- Event ID
- 19081
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
- Primary reason
2 SA exams, entered in several HOO trivia comps, has submitted to House and clan competitions, has suggested several ideas for the house run comps, been a active member entering in Battle team Bas-Tyra competitions. Also has been on IRC a few times chatting away with the members of Arcona, also been active on the DB forums board.
Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir, 2006-03-07 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 20832
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
- Primary reason
GRD Scyrone, has competed in 3 Battle team competitions, 2 House competitions, 1 Clan competition, entered in two different gaming days, and recruited one member to the brotherhood. Hes also the recent recipient of the Legion of Boral in HOO for his activity in the House for June.<br>
I have also heard from him several times, he has asked for the Battle team commander spot of Bas-Tyra on several occasions. Has been on IRC a lot more in the recent months. Been a member on the forums, I do see great things befalling this member.<br>
Congrats on the Medal, job well done Scryone<br>
SBL Ma`ar-Tyrius BruthKothae Ga-Tir<br>
QUA of HOO<br>
Gaming Night Tribune<br>
Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir, 2006-07-04 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 39397
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Thran Occasus-Palpatine
- Primary reason
To Whom It May Concern:
I am commending Luciferus Leviathan for contributions in the 9th GJW: Unification. This members submissions to events contributed greatly to a well fought and extraordinarily close War. This members contributions held special gravity, particularly in terms of the diversity and quantity of submissions. For engaging in multiple events, contributing to a 3rd place for Clan Scholae Palatinae, and giving all our rival clans a run for their money, I award an Anteian Cross.
SWL Thran Occasus/CON/Scholae Palatinae
Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2009-05-11 19:00:18 UTC
- Event ID
- 150431
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Lord Idris Adenn
- Primary reason
Dek has been a welcome sight in Scholae Palatinae for a long while now. In addition to his great work on our wikipedia category, he has provided great insight and additions to clan and lore for our two houses. In addition, to this work, he has also been a very active member, completing 33 Competitions, 15 of which were for our recent feud against Naga Sadow. He turned out a bunch of quality of powerful submissions that helped push CSP to victory. He has completed an additional 2 SA courses, earned 2 Amethyst Stars, and a Sapphire Star, and 28 Clusters of Ice. For his great work I recommend he be awarded this Anteian Cross. Congratulations!
Lord Idris Adenn, 2016-08-18 01:43:10 UTC
- Additional reasons
Dek Rott is an outstanding member in the House, and continues to contribute to our progression. Most recently, he co-wrote and assisted in the development of the wiki lore we have, assisting in the update of several articles including military, house organisation and more that others can tell you.
Well done, Dek!
Quaestor of House Imperium
Battlelord Qor Kith, 2016-08-16 22:25:11 UTC
Dek Rott, a gem of a member in House Imperium. Dek isn't a house leader, but that doesn't stop him from being an exceptional contributor to the House. Whether its straight activity of his assistance in projects, Dek is always there to help. In addition, he participated in 15/17 clan feud competitions, acquiring a LOT of points for Imperium. He simply did an amazing job. In addition, his help in house and clan projects is great. Not many members help take on project oriented work, but Dek shines in such tasks. I recommend an Anteian Cross for Dek Rott.
Well done my friend! Well done! slides over a bottle of rancor tequila
~AED Blade Ta'var
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2016-08-16 23:14:53 UTC
Dek Rott is another member that contributed to the efforts in the clan feud with a mix of quantity of submissions (15) and quality. Dek is a very talented writer and is always willing to lend his skills to help the clan, especially in contribution to the lore via its wiki pages, which is always very welcome initiative.
General Zentru'la, 2016-08-17 08:19:24 UTC
Dek Rott is the kind of member you want in your clan. Not only is he a bastion of activity and talent, he is a hard worker, always willing to lend a hand and let his opinion be known. In recent months he helped Elincia update, flesh out and fine-tune the clan wiki, a dire undertaking he was instrumental in doing. He is a storm of activity, and you know that when he participates in a competition, his submissions will rate high. He was instrumental to CSP’s victory in the Shattered Ties Vendetta.
Well done Dek Rott and congratulations!
, 2016-08-18 00:19:30 UTC
- Event ID
- 163695
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
- Primary reason
Of the team of people I pulled from a large pool of Magistrate applicants that I did not hire, Dek has been the stand out performer. His activity has outshone anyone else I've assigned tasks to, and has been invaluable as a project aide. Most specifically, Dek tackled the new Run-On Studies Guide. He took the initial draft and notes from myself and Wuntila and ran with them. He read my feedback each time, and continued to work diligently to make the exam better and more in line with what I wanted. He crafted the questions to my specifications, and helped finish the first project under my Writing Department revamp project. On top of this, Dek has been working on small things as a proof reader, and even created a Character Sheet as an additional task for Kanan Jaruss from Star Wars: Rebels. This will be added to the Canon Character Guidelines to showcase more of how Canon character work in our system.
Thank you for the hustle and hard work, Dek. I really respect you stepping up even without holding an official position on my staff. I appreciate it.
