Grand Cross events for Malisane Sadow

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Following the Conclave of the Inner Circle of Clan Naga Sadow for the Month of February 2006 the Clan Summit, Black Guard, Inner Order and Sons of Sadow have nominated Dark Jedi Knight Malisane De Ath for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Malisane has had an interesting career, having shot up relatively quickly compared to most. Though it was with some uncertainty that he was appointed to the typically veteran position of Clan Envoy he has far surpassed the expectations any may have had. Malisane is a remarkably active Envoy, dedicated to the job in a way I have never seen before, taking the position with the full seriousness its modern duties entail. His Clan's success in terms of recruitment and retainment numbers are testament to his mature attitude and thoughtful approach to the position. Outside his work as an Envoy, Malisane provides a careful and judgemental approach to the Dark Brotherhood, based on wisdom rather than petty disagreements, that has in many respects led to the re-evaluation and improvement of a number of Clan systems.

Here are a selection of the recommendations:

Ever since I've returned to CNS, my inbox has been flooded with mails from Malisane to the Journeymen of the clan. Each and every one is welcome, and explained how everything works. And this has been for a long time now. I fully agree with this medal. Congrats, Malisane. You earned it. -Korras, PCON of Naga Sadow

What can I say about Malisane? He does his job, and he does it well. Malisane keeps things together with the Envoys, and tirelessly works hard to make certain that things have been handled. Although he hasn't been here long, he seems to have taken his role very seriously, and seems to enjoy it. For that effort, among other things, I support this award. - Krath Archpriest Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu

Malisane is a name that conjures up images of a hard-working, dedicated member of Naga Sadow. He has spent much of his time thinking of various ways to improve and streamline the Envoy process that currently exists in Naga Sadow, out of a simple desire to make the transition into regular Brotherhood activities as easy as possible for new members. Time will, I'm sure, simply give Malisane more opportunities to stand out as a member and as someone who merely wants to improve the Brotherhood. Add to that a cheerful disposition that nevertheless knows when serious discussion is needed and a personality that understands how things work, and you have an excellent Envoy and an excellent member. Malisane constantly surprises with his ideas, and I look forward to seeing what else he can come up with that will improve the processing of new members in Naga Sadow. Thanks for all you've done, Mal! KE Nekura Manji Keibatsu

Malisane has been a wonderful example of one of the most hard-working individuals within the Clan. We see him not only putting his ideas on the line for us to review and criticize, he does so without taking the judgements personally. He implements those ideas that are strong, and follows the implementation to its completion. Malisane personally greets every person that comes into the clan, ensuring that someone sends them a follow up email, so that no one is overlooked, all without any ask for recognition of his efforts. Even when he had computer problems, he found ways to manage the emails that needed to be sent. I wish that we had more members that had Malisane's dedication, wisdom, and patience. Thank you for everything, you have earned this and more. ~Kat Pridemore

It is therefore with great pleasure that I extend my congratulations, and thank him on behalf of the whole of the Inner Circle for his exceptional contribution to the Clan.

~ Consul Xanos Sadow & Inner Circle

, 2006-02-12 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Kat Pridemore
Primary reason

<br> Malisane participated in 10 events in the Sixth Great Jedi War. He earned 362 points, putting him 14th out of 51 participants in Clan Naga Sadow, and helping to lead his Clan to its best finish in a Great Jedi War. However, that is not the primary reason we are requesting a Grand Cross for Malisane. <br> <br> Malisane’s assistance in the run-on was invaluable. Without his assistance in helping move the story line along, and helping mesh together the parts of the story, Naga Sadow would not have taken first in this event.<br> <br> For his outstanding performance in the GJW, as well as his overall good attitude and encouragement for others, I believe he has more then earned this award. Congratulations, Malisane. We really appreciated the vast amount of time you spent in this war on behalf of Naga Sadow. ~ Kat Pridemore, PCON of Naga Sadow.<br>

Kat Pridemore, 2006-09-02 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Primary reason

Malisane De Ath has been an exceptional leader in his time as Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh. He has participated fervently in every major competition, ran comps of his own, encouraged the new members and made sure each one of them was welcomed. He ensured that the Envoy system with in our clan has greeted and instructed all new members. His work on the recent clan wide competition, 'Attacking the Clones' can not go unnoticed. His organization and dedication to this massive comp has been wonderful and the whole clan appreciates all the efforts he put forth to pull it together and make it happen. Mali has been a trusted advisor to me personally as we led this house together the past few months and continues to be so today. He more then deserves this Grand Cross for all he has done for his clan and the brotherhood as a whole.
~KP Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, HLK QUA

Malisane recently stepped down as Quaestor, and it was obvious that the clan should reward him somehow, but I wasn't sure how. This Grand Cross should do the trick. Let me tell anybody who's reading this recommendation something: Malisane is a wonderful human being. He has been a confidant and a friend, and I don't consider myself to have that many good friends in the DB. Malisane is one of those few members of the DB who join at an older age, who have a certain maturity. I honestly don't think I would have made it as far as I did as Consul of this clan without his help. My only regret was that I didn't know him earlier. He would have been a fun member to have in the clan back in 1999.

