Character Snapshot (Governor Tierra Suha'sen)

Character Snapshot for Guardian Peacekeeper V'yr Vorsa (2015/06/14, JK Jo Sunni vs. GP V'yr Vorsa)

Guardian Peacekeeper V'yr Vorsa

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Female Neti, Guardian, Sorcerer
Height: 2.0 m / 6'7" - Weight: 100.0 kg / 220 lbs
Age: 338 years - Ambidextrous
Physical Description


Vorsa is a tall, slender, feminine Neti standing at an average height of two meters when in humanoid form. In general she is able-bodied, with strong yet delicate limbs and a very feminine and athletic figure to accent her female personality. While her face is slightly elongated to appear rather more alien than human, her hair is what gives away her true nature. It is composed of bark, branches, leaves and moss in varying degrees and lengths. Her eyes are golden with an fiery accent, and are very often filled with compassion and wisdom in equal measure. She bears tribal tattoos of the Iwu Koraha Mahue tribe over her neck, upper chest, breasts and chin, with several trails of ink crawling down her well toned shoulders. Her fingers are long and delicate.


Vorsa mostly wears her Jedi robes in earthen tones such as brown, red or orange. These robes are custom made from light natural fabrics for practicality as well as comfort. More often than not she will wear less restrictive clothing which appears too revealing for more conservative tastes. She never wears boots, but rather covers her feet with fabrics or wears sandals in rough terrain. In environments she is accustomed to, such as woods, jungles and other natural environments, she walks and fights barefoot.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)


War veteran (General Aspect)

Being old as she is, V'yr Vorsa has lived through several major conflicts in the recent past. She is a long-standing veteran of war and the passions and emotions it brings. Due to her empathic link her emotions are much more profound when people die on the battlefield but she also always remembers her mission and the "bigger picture", sometimes ignoring the suffering of others for the greater good. Utterly devoted to the cause, she will walk over many more comrade's corpses before emotionally faltering before an enemy. She has seen everything the battlefield can throw at her and she always lives to fight another day. Some have found this to be a sign of indifference towards her comrades, but it's quite the opposite - she fights for the living as well as the memory of those who died.

Natural Endurance (General Aspect)

V'yr Vorsa does not sleep, eat, or consume large amounts of water. She has no biological need to rest and regenerate through REM sleep and has no need to ingest organic foods like other humanoids. This allows her to push herself through long working hours without a sign of fatigue. However, this boon is directly related to the conditions and the environment she is in. The more sunlight she has access to, the longer she can operate without needing meditation. The opposite is true as well. The less sunlight she gets, the more fatigued she gets. She eventually gets starved and exhausted if deprived of sunlight for extremely long periods of time. Meditation can slow down these negative effects but not stop them.

Empathic Link (Personality Aspect)

V'yr Vorsa has a deep connection with the Living Force. She finds it easy to align her senses with other beings and can feel their emotions to a certain degree. Sometimes she will spare an opponent, mostly out of pity, if she finds him weak in spirit or emotionally damaged. This trait has made her somewhat predictable and has gotten her into more than one threatening situation.

Tiger's Glare (Personality Aspect)

V'yr Vorsa was given a moniker by the Iwu Koraha Mahue - Toiora ne'Taika, or Roaring Tigress. Her mind is a steel trap on the battlefield, and once she sees a weakness in the enemy she will move with all force to exploit it and break their coherency. She has no qualms on sending entire squads to their deaths so that victory can be achieved - a fact that has seen her at odds with Clan leadership more than once, however her effectiveness in battle has never been questioned. Even though she finds it hard to admit to herself, she enjoys the rush of command, yet it is not a lust for power that drives her, but a sense of duty she has come to readily accept as the will of the Force itself.

Body of a Tree Trunk (Combat Aspect)

V'yr Vorsa has spent many hours and days toning and shaping her body and mind into a perfect combat machine. Her martial prowess, especially over the last decade, has increased above and beyond what some would consider normal. In personal and mass combat she will resort to her martial arts and her lightsaber to attack her opponent swiftly and with zeal, using all her knowledge of Vapaad and Teräs Käsi to do so. She is a general and warrior through-and-through and will lead her subordinates from the front, taking to the melee before anyone else.

Steady Under Pressure (Combat Aspect)

Vorsa is a woman of few words. She dislikes small talk and rarely speaks unless she has something meaningful to say. She keeps a calm and balanced demeanor at all times, even during combat, which grants her a clear mind in stressful situations. She prefers to have a cool head in the heat of battle. Her demeanor is the same in personal as well as mass combat, oftentimes making her seem heartless, cold and detached. However she will, most likely, pull the final blow. She prefers not to kill her opponents in personal combat, but rather incapacitate them as swiftly and efficiently as possible.

Skill Feats
Lightning Reflexes
Force Feats
Lance II Saber Throw I Know That Feel, Bro Telekinetic Strike III Elementary Reflexive Counter
Granted Feats
Neti: Natural Stamina Channel II
  • Basic
  • Neti
  • Shyriiwook
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Military Tactics (Ground Combat)
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Teras Kasi
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Vaapad)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None