Voice of the Brotherhood
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2017-05-17 02:15:30 UTC
- Event ID
- 174759
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Lontra Boglach
- Primary reason
It is an honor and pleasure to be able to recognize Dek Ironius II with an Antiean Cross for the considerable efforts he has made on behalf of Scholae Palatinae & Imperium for the Great Jedi War and these past few months. Without a doubt, Imperium wouldn’t be where it is today without Dek. His passion, dedication, and drive are the three greatest attributes I could wish for in a unit leader and Imperium has been blessed with these and more great skills from Dek.
Competing in 11 GJW events in total, Dek helped further Scholae Palatinae’s success by snatching a 9th place Battleplan finish as well as a 10 place finish in the Multi-Objective Prompt fiction. . In addition, he has completed 1 PVP match, wrote 8067 words of fiction, and passed 1 Shadow Academy course. A further note of importance, is that Dek has been an active contributor to both Imperium’s and its Battleteam’s community development. Since Dek’s last recognition, he has continued to serve as Aedile; continuing to develop our house community by taking the lead responsibilities of coordinating house competitions and monitoring all forms of house activities while also being a coach and cheerleader for our members, assisting in the guidance and instruction of our new Battleteam Leaders, and in general assisting me with further house focuses such as house lore development and project management - including covering for me for a two week period while I was away.
So thank you, Dek.
We could not manage without your continued contributions, dedication, and overall presence. Keep up great effort, and know that daily I am thankful for your assistance and leadership. I cannot wait to see where and what we shape Imperium into, together.
Raiju Kang
Quaestor of House Imperium
Lontra Boglach, 2017-12-13 03:43:50 UTC
- Additional reasons
Dek performs key duties in the house Imperium leadership and we’ve been very happy with his work since rejoining our summit team. Since his last recognition he’s put out a solid war performance, placing in both battleplan and multi-objective prompt to add to the 11 seals of wrath he earned for participation. Dek has helped with a wide range of projects in the house in terms of mentorship, encouraging participation and fictional development of the team. He’s an essential part of the team, a reliable presence in our planning chat and I’m happy to reward Dek’s efforts with a Steel Cross. Congratulations!
Elincia Rei
Consul of Scholae Palatinae
General Zentru'la, 2017-12-13 03:42:29 UTC
I’ve always found Dek’s attitude and approach to the responsibilities of leadership as refreshing. He has strong convictions about what a leader is and what a leader should be. And he holds himself - and others - to the same level of commitment. Sometimes this ruffles feathers, but without his continuous drive, I doubt we would have seen some of the vast improvements and changes in the Clan over the past several months.
He was a HUGE factor in bridging our old Imperium Summit to our new Imperium Summit; providing insight into every step of the decision-making process (new Battle Teams, new BT Leaders, planning documents, working the planning strategy, sharing & teaching the new BTLs, setting up future BT-centric competitions). He was vital in our war efforts (urging for pre-war organization, creation of the CSP GJW channel, proofing of the CSP war document, outreach and organization of team events). And he served the Brotherhood a great duty after the war to create, distribute, and record results from a post-GJW survey. The results have since been used by our leadership to create new direction for 2018 and were shared with the GM & DGM to give insight into CSP’s war experience.
Thank you for being an exceptional role model of a member and a leader, Dek. You’ve earned this Steel Cross a dozen times over.
Braecen Kaeth
Proconsul of Scholae Palatinae
Braecen Kaeth, 2017-12-13 03:43:10 UTC
- Event ID
- 215380
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Archangel Palpatine
- Primary reason
Battlelord Dek Iron’yikut was, until recently, the Quaestor of House Caliburnus, and served with distinction for the last month of his reign. Since his last recognition, he has been incredibly busy, working to improve the standings of both the Clan and the House through tireless activity and spurring others on wherever possible. He certainly led by example, earning 18 Seals of Enmity in the most recent Rites of Supremacy, Escalation Phase II, as well as a Bronze Nova for coming 3rd in a gaming event in the same competition.
Besides his large-scale competition success, he has completed 14 competitions, continued to be active as a gamer and a writer (1 PVP, 1 PVE, and 1808 words written), and graded four courses for the Shadow Academy. He has worked diligently in his role as a Professor for the Shadow Academy, administering the Department of Writing for the Headmistress.
Finally, he has acquired a bevy of crescents, clusters, and scrolls since his last award.
- Crescent with Topaz Star – 1
- Crescent with Quartz Star – 1
- Cluster or Fire – 5
- Cluster of Ice – 5
- Cluster of Graphite – 14
- Scroll of Foundation 15
Archangel Palpatine, 2022-01-06 03:13:35 UTC
- Additional reasons
Dek, wow, without his engagement the main plotline of Scholae Palatinae for the last couple years wouldn't have existed. The Dark Times Saga is his baby and I continue to count him as an advisor as we bring that to closure.
While his activity has been truncated due to his new, and long sought, new job in real-life, I look forward to his engagement as we close out The Dark Times Saga and expect more recognition to come his way!
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2022-01-06 03:04:20 UTC
- Event ID
- 232588
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
- Primary reason
I know Dek has a busy career, as a teacher, that often draws his attention away from the club. However, if I've learned one thing about Dek over the last 2 years, is that he always gets drawn into a good club wide competition. Dek made a splash with ProBowl and I'm excited to see what comes next from Dek.
- 34 total competitions
- 27 unique competitions
- 1 fictions
- 59 words written
- 1 Diamond
- 4 Emerald
- 2 Quartz
Shadow Academy:
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2022-11-01 02:46:22 UTC