
Journeyman 2, Rogues, Sith
Displaying events 21 - 40 of 68 in total
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Dragon Seraphim
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2009-04-27 14:37:48 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Dorimad Sol
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2009-04-27 14:37:48 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Novitiate 3
New Rank
Novitiate 4
Requested by
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
Primary reason

Novice Lucien has filled the requirements to be elevated to Acolyte. He has passed 2 SA courses, logged into irc, participated in the GJW, and registered on the forums. It is my honor that I request that he be elevated to the rank of Acolyte for his service to Dorimad Sol.

Mandalorian Malodin'Tater, 2009-03-31 04:37:32 UTC
Event ID
Old Order
New Order
Primary reason

Manual Administration.

Syn Kaek, 2009-03-25 15:17:29 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Novitiate 2
New Rank
Novitiate 3
Requested by
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
Primary reason

Apprentice Lucien has already logged into irc, joining the clan and house channels, and completed his Test of Lore. He has also logged on to the message boards.

Mandalorian Malodin'Tater, 2009-03-25 11:08:59 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Dorimad Sol
Primary reason

Going back to the House I helped to reopen. Thanks.

Lucien, 2009-03-25 09:52:36 UTC
Event ID
Old Name
New Name
Primary reason

Manual Administration.

Syn Kaek, 2009-03-25 10:38:26 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Novitiate 1
New Rank
Novitiate 2
Requested by
Primary reason

Passed the Test of Lore

Lucien, 2009-03-25 09:45:30 UTC
Event ID
Old Order
New Order
Primary reason

Manual Administration.

Syn Kaek, 2009-02-02 17:35:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Equite 3
New Rank
Novitiate 1
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

Manual Administration.

Syn Kaek, 2009-02-02 17:34:59 UTC
Event ID
Old Name
Lucien Kaeth Palpatine
New Name
Primary reason

Manual Administration.

Syn Kaek, 2009-02-02 17:34:59 UTC
Event ID
Scholae Palatinae
Event ID
Old Name
Lucien Kaeth
New Name
Lucien Kaeth Palpatine
Primary reason

As decreed by the line of Palpatines, I have become a Son of Palpatine and would like my name to reflect that.

Lucien, 2008-11-17 11:09:36 UTC
Event ID
Scholae Palatinae
Event ID
Scholae Palatinae
Event ID
Old Rank
Equite 2
New Rank
Equite 3
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

On behalf of the Grand Master and various members of the Brotherhood, I have the honor to submit this promotion request for Lucien Kaeth:

Lucien is an outstanding example of what a Proconsul should be. Instead of focusing on assassinating his Consul, he has worked tirelessly on increasing the activity of the clan while at the same time remaining very accessible to the membership that he is there to serve. Since his last promotion seven months ago, Lucien has earned a Sapphire Blade, a Legion of the Scholar, a Scroll of Foundation (for guiding his apprentice, Yeldarb, to the rank of DJK), a Seal of Loyalty, as well as 2 crescents and a Bronze Nova for placing in competitions. Lucien has also focused on his Shadow Academy studies by earning a Dark Maven Service and completing three additional courses during his busy schedule. When it comes to competitions, Lucien is also a great example as he helped guide the clan through the Reclamation of Judecca Campaign as well as the 2007 CSP Winter Games. Overall, Lucien excels at a variety of tasks that range from leadership as Proconsul to creating and running competitions to administration of the Master/Student program.

Templar Angelo Dante

Rollmaster of Dorimad Sol

Ever since he assumed the position of Proconsul of Clan Scholae Palatinae, Lucien has been a major driving force in the development of the clan. Not only has he maintained a high level of activity in command areas, such as reports, etc, he has also been instrumental in the refurbishment of the Clan's various systems in need. The website, for example, is one of his major projects, changing what was once a barely more than HTML page into a php-bound powerhouse. His fingerprints can also be seen on the new proposal for the MSP system for the clan, which has been met with widespread approval from the summits.

All in all, I cannot imagine what a person could do to deserve an elevation more than Lucien. Well done.

Sith Warrior Brent Ligur Victae

Aedile of Caliburnus

Lucien is one of the best things that has ever happened to Clan Scholae Palatinae. After he joined House Acclivis Draco about a month I was appointed Quaestor, he wasn't very active for several months, but this changed shortly before he was appointed Knight Commander of the Brotherhood.

Throughout the Eighth Great Jedi War, he constantly pushed himself to a point that immediately placed him in the upper echelons of Scholae Palatinae's "outstandingly active members." In fact, he even tried his hand at an "inspirational speech" to the Clan. About halfway through the War, I remember sending an email to members of Acclivis Draco whom I really, really wanted to promote. Lucien was one of the few who responded, and his response allowed me to identify him for the times to come: "What if I participate in every event?"

