- Event ID
- 4556
- Award
- Grand Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
Re-instatement of old medals - Jac
, 2003-06-09 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 8347
- Award
- Grand Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
For actions above and beyond the call of duty, to the detriment of self in favor of the welfare of the ACC, for unflaking activity in the face of adversity and monumental help in all areas, such as the improvement of the ACC Compendium, ideas and details for competitions, and for many other extraneous contributions, I ask that Halcyon be awarded the Grand Cross of the Dark Side.
, 2004-10-29 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 17538
- Award
- Grand Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Spears Tarentae
- Primary reason
For dedication to the Shadow Academy, and doing a remarkable job in helping the SA reach 5,000+ exams graded in One Year.
Spears Tarentae, 2005-11-21 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 18627
- Award
- Grand Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Dalthid
- Primary reason
The Deputy Combat Master is never overlooked, he is my right hand and the biggest help I have in all aspects of the ACC. From approving Character Sheets to Judging battles, DA Halcyon is the best 2nd anyone could ask for. If I had my druthers Id buy him a beer, give him a huge pat on the back and say thanks, but I cant hell have to settle for this.
Since his awarding of an Emerald Dagger about 5 months ago, Halcyon has continued to prove himself as indispensable. While others may be so, in their own right, no one can hold a candle to the DCM. His name is slathered all over the new additions to the compendium, from the rank structure, to the history, to the pilots den to his latest feat with the new Rite of Exaltation. If I had to step down as CM, theres only 1 person that I would recommend to take my place DA Halcyon. If there was something I just couldnt get to, and I needed someone I could trust to get it done, theres only 1 person Id go to DA Halcyon. He is the go-to guy for many aspects of the ACC, constantly making sure that hes on my page and even helping to keep the staff in line when they need it. Hes looked up to and honored by the staff, by combatants and by me as an asset to this platform and the entirety of the Brotherhood. For 5 months of unabated dedication, work ethic and a confidence instilling presence, I recommend DA Halcyon for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. ~ DA Dalthid, Combat Master.
Dalthid, 2006-02-13 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 102538
- Award
- Grand Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
- Primary reason
There probably aren't enough ways to describe just how valuable Dark Prophet Halcyon Rokir Taldrya is to the day to day operation of Taldryan. When it comes to being able to give advice, and talk about various activities within the Dark Brotherhood, having a guy who has basically been and done everything means you have someone who you can approach and ask about anything, and know he has an answer. Halcyon's value as an advisor during the Dark Crusades has been immeasurable, and we would not have been able to reach the heights we have without him.
His ability to be an advisor to Taldryan however is but one of the smallest contributions he gave to Taldryan in the Dark Crusades. Despite the fact that during the length and breadth of this vendetta, Halcyon has purchased a house and gotten married is staggering, when you consider that he participated in nine tenths of every event offered, and managed to at the very least place in a quarter of those he entered is staggering when one considers how precious his time in real life must have been.
For these reasons, and many more, I am awarding Halcyon Rokir Taldrya, a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.
Aedile of Taldryan,
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-01 13:01:32 UTC
- Additional reasons
Halcyon is by far one of the most important members of Taldryan. His participation ratio almost flawless, having participated in almost ninty percent while placing in a fifth of every events from the Dark Crusade. Along his vendetta participation comes his uncompared capability as advisor. Halcyon has served the Taldryan Summit with countless decisions that had a deep impact on the direction Taldryan headed for.
For what you are standing for in Taldryan, I am hereby requesting you to be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.
Quaestor of Taldryan
Rian Taldrya, 2013-11-30 23:40:37 UTC
- Event ID
- 117325
- Award
- Grand Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
- Primary reason
Halcyon Rokir Taldrya is quite simply awesome. His work is nothing short of amazing, and has continued to be so for an almost impossible amount of time. The bottom line is, nothing I do in the running of Taldryan would be possible without Halc. He’s almost always the first eyes and ears on anything I manage, and whenever I drop a ball he’s right there to pick it up. Halc’s my guy, whether it’s as PCON or as Recruitment Tribune, and I’m lucky to have him backing me up.
When it comes to leadership philosophies, Halc and I share a general tenet: you lead from the front. In this, Halc has had ample opportunity to shine in the course of the Crusades, Fading Light, and finally the Great Jedi War. He managed to maintain a perfect record throughout Fading Light, and participated in 8 out of 11 events in the Great Jedi War.
