
Novitiate 4, Rogues, Sith
Xanatos97299 has collected 4 Academic Credits, with an average score of 0%
Xanatos97299 has completed 0 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Xanatos97299 has completed 7 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Department of Legends Obelisk Legends 12 Jul, 2005 12 Jul, 2005 Complete
Department of Legends Sith Legends 9 Jun, 2005 9 Jun, 2005 Complete
The Archives MSN Messenger Studies 16 May, 2005 16 May, 2005 Complete
The Archives Starfighter Tactics 23 May, 2005 23 May, 2005 Complete
The Archives Dark Jedi Meditation 16 May, 2005 16 May, 2005 Complete
The Archives Training Saber Basics 1 Jun, 2006 1 Jun, 2006 Complete
N/A Trial of Identity 11 May, 2005 11 May, 2005 Complete