Out of the entire Clan, Lucien earned the second-most amount of Seals of Pain with a whopping 16, along with 31 Clusters of Fire. He was, of course, promoted to the rank of Obelisk Prelate.

Shortly after the conclusion of the Incursion, Braecen made it known that he was going to retire due to unfortunate circumstances in "real life." Lucien was, at this time, a highly trusted adviser to the Clan and House Summits and was immediately thrust into the long discussion about who should be placed where. When it was proposed (numerous times) that I take Proconsul, I immediately rejected the offer because I still had work to do in House Acclivis Draco as Quaestor. Lucien's name came up one day, during one of these conversations, and he accepted the offer of Proconsul, much to all of our gratitude.

He has served as Proconsul of Clan Scholae Palatinae since the beginning of September 2007, almost eight months ago. In this position, he has been a consistent, steady hand that has picked up the slack everywhere and has helped forge the Clan into a more organized, unified entity. In addition to his involvement in nearly every project that is undertaken, he has been a source of creativity and has demonstrated it through the creation of several Clan-wide competitions: the Reclamation of Judecca, the Winter Games, and the House Caliburnus-Dorimad Sol Feud, and has had a large role in developing this year's Independence Games. He has been absolutely phenomenal in his work, and I know that he will continue this custom of excellence.

Lucien has also been a great mentor and power generator behind the Master-Student Program. In addition to having one of his students reach Dark Jedi Knight, Yeldarb Vohokou, he has another, who has shown great promise and will probably become one of the most decorated members of the Clan, Tra'an Reith. He has recently standardized the way promotions are processed through the chains of command, and he has been revising the Clan's Journeyman promotion guidelines, which is no small project, to fit the Dark Brotherhood's constantly shifting form; in fact, this will be the most major revision dealt to the guidelines since over a year ago.

Sure, all of these things are nice and make the world happy, but the most impressive trait that Lucien bears is his ability to communicate effectively and efficiently. He has been streamlining the way Scholae Palatinae's leaders talk to each other and how project leaders are being bugged for status reports and updates. Lucien has been keeping everyone informed of everything he's doing, and I really appreciate it.

In order to express my gratitude to this staple of Clan Scholae Palatinae, I recommend Lucien Kaeth for promotion to the rank of Obelisk Exarch. Congratulations and thank you.

-- RevengeX Palpatine Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco

To Whom It May Concern:

Over the last 7 months, No one has produced more for Clan Scholae Palatinae than our beloved Proconsul, Lucien Kaeth. While balancing both PCON and KCB, Lucien managed to accomplish many impressive feats for the Clan. Most importantly, Lucien has revamped our Master Student Program, which was in desperate need of reevaluation. Additionally, Lucien has taken up many other projects, including stimulating the release of the CSP Gazette, a monthly Newsletter published by members of the clan, as well as rehashing the clan's military might by reorganizing our wiki pages. Furthermore, Lucien has also worked with RevengeX on getting an operational Clan Website going. Among a handful of other projects, Lucien has developed into a steady presence that is required within the clan.

Although he was a new comer to the clan not so long ago, Lucien's ability to work with those that had already called CSP home made him fill the role of PCon perfectly. As QUA of HDS, Lucien has made my job considerably easier. When something needs to get done for the Clan, he's your man. Even if it is something small and relatively meaningless, Lucien will give you his time and listen to what you have to say. This trait is admirable among leadership and has contributed greatly to Lucy's success in CSP.

Among the myriad of side projects that Lucien has contributed, his own attention has been devoted mostly at advancing his clan. I am almost positive that I am not privy to all the top secret things he has done, but even I have seen enough to realize that he is worthy of commendation. Several policies instated by Lucien have helped the Clan, trim some of the fat from the last GJW. One such policy is the Activity or AWOL policy. Plainly…Either you are active or you get awoled. The policy, while plain, has actually benefited the clan by getting members to participate when they were otherwise unmotivated to do so.

In 7 months of service as PCON, Lucien has accomplished what many could not do in a year's time. He continually works himself to the bone all for the advancement of the Clan. He's a great confidant, and a problem solver. Lucien and all his hard work has greatly contributed to the molding and sustenance of this great clan. Thank you for everything you have done Lucien and congratulations.

-SBL Thran Occasus, QUA House Dorimad Sol

During his tenure as Proconsul, Lucien has been instrumental in the growth and prosperity of the Clan, helping push her into a new age. Since his last promotion, Lucien has been awarded the Sapphire Blade for his numerous works for the clan and the planning, running, judging of Reclamation. After that award, Lucien took off with a list of projects. First, he organized, planned, ran and judged more the 75% of the CSP Winter Games. He was able to pick up on my slack as I was somewhat "gone" in that time. He ran the competition with minimal over seeing by myself, a testament to his growth as a leader.