Even when not counting vendettas, since his last award Halc has participated in 36 Competitions, run 8, posted news and reports all over the place, and won a number of Crescents and Clusters. Halc is everything I have come to rely upon in Taldryan, and I hope I can count on him for many years to come.
Congrats on your Grand Cross Halcyboy.
DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2015-02-18 21:54:57 UTC
- Additional reasons
Halc has been a fine Quaestor Ektrosis in the past half a year (since his last award), and his excellent work is demonstrated no better than during a Great Jedi War. Halc led from the front, both encouraging his house members to compete in events, and offering guidance and assistance as required - he also competed -
and earned himself a number of novae in the process. As my collegues have elected to discuss Halc's more subjective and leaderly accomplishments, I am going to discuss what I do best, hard numbers. In addition to his excellent
GJW work, Halc has been a mountain of internal leadership and personal activity:
participating in 42 competitions, organizing 8 competitions, earning a Gold Nova (from Fading Light), 9 crescents, 307 Clusters of Fire, a Pendant of Blood, 13 Clusters of Ice, and a Legion of the Scholar. For his dedication to Clan Taldryan, as demonstrated by both personal activity and broader leadership, I recommend Halcyon be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side!
Howlader Taldrya, 2015-02-18 21:54:33 UTC
- Event ID
- 149104
- Award
- Grand Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Howlader Taldrya
- Primary reason
The problem with having a clan full of old people (including myself) is that we sometimes forget that they're stupid active. The Lord of the Bias continues to be Biased - and active as all hell. Since Taldryan last awarded Halcyon on February 1, Halc has participated in 87 competitions, earned crescents with the following stars: 3 Amethyst, 12 Sapphire, 6 Emerald Star, 2 Topaz. He's also earned 5 Clusters of Ice, 5 of Fire, 50 of Earth.
Additionally, Halcyon continues to fufill his role as an elder in the Clan and the club - offering advice on fictional, policy, project, and plan development for the clan as well as the club when he's asked. While these aspects are difficult to quantify, they speak to the duality of Halc - where he can offer salient points to leadership and continue to be active like the newest go-getter nub. Additionally, Halc took a special interest in assisting Aiden Lee in his participation in the recent Antei Combat Centre tournament. This took the form of content and stylistic advice.
As a token of our continued appreciation for everything you do, and in hopes that you won't leave me, enjoy this Grand Cross of the Dark Side.
Howlader Taldrya, 2016-07-21 13:05:12 UTC
- Additional reasons
Halcyon is not only one of the highest ranking members of clan Taldryan, he is one of our most active members as well. Holding the rank of Prophet doesn’t seem to have slowed his commitment to participating in Brotherhood activities. Participating in 87 competitions since his Merit Award, and placing in 23 of them, shows that Halc hasn’t let his steam run out even though he’s achieved such a high ranking in the brotherhood.
On a personal note, Halc has shown me how willing he is to assist newer members in their endeavors. In the recent Journeyman ACC Tournament I participated in, Halc assisted me as an editor, offering advice and greatly improving my writing ability through constructive remarks. I managed to place third, which never would have happened without Halcyon’s time, patience, and help.
I would like to thank Halcyon for all of his hard work, and dedication to Taldryan and the DJB as a whole. Congratulations on your Grand Cross!
Dr. Rhylance, 2016-07-20 03:04:31 UTC
- Event ID
- 155470
- Award
- Grand Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Lord Evio Nezsa
- Primary reason
Halcyon joined the possessions team when I put together teams to evaluate the space vehicles offerings, taking on the perspective of a member seeking to purchase space transport, and his feedback on both the offerings and the user interfaces was greatly beneficial to some of the initial updates to the system before we reached open beta. Following this, he joined my staff as a Magistrate and has since written and reviewed hundreds of Item Aspects, helped to develop an initial and now live policy on how to handle the nature of these requests in the possessions system going forward, and was the main support on my team for this important member facing service that the Regent team will provide for years to come. The open beta process would not have been nearly as smooth without his support on these fronts as I managed a list of issues coming from membership to keep things on track and sort out tasks with James. For all this great support to help launch possessions on time and building an initial foundation for the Regent staff team, I recommend Halcyon for this Grand Cross. Thank you!
Lord Evio Nezsa, 2016-12-09 23:21:03 UTC