Grand Cross events for Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

great work deserves great rewards. Muz' work has been nothing but that. he has lead HMR to be an excellent house, which managed to win CNS' yearly Artisans competition, and the entire house is flourishing under his lead.

those under his command are highly motivated, and are going to great lengths to get their goals. there is no-one in CNS we'd rather award this medal to. congratulations, and merry christmas, Muz. keep up the good work. :)

~Malik Sadow & Korras Aquillarum

, 2004-12-18 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Muz had a big part in getting Naga Sadow second in the KRoS, getting 3 first places and 1 second place, in itself is quite an accomplishment, but at the same time he was also pushing his house hard to get them to take part in all the events possible. So for his hand in getting the clan second and all his work with encouraging his house I would like to reward Muz with this Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Congratulations Muz.

Consul of Naga Sadow SO Malik Sadow

, 2005-03-04 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

For service as a Hand of Justice over a period of 7 months.

, 2006-01-03 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

To ensure impartial grading in the 2008 Independence Games the Dark Council offered to grade the events. Unfortunately, there was a major slow down in the process and people were beginning to get antsy about the results. Muz, however, stepped up to the plate and delivered big for my IG team and the members of the Brotherhood.

In addition to grading 20 events on his own, Muz was a catalyst in the design - and name - of the new Seal for the 2k8 IGs. For delivering so much effort in such a short period of time... and for the lasting mark it will have on our club... I offer this as a small token of my gratitude.

Braecen Kaeth

Braecen Kaeth, 2008-07-02 06:02:31 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Grand Master Ashen has supervised, edited, and generated multiple projects throughout the last 90 days that have had a tremendous impact on the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. These projects have ranged from simple graphical adjustments to our website, to the addition of several new robes, to the approval of new and exciting projects for the next year.

Grand Masters receive little if any recognition for their day to day activities and this is a small token of my gratitude for Muz's consistent (I'd argue the most consistent activity of any leader in the history of our club) dedication to our club.

Grand Master Pravus

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2014-01-10 20:56:46 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Primary reason

With an illustrious career in the Dark Brotherhood already behind him, Muz continues to be a positive force within the club and even more so in Clan Naga Sadow. He has helped to serve the Clan as Quaestor in recent months, but even before that he has never really retired from supporting his fellows. Even before taking up the mantle of House leadership again, Muz has always been willing to offer wisdom and insight to any who earnestly ask it, and even bop me on the head occasionally as the situation required it.

Now I could easily carry on with a list of his achievements, but I feel that wouldn't serve to accurately describe his impact. Since August of last year, Muz has given a lot of advice to myself and others, even before he took over House Marka Ragnos as Quaestor back in September. I could go on to list the 7 competitions he organized, the other 7 he coorganized, the time he has spent gaming with others in the Clan/club or the energy he has put into 12 fiction activities and the work he has put into ROs. I could point out that despite his experience with the club (even besides his time as a seated Grand Master), he has continued to take part in the Shadow Academy, having passed another 13 courses since his last recognition. In the 45 competitions that Muz has taken part in, we have seen him rake in 14 Crescents- 2 Diamond, 4 Ruby, 3 Amethyst, 4 Sapphire and a lone Emerald- which is not at all unimpressive. I could detail the deeds that garnered him 71 Clusters of Earth, the stories which earned him 13 Clusters of Ice, or the artistic works that earned him 5 Clusters of Graphite. I could even make note of the singular Legion of the Scholar.

These things reflect little of the man, in my experience. Muz cares for this club, cares for its members, and cares for his Clan. Before writing this recommendation I took a curious look at Muz's feats since joining the Brotherhood, helps to bring home the simple truth of how much Muz cares. I can say it was daunting the first time that I spoke to a seemingly mystical former GM, but he has never been anything more than approachable. Muz has worked with myself in the same way that I know he works with his Aedile and his Battleteam Leader, his Consuls and Pronconsuls, lending both wisdom and insight in equal parts. In the midst of changes of Consul, Pronconsul, Rollmasters, Battleteam Leaders, Quaestors and Aediles Muz has been a comforting constant. He is always willing to play a sounding board, an advisor, a counselor and on occasion to help the rest of us to ascend to greater heights and hopes. For all his work, his dedication, and the energy he has invested, I wish to present Muz Ashen Keibatsu, former Grand Master and Lion of Tarthos, this Grand Cross as a small token of our gratitude for his work over the last nine months in particular.

Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2017-05-09 14:37:24 UTC
Additional reasons

Muz is a sage and wise teacher. He is patient, understanding and kind. He's also a firebrand that smacks the crap out of me if I mess up in some way. My move to Consul has not been a smooth one, but I can reliably say that Muz has helped me immensely and I am extremely lucky to have a veteran leader like Muz in my camp. He has made me strive to be the best, he has made me always defend my actions and improved my courage to take risks and do what is best for the Clan.

Muz is a mentor to so many members within Naga Sadow. His time spent as Quaestor of Marka Ragnos has seen him help members not just in Marka Ragnos, but also Shar Dakhan.

Marka Ragnos has blossomed under Muz's leadership. The House was struggling when he took the reins. Struggling with activity, a direction and a general malaise. Muz has captured people's imaginations, enabled their ideas to grow and bloom and has run several Clan wide events that have seen fantastic activity. Muz has always maintained that he was only going to be Quaestor for a short while, but when he does get the chance to leave the driver's seat, I know that Marka Ragnos will be in the best position available.

I would be lost without Muz, he has long epitomised the Clan and what it means to sacrifice your time and effort for the Club as a leader. His dedication, hard work and continued support and mentor-ship to myself, my Summit and our members is inspiring, I can only hope that this token of my appreciation will go some way to allowing him to recognise that.

Thank you.

Consul of Naga Sadow

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2017-05-06 22:23:35 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Primary reason

What can be said about the Grand Master that has not already been said time and time again? Well, I have to say that in my time here, he has always taken the time out for ANYONE seeking his counsel. To be honest, I have sought out his sage advice more times than I like to admit. I know other Clan’s have the privilege of having a former sitting GM within their ranks, and privilege is a gross understatement. Not only does the GM offer up counsel on a number of issues, he continues to mentor the entire Summit on direction, future endeavors and the general well being of the Clan. His contributions do not go unnoticed from all levels of the Clan. It is always great to hear from another member regarding how impressed they are that the GM is still digging in the trenches with the rest of us!

Without hesitation the Lion of Tarthos has delivered his leadership to the Clan and Club. He was Magistrate to both the incumbent Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master for over a year. He also is a current member of the Star Chamber, a position he has held for nearly two years. Not leaving his roots unattended, the GM took up the helm as the Battleteam Leader to the Night Hawks of Marka Ragnos. Over the last two years Grand Master Keibatsu has amassed a staunch amount of activity. Partaking in seventy two comps earning himself the following array of shineys to add to his collection. Three Crescents with Diamond Star, eight Crescents with Amethyst Star, two Crescents with Sapphire Star, five Crescents with Emerald Star, seven Clusters of Fire, twenty five Clusters of Ice, eleven Clusters of Earth, eighteen Clusters of Graphite and one Seal of Enmity.

It is with great honor and respect that I can be a part of this recc and award Grand Master Muz Ashen Keibatsu with this stellar recognition and award for all his contributions to the Club! Thank you Sir!

Warlord DarkHawk Sadow

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2022-07-22 15:17:13 UTC