Dark Cross events for Mograine

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Vivackus Kavon di Plagia
Primary reason

Medal Request: Dark Cross PRT Mograine (4490) During my time as a leader of Satal Keto -Battle Team Leader, Aedile, Quaestor - Mograine has shown himself to be one of the most active Journeymen in House Satal Keto. His activity and dedication serving as a standard for what I hope all Protectors will aim for. And a Dark Cross seems befitting of his activity level. Mograine has entered into eight (8) competitions and received awards in seventy five percent of them! Those six crescents (5 Cr-E, Cr-Q) are an impressive feat for a young, upcoming Journeyman. In addition, he has received a Legion of the Scholar for a trivia event hosted by Grand Master Sarin. Finally, Mograine is a consistent figure in his Clan IRC channel (#plagueis); partaking and adding to the fun and lively atmosphere we have cultivated there. He also has contributed to our newfound awareness and activity on the Message Forums. And he serves as a great example for his peers to look up to. Without a doubt, he has satisfied the requirements for his first merit medal in the Dark Brotherhood with his constant activity, desire to learn, ability to communicate and dedication to will himself through the ranks of the Brotherhood. Vivackus Kavon Quaestor of Satal Keto

Vivackus Kavon di Plagia, 2009-02-07 19:16:43 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Master Alaris Jinn
Primary reason

These twelve members of Clan Plagueis entered into an event without promise of reward or recognition beyond the event and activity with their clan mates. They shown what clan unity and clan loyalty means. Without these participants the Mirror Mirror Event would have failed. They put their time and effort into the event even waiting through the GJW for the second and third parts to be held. They diligently posted in the RO's and participated in a real time IRC RP something most people say is impossible to coordinate. With their cooperation and enthusiasm not only was Mirror Mirror a massive success, it was a statement to the Brotherhood that Clan Plagueis is strong and here to stay.

It is becuase of this selfless work, and loyalty to the clan, and to myself and Impetus as the hostesses of this event. I am recommending that all the participants of this event that was nearly longer than the GJW itself be awarded the merit award of the Dark Cross. They earned it through pure meritous action in this event.

With Respect,

Eludajae and Impetus M'Nar

Master Alaris Jinn, 2009-06-07 22:01:48 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Cassandra El'sin
Primary reason

For Mograine, I would like to award a Dark Cross due to his extensive work and hard effort he has given Plagueis as of recent. He was given the opportunity to become a 0-11 within our Army Branch, the equivalent to a BTL and has proven to us that he is a great asset within our House. Mograine has been at constant work since his appointment to the role and has successfully helps in our Military organisation. He is working on the re-writing of the Army Military pages on the DB-Wiki, along with re-organising the military units in the army and assigning members to those units based upon their officer ranking. With this, it should be noted that Mograine has earned himself hundreds of crescents for participation in competitions, Clusters of Fire and Ice for his effort in gaming and the ACC, and many Seals of Bone from the last GJW and Seals of Defiance for taking part in the last vendetta. As well as this, Mograine has shown us great help acting as a Battle Team Leader many times within Plagueis, where he ran competitions and completed reports. Over all, we are very proud to have a great serving member within Plagueis such as Mograine. And its time we give our thanks to him. Great work there Mograine, I wish you the best for the future! In Darkness SW Cassandra El'sin

Cassandra El'sin, 2010-12-13 21:11:32 UTC