Since his last major reward a few months ago, Malisane has done his job as Quaestor admirably. Malisane always puts people first, and from what we've witnessed in the DB lately, it's that aspect of this organization that seems to be lacking (although it looks like efforts are being made to change that). In addition, Malisane wrote story for, organized, and partially judged his "Attacking the Clones" competition, which involved about 15 members of the clan spanning 8 events. It was a nice competition, a throwback to the way things ran back in the good ole days. But what do I know, I'm an old coot. :P

Malisane, you are one of the closest friends I've ever had in this club in 9 years. You are an honorable, humble, and overall decent human being, and you are to be commended for it.

Dark Adept Manesh Sadow Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Malisane DeAth has been one of the best Quaestors that this Clan has ever had. His dedication to House Ludo Kressh and Clan, unceasing work, running of competitions, and input in the Conclave has been wonderful. For someone to work as KCB and as a Quaestor is a lot of work, and Malisane handled it with panache. In one case, our Clan was short of a KCE and Malisane filled that role for a bit as well as everything else for a few months. His thoughtful input in Clan discussions has been greatly appreciated by me, even before I was Proconsul. The run-ons that he constantly participates in and creates have largely been unrecognized, as many of them were not competitions but rather for fun. And I have had much fun playing with him in them. He has been an excellent example of what a good Quaestor should be- an example for all those in his House. Leadership ultimately comes from above, and Malisane has done a fine job as a leader. It made me sad to see him step down, but concentrating on his many duties as KCB is a good thing. In summation, the Clan Summit feels that Malisane deserves a Grand Cross for his overall efforts as QUA, as well as work as KCB during his tenure.

SBL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura CNS Proconsul Fourth Caste of the Inner Order

Adept Macron Goura Sadow, 2007-06-26 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Manji Keibatsu Sadow
Primary reason

Continuing with his dedicated service to Clan Naga Sadow, Malisane worked tirelessly as both Quaestor and Aedile of House Ludo Kressh for six months. During this time he developed the House with fresh new ideas such as the Bastion and built upon things he had helped create in the past such as The Underground. And when the Clan needed his serves once again during the Spoils of War, Malisane rose to the occasion and contributed to the Clan’s effort to place third overall. For his time and effort, I am proud to recommend Malisane for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. – SWL Robert Sadow <br> <br> If I were to consider a member for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side, it would have to be for someone who has been a lasting influence on both old hat members and the new flock, and one who serves without regard of reward; such a person is Malisane Sadow. In my short but eventful career in the Dark Brotherhood, Malisane has been a constant and influential presence. He is one who can help you further a goal, or one who has no problem being the voice of the dissenting Devil's Advocate; like it or not, a Clan needs that sort of voice for it to move forward and be successful. Personally, he has grown to be one of my closest comrades here in CNS, having mentored me through various stages in my career. He leads by example, having displayed a tremendous amount activity in nearly every Vendetta I've been present for, up to and including the Rite of Supremacy: Spoils of War event. Further, Malisane has not only supported me as my Aedile when I served as Quaestor, presenting novel ideas for activity for the membership, he was more than willing to take the reins from me after real life had called me away for a time. In summary, Grand Crosses should be reserved for and rewarded to members who can be considered icons of their Clans; I am proud to hold Malisane Sadow in such regard, and to add my name to the list of recommendations. Congratulations, Mali; you deserve it! ~KE Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow <br> <br> Malisane is another of the CNS veterans; he's been around for a long time now, and yet still gets stuck in and helps out the Clan whenever we have need of his assistance. During the RoS, Malisane (despite his relative inexperience with the ACC) got stuck into the ACC events and although he didn't take any victories away, his determination to help out the Clan was clear to see from the battles that he did fight. On top of that, Malisane entered several fiction and poetry events, his submissions definitely contributing to the Clan's overall victory. On top of this, Malisane was until a little while before the RoS active in leadership, as both Aedile and Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh. He did everything he could to motivate the House into activity, organising and running the run-on 'Underworld', and was a great mentor to the current Quaestor, Dyrra, giving her an idea of how to run a House. Couple this with his high participation during the last Clan Feud, and, well... I think the pattern is clear; Malisane is one of those people who is quiet, but participates like mad behind the scenes and does everything he can to aid his Clan and House in times of need. For that, and in light of his sterling work during the Rite of Supremacy, it is my pleasure to recommend him for this Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratulations, Mal! ~KPN Manji Keibatsu Sadow, Consul of Naga Sadow

Manji Keibatsu Sadow, 2010-03-02 16:58:51 UTC