about the

water over each other at whatever they would throw at them. Seeds, bread, grains, even bugs.

They'd swarm the spot and writhe beneath the surface, mouths working the air. If they had a

voice, Shi imagined they'd be screaming 'more!'. Father would come and grab them out of the lake

with a net. He remembered him lifting one out of the net, it's mouth caught on his finger as he

howled in mock agony that the fish was eating him. They laughed until their ears went red, until

they coughed so hard that mother told him to stop.

"Quit wobbling!" Shi groaned, trying to lift him ever higher, pulling Nek's shoes to his

shoulders. "I'll drop you!"

"You won't let me fall." Nek bit his lip and lunged an arm forward. Fingers closed around the

bottom of the crimson shape, the cool skin twisting in his grasp as he twisted it, trying to pick

it from the branch that held it. With a snap it came loose, and he dropped it, watching it

bounce on the green grass below. "Got it!"

Shi reached up to grab his legs, half toppling over as he dragged his little brother down to his

level. They fell to their backsides in the grass, breathing heavy for a moment as they felt the

sunshine. Nek scrambled over on all fours, grabbing the fruit and taking a big bite. Clear

juice ran down his chin as he chewed and smiled at the same time. "See?" He handed the fruit to

Shi. "You didn't drop."

"I know." Shi took a bite, then wiped his lips with his sleeve. "Mother would be mad." It was

sweet, the first of the season. He let the sun warm his face, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the

taste. He could feel little fingers grabbing the fruit away from him, the wet crunch of his next

bite. He forgot what Father called these, but he'd cut slices off and eat them, and sometimes,

mother would bake them for putting on rice. There were so many names to remember. Everything

had one. The river, the fish, the singing birds and the mountain. Even the big old house had a

name. Father worked there with hammers and other tools. He said his father, and even his father

had lived there so very long ago. Someday they would live there. And even have their own rooms.

He lay back, smiling as he reclined. He wasn't sure that he wanted his own room. It would be too

far away from Nek, from Mother and Father.

Nek laughed, and Shi opened his eyes, seeing one of the brown tree-mice scamper down, chattering

at them. Nek cackled back, then laughed even louder as the tree-mouse tilted it's head and

scratched its chest. The snap of another bite flitted through the laughter, then a weird noise,

like the fish when they spat the seeds at them.

The laughter stopped.

Shi turned to look, saw his brother looking at him with a weird expression. It was like he was

hurt. He scrambled to his knees, turning over and making the grass stain his pants as he moved

over to his little brother, the fruit still clutched in his hands. "Nek!" His eyes went wide,

wet along the edges. Shi's mind froze, watching Nek's face change color. "Nek, what's wrong?"

He worked his mouth like the fish, but no sound came out, just the strange smacking of lips

coated in sticky juice. "Say something!" Nek flailed his arms, the fruit going sailing as the

color in his skin deepened. He pointed at his mouth, fingers reaching in frantically, clasping

like he was reaching for the fruit.

"Mother!" Shi batted his brother's hands away, reaching in with his own fingers, trying to see

past the teeth, the tongue that twitched as it tried to help. A few fingers went in , reaching

past the slimy back of the tongue and his brother twisted below him, convulsing in a soundless

wretch. He drew fingers back, teeth scraping against flesh as he did. He tried smacking him on

the back, like Mother did when he was a baby, trying to make him burp. Nothing changed, Nek's

silence making his own eyes water.

He went to Nek's side again, sliding fingers into his mouth, trying in vain to reach the chunk as

he screamed for Mother again. He felt his own ears grow hot, his heart racing. It was out of

his reach, fingers searching. The birds seemed to stop chirping as he saw his mother running

toward them in slow motion, the hem of her dress torn by her movement. He could hear his own

breathing louder than what she screamed, ragged as he strained. It was probably for Father.

"You won't let me fall."

Nek's words echoed from recent memory. He felt something snap in the back of his head, pain

blossoming like he had just taken a fall as he felt the edges of the fruit. He closed his

fingers and felt only flesh, but pulled back anyway. The air was thick around him as he yanked,

the white flesh of the fruit following a few moments after, wreathed in quiet thunder.

"Nekura!" She wailed as she slid into him, grabbing Nek up and clutching him to her as she turned

his face to look at him, fear on her face as plain as the tears. Ragged breaths flew from him,

hoarse coughs and cries as he grabbed onto his mother. She drew him in closer, nestling him

against her as she looked at Shi, sitting in the grass, violet eyes locked on a piece of fruit as

it hovered above his fingertips.