Along with competitions, he strives to help progress members and give them more meaning to each step they take within the Clan and DB. By this, he has overtaken the responsibility of rewriting the promotional fictions for when people are promoted, revamp of promotional guidelines to include the MAA/SA auto promos, his untold work as KCB for seven months, and the task of moving Yeldarb to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight as his master. With being a master himself, he has worked hard to revamp the Master/Student program, making masters accountable for both their actions and that of their students and making sure they stay active and have fun within the DB. On the route of revamping, Lucien along with his team, has been working hard to make CSP's Legions and Fleet more believable. Currently all legion number have been updated to match "actual" troops numbers as well as the construction of NPC's for both Legion and Naval commanders. Along with the NPC's, military ranks and uniforms are being constructed to model the new vision of CSP forces and will be awarded to those members that show promise; adding to the ever-growing fictional outlet for our members. Finally, in the push to help our members grow fictionally, Lucien has overseen Anga and her team in the creation of CSP's first fictional newsletter. Unlike other newsletters that have come about, this will focus merely on the fictional aspects of CSP, in-character interviews and reports on the occurrences within CSP space. Lucien has been the model of what every PCON should be. Taking the ideas created and running with them, giving them a life of their own. One day I will be honored when I step down and nominate him as my successor, but for now, I am honored to recommend my friend, my brother, to the rank of Obelisk Exarch. It is well deserved.

Phoenix Palpatine Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Congratulations on your promotion

Dark Side Adept Syn Kaek Master At Arms

Syn Kaek, 2008-05-05 16:53:45 UTC
Event ID
Knight Commander of the Brotherhood
Society Leaders
Event ID
Old Name
New Name
Lucien Kaeth
Primary reason

I have been inducted into the Kaeth family as a Prefect of Darkness and I wish for my dossier to reflect that.


Lucien, 2007-11-02 07:43:01 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Equite 1
New Rank
Equite 2
Requested by
Primary reason

It is with distinction and pride that I recommend the elevation of Lucien. As I review his work over the past year and a half, since his last promotion, I am strong of the opinion he has served the Brotherhood adequately to merit this long overdue promotion.

Lucien's personal activity has been admirable over that time. He had led by example during two separate conflicts, collecting both Seals of Alliances & Seals of Conquest. Additionally he has collected two crescents (Sapphire & Amethyst), clusters of fire, proven his dark side knowledge (2 legions of the scholar), wrote for the Dark Voice (Dark Side Scroll) and received a Dark Cross & Steel Cross. This does not include his IRC presence - a medium he utilizes to encourage participation, mentorship and communication between leaders and envoys.

As a leader, Lucien has served with authority and ingenuity. Shortly after his last promotion he was elevated to the position of ProConsul, where he learned under the Grand Master Emeritus Chi Long... before being thrust into the limelight of Consul of Plagueis. A position he held for some time - a task that would be beyond most Equite 1's. Lucien gave a great deal of time and energy to this position: defining the Acarr System (including the creation of a working, moving graphic), re-opening Battle Teams and giving them activities and purpose, creating lanes of open communication between Clans (Working with Arania to host inter-Clan competitions) and the normal duties/tasks of a Consul (Reports, Member Administration, Filling positions, etc). Lucien did this while serving as Clan Envoy - a position he has revolutionized - and greeted/mentored many of Plagueis' prominent, now serving members.

Now, Lucien serves under the banner of Scholae Palatinae as the Proconsul. He recently assisted us in our massive undertaking in the Seventh Great Jedi War that helped us attain the title of Second Clan. His personal activity and mentorship of young members helped spur a second half rally that not only overcame the pressure from Tarentum, but served as a catalyst for several new members success within the Clan. He delivered eight posts in the clan run-on, twenty nine JA matches, eight matches in the BF2/EaW Ladder, eight fiction entries and seven entries for the Poetry/GFX Ladder. He was an all-star for our Clan, delivering a major performance when the Clan needed a rallying point.

As I have said, Lucien is a dedicated and driven member. He has proven himself a capable leader and future member of great import within Scholae Palatinae. For his eagerness to mentor, his excellence in Envoy work and all the small things I cannot remember to include... I request his elevation within the Equite Class.

Thank you Lucien, I hope you will become a pillar unto the Clan as you hold the title and seat of Proconsul

Braecen Kaeth Kunar & Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine

Lucien, 2007-09-10 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Scholae Palatinae