Steel Cross events for Colonel Shanree Argentin

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Primary reason

There is two reason I think Vodo needs this, and two alone are enough. As BTL, Vodo has done what I'd say as a superb job in getting his members active and doing competitions. While the House Summit has been wavering over the past month or two, Vodo has kept Phoenix soaring with competitions, reports, and most recently the Ektrosis Cup. This was a great low level competition that brought the House battleteams to compete for the title of "First Battleteam of Ektrosis." Not only did this bring up activity in the House, it was exactly what they needed. <br> <br> Vodo works with his competing BTL and the Summits to get this going, and I upload him on his efforts and want to thank him with this award. For being a mentor and leader, and for running a marvelous competition, take this Steel Cross as an award. Congrats!<br> <br> ~CON Duga Taldrya Arkarso

Duga Taldrya Arkarso, 2007-06-24 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Dr. Rhylance
Primary reason

Of the returning members to Clan Taldryan, none have been more enthusiastically helpful than our current Rollmaster Vodo. Since coming back the one thing that Vodo has continuously worked towards has been making our Clan great again. To that extent he has taken his new role within the Clan and ran with it.

Nine times out of ten, Vodo will be the first to respond to a new member with a welcoming and informative email. He does his best to create a working relationship with every new member to hopefully lead them down the path to Knighthood. Vodo is also one of the most outspoken, and hardworking members of the current Clan Summit. He is always one I can count on whenever I need a quick and well thought out response on our Summit channel. Vodo was greatly improved Tal's current participation numbers by recruiting several Rogue members who have returned to the Clan with fierce determination.

Vodo has so far led 1 member to knighthood, with more soon to follow. He's always pushing all members within the clan to be more active, sending reminders on telegram about competitions that are going on. He has also sent out numerous emails to our JM's and below informing them of needs and opportunities to earn their ranks.

Since his last recognition Vodo has competed in 34 competitions, and organized 1. He has earned 13 crescents, 7 Clusters of Ice, and passed 3 courses from the Shadow Academy. Vodo has also been instrumental in creating a Run-on that has included several members of our Clan, and has lasted for 51 posts!

For all of his hard work and determination I am happy to award Vodo Biask a Steel Cross. Thank you Vodo, and Congratulations!

Dr. Rhylance, 2017-02-10 13:49:12 UTC
Additional reasons

Vodo has essentially been my eyes and ears on the Journeymen and has taken this role very seriously. In part of growing our membership into a fighting force come GJW time, Vodo has taken it upon himself to institute a series of "training" fiction competitions. These help the membership with things like Character Development, Plotline, and strong writing.

Vodo is the first person to greet new members most of the time, and I'm so glad for his counsel on it. He is an incredible judge of character and relays SWOTs from the general membership to the Summit.

For his great leadership, I'm happy to recommend that Vodo received a Steel Cross.

Congrats, Old Man.

Master Alaris Jinn, 2017-02-09 05:24:20 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Vodo has been in Taldryan longer than most. In fact, hes pretty much a part of the furniture! (I'm not even joking, fictionally, he's an AI programme.)

I've gone on before about Shanree/Vodo's loyalty to Taldryan, but instead of rambling on about it again because it'd common knowledge how dedicated he is to Taldry,I'll instead show you in his activity.

Since his last award, Vodo has competed in 39 individual competitions, written over 15,000 words of fiction, and over 7000 in RP.

Vodo has earned the following awards;

Gold Nova x 1 Crescent with Ruby Star x 2 Crescent with Amethyst Star x 4 Crescent with Sapphire Star x 3 Crescent with Emerald Star x 6

Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not mention Vodo as being one of the primary candidates for the idea of Taldryan becoming a Republic. His idea started out as a Roman Senate idea, which was then built into what would become the Taldryan Republic.

I'm proud to recommend Shanree/Vodo for this Steel Cross. Congratulations, you earned it!

Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson, 2022-10-31 16:24:54 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

If you had told me a couple of years back that I would see Tal old-timer Shanree, formerly known as Vodo, not only participating in the ACC, but going on an undefeated streak, then I'd think you were crazy.

Nonetheless, Shanree puts effort he can into representing Taldryan in the best way he can. He has participated in 18 competitions and completed 2 ACC battles. He had earned the following awards;

Crescent with Ruby Star x1

Crescent with Amethyst Star x1

Crescent with Sapphire Star x2

Crescent with Emerald Star x1

Congratulations on your Steel Cross, Vodokins! You earned it!

Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson, 2024-05-10 12:52:16 UTC