Rowan Dragos, Blade Master

Equite 4, Clan Plagueis, Force Disciple, Obelisk
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
20520 words in 29 activities
926 words in 1 post and 1 activity
11988 words in 21 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 31 - 40 of 54 in total
[Pro Bowl VI: Week One] Fiction
Textual submission

"I heard it, boyo, with me own ears!" The animated Galvan shouted as he slammed his robotic arm down onto the table.

"Easy, Starfist. Let's say I believe you. What do you want ME to do about it?" Gui lazily sunk back into his chair.

"Ya know, a Jedi would want to take care of this. They're all about helping us less fortunate folk."

"I'm not a Jedi. Not anymore." Gui grumbled. "Besides, even if the Consuls are conspiring to steal your barrels of Bestine Port, maybe you cutting back isn't necessarily a bad thing."

"Listen here, mate." Galvan's face had become more serious than it had ever been before. "No one, I mean NO one, touches me booze."

"Look, pal, I'm not sure what you even want me to do abou-"

Gui was abruptly cut-off as Galvan spun around in the Gilded Lady, one of Canto Bight's premiere Cantinas and began to shout. His chest pumping with anger and adrenaline.

The upper-class patrons all turned, most completely oblivious to what the short but stout fellow was even yammering about.

"I dare any one of you karking gutter womps to touch me supply!"

"Galvan-" Gui tried to settle the turbulent chest thumper.

"I'll break off your fingers an' feed'em to the -"

Gui rolled his eyes and sighed. He didn't understand half of what Starfist was going on about either. The colorful language was certainly not helping matters. As he processed the dialogue through his mental codex of basic slang intertwined with choice phrases that were more than likely, corellisi in origin. A tubby gambler stood from his seat and rolled the dice when he shouted "Sit down and shut up, you little worrt!"

"Oh no…" Gui's thoughts became audible.

"What did you just say to me?" Galvan stomped up to the foolish drunkard. "What. Did you just say to me?" he growled, driving his cybernetic finger into the Zeltron's gut.

"I said." The Zeltron bent at the waist nearly pressing his nose against Galvan's. "Sit down and shut u-" Galvan erupted like a mustafarian geyser and roared as he reached up and grabbed the man by the nape. With all the strength packed into his tiny frame he tugged down, driving the forehead of the Zeltron into the table, pinning him there.

He grumbled more swear words into the Zeltron's face as the Cantina imploded with aggression. A mug smashed into the back of Galvan's head, rattling him only momentarily as he drew his Powerhammer from his back and wound it above his head before cracking the foolish Rodian attacker in the hip. A rodese squeal was followed by the sound of shattering glass as he fell into the bar.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!" Gui shouted as he stumbled back, twisted around, and seemingly danced away from chaotic hammer swings. All the while he commanded Galvan to end his rampage.

Patrons screamed as the less confrontational folk either ran out or lined the walls to get a front row seat for the drama unfolding before their very eyes.

"These people aren't stealing your liquo-" Gui tried but to no avail as Galvan ran forward and planted a foot onto the seat of a chair, propelling himself into a knee strike that would connect with the jaw of an encroaching Trandoshan.

Starfist land and huffed with anger as those who were going to attempt apprehension stopped and threw their hands up as they backed away.

Just then, bursting through the doors was a security task force with Korvis and Juda Graves leading the charge. It wasn't long before word reached their ears as they deliberated with the other Consul's outside. The commotion could have awakened the dead.

"What's going on here!" Korvis shouted.

Galvan growled as he locked eyes with Selika Roh standing behind Juda and Korvis.

"You!" Galvan shouted. "I heard you wanna steal me Port you wen-"

"Easy, Blacksmith." She stepped forward. "I'm not some drunken bar-fly to be trifled with." She said coldly.

Galvan stammered.

"What's this about stealing your supply?" Korvis spoke up.

"You, she, you all were."

"We were what?" Juda chimed in.

"Uhh, he said you were going to rob him." Gui butted in.

Juda looked from Gui to Galvan.

"Rob you?" He groaned. "You moron, we were going to PAY you for your drink. We thought a celebration after the games was the least we could do."

"Pay." Galvan huffed. "Pay me?"

"Yes, pay you. Just like you're going to pay the owner here for any damages you may have caused." Korvis looked around. "Judging by the state of this bar. This has become a very expensive misunderstanding."

"Told ya so." Gui grinned.

"Told me, you din't tell me any-"

"Clean it up!" Juda stepped forward. He was one of the few that Galvan actually listened to. "Pay the man." He pointed to the owner of the bar. "Bring the barrels of Port to the assembly by tomorrow." He commanded before turning to smooth things over with the
Security that stood eager to crack down on Galvan with their stun batons.

Starfist felt smaller than his stature.

"Sure thing boss." He spat before shooting the grinning Gui a wicked look.

Clan Vizsla Scuttle the Starhawk I
Bounty 001: Jerric Wendt
Clan Vizsla Post GJW Session
[GJW XV Event Long] Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Breakout
Textual submission

Manually added by Prophet Dacien Victae

A Life Day Haiku
Textual submission

A day in the life
Should never be forgotten
But always cherished